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cFS Workshop Product Management

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1 cFS Workshop Product Management
core Flight System Workshop Caltech December 12, 2016 David McComas – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2 Agenda Historical context
Current state of product management & governance Challenges and risks with current state Potential transition options Call to serve

3 Historical Context Who controls which artifacts? What is scope of who can submit trouble tickets? What is scope of who can make contributions? How is technology infusion managed? How do we control quality? Community ? NASA Configuration Control Board (CCB), established in December 2014, has successfully managed multiple releases of cFS components January 2015 cFS released as open source to allow anyone developing FSW with some fortitude to use the cFS NASA cFS originally created by GSFC FSW Branch to reduce GSFC FSW costs Successfully met this goal by using a product line approach with reusable and configurable lifecycle artifacts GSFC

4 Current Product Management State
NASA NASA CCB Change Requests Releases OSAL & PSPs cFE & Tools Apps Contributions User Tools Apps Executive Platform

5 Current Product Management Challenges
Adoption Users must assemble their own distribution (cFS is not productized) Difficulty evaluating, performing trades, and configuring for different platforms 4:1 ratio of cFE-to-Apps downloads Engagement & Participation Non-NASA users can’t submit trouble tickets No non-NASA contributions Communication limited to lists Participation in community, internal & external to NASA, not clearly defined Resources CCB takes on more responsibility without additional resources We capitalize on some NASA resources, but not leveraging the community’s extensive resources

6 Current Risks Duplication and fragmentation Sustainability
Simulink Interface Layer (SIL), Software Bus Network (SBN) This isn’t always a bad thing for innovation Sustainability NASA resources too limited to address growing challenges Isolated knowledge in individuals What if they leave? Community member retention & growth We need to build trust & loyalty Manage expectations Funding

7 State of the Community Business Model
Funding Model No institutional funding, Advanced Exploration Systems (JSC) provides a lifeline Members use ‘local’ funding to support community activities New release content driven by upcoming member mission needs No formal community charter, by-laws, or operating procedures in place Original 2012 draft charter never signed Some original concepts still valid, but top-down funding approach needs rework Product Management is evolving and a management plan needs to be defined to cover Scope of products controlled by the CCB Product release strategies and versioning Product delivery and community feedback

8 The Power of Community 1993 -
2001 - 2009 - Microsoft releases digital encyclopedia called Encarta Wikipedia launched Microsoft terminates Encarta Microsoft’s market capitalization is 25 years of NASA budgets

9 Community Governance Transition Approach
Why What How Review Understand our goals Understand the context Create a product management model Define governance needs Design systems & processes that implement the product management model Draft governance plan Review the plans and create a path for concurrence Topics for workshop

10 Transition Challenges
We may not share the same vision or sense of purpose Therefore we may not agree on what needs to change NASA is a government organization so inherent obstacles First about think why & what without getting bogged down with how Second ask questions of how this could be realized. What type of governance model would take us to our goals? Once we align to a common mission then we can create the right infrastructure that enables us to achieve the mission Remainder of session Propose a cFS mission statement Present a couple of ideas for discussion Not trying to solve today, trying create a starting point for a working group

11 cFS Community Purpose Advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of a NASA Class B flight software system Important we stay focused on our domain Cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services. All inclusive in terms of organizations No constraints on complementary products

12 Idea #1 – NASA Centric Transition from To
A NASA board that collects and maintains NASA assets To A NASA managed organization that provides Products, processes, and tools that allow distributors to integrate and distribute complete solutions

13 Idea #1 - NASA Centric cFS Community Assets NASA CCB Custom NASA
Change Requests Assets Change Requests Contributions NASA CCB Distributor Change Requests Contributions Custom Distributions NASA Release Tools Apps Executive Platform Tools Apps Executive Platform Tools Apps Executive Platform Mission

14 Idea #1 – NASA Centric Clearly identify what NASA CCB controls and releases NASA Release would be a small set of platforms abstractions, cFE, and a set of architectural significant applications such as SCH, CI, TO, HS, CF, FM, & SBN. Create clear architectural model, processes, and tools for community component contributions Platform abstractions: OSAL/PSP Device drivers Apps cFS Developer Kits Distributors assemble components into releases Any organization, including NASA, can be a distributor Releases could be targeted to specific user community

15 Idea #2 - Governance Model
Board of Directors Technical Steering Committee User Committee cFS cFE PSP/OSAL Apps cFS NASA cFS CubeSat Committee CF Core Groups cFS Distribution Groups

16 Top-Level Governance Board of Directors
The Board of Directors provides strategic and financial oversight of Foundation resources and staff. Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Technical Committee members define and steward the technical direction of cFS software, including cross-program issues. The committee is made up of PTLs and members by the project’s Active Technical Contributors User Committee (UC) Represents a broad set of users with the Technical Committee and Board of Directors

17 Participation Categories
Active Technical Contributors An ATC is an Individual Member who has had a contribution approved for inclusion in any of the official cFS projects during one of the two prior release cycles of the cFS Group (“Approved Contribution”). Such Individual Member shall remain an ATC for three hundred and sixty five days after the date of acceptance of such Approved Contribution. Individual Members Individual membership within the cFS Community is free and open to anyone. Individual Members are expected to participate in the community through technical contributions or community building efforts. Contributor Non-members who contribute in technical or non-technical ways to the project but who is not able to make decisions about the product or hold elected offices.

