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/ Market Basket Virtual Student Collaboration Model

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1 / Market Basket Virtual Student Collaboration Model
Beezr PM - TEAM / Market Basket Virtual Student Collaboration Model Project Management in Virtual Teams Course Material Please contact me for any open questions and comments! – Christian Steinreiber

2 Goal and Agenda Goal Overview of the specific characteristics for the management in geographically distributed project teams Agenda What is a geographically distributed project team? Opportunities and challenges of distributed project teams Key success factors for the project management in distributed teams Learn more

3 What is a Distributed Team?
Geographically Distributed or Dispersed Team (GDT) refers to a group of individuals who work across space, but also often across time and organizational boundaries. The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) constitutes all or a significant portion of the interaction between the team members. Therefore, GDT are called Virtual Teams.

4 The Bright and Dark Sides of Distribution of Team Members
Opportunities Challenges Participation in globalized markets and corporate activities Access to diverse skills, experience and market knowledge “Follow the sun” working (24h instead of 8h per day) Using improved communication technologies Cost advantages (?) Different cultures Different languages Different time zones Fewer personal meetings Difficulties establishing team spirit and trust Good teamwork is more difficult to achieve Limitations of standard PM approaches How to Manage Virtual Teams Magazine: Summer 2009Research Feature July 01, 2009  Reading Time: 16 min  Frank Siebdrat, Martin Hoegl and Holger Ernst Geographically dispersed teams can offer huge benefits – efficiency, cost savings, and the ability to choose team members with the best skills, regardless of their location. To make the team work well, choose the right team players, and ensure that you have strong communication technologies. Unite your team around a team charter, and communicate objectives clearly and frequently. Give frequent, fair, and appropriate feedback to everyone, and make sure you're always available to your team members. Even if your team can't meet in person frequently, try to occasionally visit all of your remote team members so they know that they're valued.

5 Success factors for managing distributed teams virtually
Project manager/team Be aware of project specific challenges when selecting the project manager/team. Culture Be aware of cultural differences. Goals and roles Project goals and roles must be clear for all team members from the very beginning. Trust Early trust building is very important. Leadership Prefer f2f meetings, encourage frequent communication, ensure visibility of activities. Coordination Be aware of team cohesion, project structure, time differences. Control Different tools to assess performance. IT Selection of adequate communication tools. Zugschwert, MIT, Patzak/Rattay

6 Learn more Wikipedia “Virtual Team”
Beezr Course material on virtual collaboration tools DeRosa, Darleen, Lepsinger, Richard (2010), Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance. Hoboken (New Jersey): John Wiley & Sons, Duarte, Deborah L., Snyder, Nancy Tennant (2006), Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed, 3rd edition. Hoboken (New Jersey): John Wiley & Sons McCabe, Laurie, Hurwitz, Judith, Kaufman, Marcia (2009), Collaboration for Dummies: IBM Limited Edition. Hoboken (New Jersey): John Wiley & Sons

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