18 What Is A “Group” Independent & Self-Governing
Utilize cF organizational framework, processes, policies and infrastructure Led by participant-elected Group Team Lead (PTL) PTLs are elected for each project team. They manage day-to-day operations, drive the project team goals and resolve technical disputes within their project team.

19 cF Group Types cFS Distributions New Technology Incubation
Core Groups cFS cFE OSAL/PSP Apps Associated Groups cFS Distributions New Technology Incubation EDS Distributed Systems SatKit? Etc. Candidate Groups Early stage projects which have not been accepted as an official cF Associated Group

20 Sponsors In-Kind Sponsors Paid Sponsorships Sponsorship benefits TBD
Organizations or individuals who contribute in-kind support (infrastructure, software, services, etc.) Paid Sponsorships Organizations or individuals who contribute money Three Levels Bart Lisa Maggie Sponsorship benefits TBD

21 Potential Board Committees
Educational Outreach Evangelism / Marketing Operations Legal Community Management

22 Conclusion Create a working group to
Define a product management and governance model Lead a transition to the new model Mike Aguilar, NASA Engineering Safety Committee (NESC) will discuss some activities

23 Backup Slides

24 A Few Questions... To Foundation or Not To Foundation?
Governance model Board officer positions New software license? Member categories/types Contribution process definition Membership agreement Initial board and project members Etc.

25 Development Tools & APIs
cFS Community Members ITOS COSMOS Ground Systems ASIST Government NASA Product Management Development Tools & APIs Unit Test Performance EDS Table International cFE Apps Core Lab Apps Applications Academia App Library Apps Industry App Libraries cFE API Executive cFE cFE OS Abstraction API Platform Support Package API Platform Abstraction PSPs OS Abstract OS Abstract PSPs HW Platforms – SpaceCube, PowerPC, Coldfire, Talarian Take Away: CFS consists of many layers and components which can be interchanged based on mission needs. GSFC and NASA benefit through commonality, sharing and collaboration on these layers and components. Without management and standardization of selected parts the full benefits will be lost and a great opportunity missed. Many layers allow for flexibility for many types of missions. AES is spending 8 FTE and $1.5 million to move CFS to toward Class A this year. If good progress is made an additional 2 years will be added. If we can make the API layers standard, we can then take advantage of the Class A software for AR&D and robotic servicing (RESTOR) Contributors: Bug Fixes, Verification Users: Feedback, Feature Requests, Bug Reports User Support NASA Controlled Assets External to cFS Member Sponsored Assets

26 A Few Realities… ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) and the EAR (Export Administration Regulations) Export control regulations Recent ITAR changes have moved some space related items from the U.S. Munitions List (USMAL) to the Commerce Control List (CCL) NASA Software Engineering Requirements, NPR B (11/19/14 – 11/19/19) Establishes the engineering requirements for software acquisition, development, maintenance, retirement, operations, and management consistent with the governance model contained in NASA Policy Directive (NPD) , NASA Governance and Strategic Management Handbook. This NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) supports the implementation of the NASA Policy Directive (NPD) Release of NASA Software, NPR C (expired 8/11/15) Establishes procedures and responsibilities for the reporting, review, assessment, and release of software created by or for NASA Inventions Made By Government Employees, NPD B (4/21/08 – 4/21/18) Civil servant or contractors receiving research and development funding are required to report their findings to the Technology Transfer Office

27 Virtual Teams Groups of people aligned with a common interest
E.g. Multicore processors, Xenomai, Electronic Data Sheets Two types Integrated Team: Organized as a project Cooperative: Parallel teams that maintain communication Challenges Funding source(s) may not agree with producing cFS assets in addition to their own goals. “Think global, act local” doesn’t work in every situation. Restrictions on sharing information Aligning teams with NASA Controlled Asset deliverables

28 Virtual Team Topic Area - Architecture
Multicore, Partitioned Systems, Memory Protection Software Bus Network Driver Plugins Libraries Non-volatile configurations, EEPROM File System (EEFS) Security

29 Virtual Teams Topic Area - Tools
Deployment, Configuration Parameter profiles Automated unit testing Platform-independent build testing Application Certification Electronic Data Sheets Code Generation: Simulink Interface Layer Benchmarks Integrated Development Environment Ground systems

30 Virtual Team Topic Area - Communication
Website Training courses Promotional material Business case material Outreach & Education Learning platforms: Quadcopter, PiSat, …

31 User Scenarios Identify and prioritize user scenarios that need to be supported by the community. Helpful for ‘testing’ the product management and governance model Obtain and build the cFS Locate product and follow instructions Ask questions Configure and target the cFS to a platform Learn whether desired target has been done before Get training Submit a trouble ticket Make a contribution back to a product: NASA or user sponsored Obtain a list of outstanding tickets Get information on future release plans Submit a Member Sponsored Artifact Form a virtual team Create a collaboration project

32 Use Cases What product does the CCB control? How does it release and distribute them? Obtain and build the cFS Locate product and follow instructions Ask questions Configure and target the cFS to a platform Learn whether desired target has been done before Get training Submit a trouble ticket: Internal to NASA (i.e. NDC account) or external to NASA Make a contribution back to a product: NASA product or user sponsored Obtain a list of outstanding tickets Get information on future release plans Submit a Member Sponsored Artifact Platforms Make a platform available to community Certify a platform Hardware device Make a hardware driver available to the community Certify a hardware plugin Applications Make an application available to community Certify an application Form a virtual team Create a collaboration project 9/20/16

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