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Visualise the Future IKEA Workplace

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2 Visualise the Future IKEA Workplace

3 Create a future wished position for the IKEA workplace based on the relevant IKEA strategies, understanding of trends and developments and based on the IKEA business needs.

SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHICS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY GLOBALIZATION AND GLOBAL POWER SHIFT DIGITALIZATION OF BUSINESS DIGITAL FUTURE IN TALENT MANAGEMENT AND THE WORKPLACE Here is what we call our mega trends An ageing population paired with the millenniums, we now have 5 generations in the workplace. 7.3 billion, & (Africa fasted growth area) 17% >60 Europe , 34% in 2050an 7.3 billion people on this planet, 3.2 billion are middle class, 40% of the population living in China and India. We are facing economic power shift to Asia The way we work is changing, digitalization means people, robots, Ai, 3d working side by side 80% of adults will have a smartphone by 2020 It is not about the product, it is about the meaning and our responsibility To be able to attract and retain talent we need to provide a modern and humanistic workplace Adaptive, flexible and diverse Strong inspiring vision Shared values and live them everyday

5 Industrial Revolution 4.0
1784 First mechanical loom thru the introduction of steam and water power 1870 first assembly line thru introduction of the division of labour 1969 first programmable logic controller (PLC) HP electronic and IT automate production

6 The truly mobile lifestyle
The TRULY MOBILE CO-WORKER will be totally connected to the cyber-physical world. What we talk about today as technology, gadgets, smart phones etc. will be totally embedded into our natural life. Just like electricity is embedded into our lives today, the cyber connection will be embedded. People will always be connected to the network, machines will be connected to the network, and there is always a presence. One can define whether one is available or unavailable, whether one can be disturbed or not, whether one is working, playing or sleeping. In fact it will not just be the people that are connected to the network it will also be all the monitors on your body, house, all physical objects. The TRULLY MOBILE CO-WORKER can connect to any devices around them and / or redirect messages between the physical objects. Photo by Charis Tsevis

7 Imagine if your job would be MULTI- CHANNEL activity based,

8 Where both IKEA and it’s co-workers fully endorse cultural and social inclusion within the workplace and the community,

9 IKEA co-workers are empowered to live healthy at work throughout all life stages
IKEA could enable it’s co-workers with the ability to improve their life within the areas of fitness and also sickness both inside and outside of the workplace. The ability to improve our lifestyle through balance of work and free time, through the way that we live, sleep and eat but also how IKEA values are adopted inside and outside the workplace. The ability to improve their viability, the ability to improve and focus on your personal development and growth, both crucial to maintain happiness, motivation, and peace of mind.

10 To Meet and Communicate
Our capabilities To Enable Work To Meet and Communicate To Plan & Organise To Access To live healthy To Eat and Drink To Socialise To be safe and secure


12 To Enable Work The ability to enable our co-workers to perform their assigned duties.
Common workplace standards and infrastructure are lacking. Mixture of IKEA tools and personal tools. Common workplace standards and infrastructure established and fully implemented. IKEA has provided the basic tools to be able to work. Common workplace standards and infrastructure are established and supported. All IKEA co-workers utilize the tools that are provided to be able to work. Common workplace standards, infrastructure and tools to enable activity based way of working. NO MATURITY BASIC MATURITY EMERGING MATURITY MATURE MATURITY The enable work capability is about the enablement of work - the way of working, not the work by itself. Definition The ability to enable our co-workers, suppliers and customers to perform their assigned duties in the workplace. The primary purpose of Enable work capability is to see that the COMMON WORKPLACE STANDARDS, i.e. the IKEA Group policies, standards and rules for the workplace, are defined and utilized. The common workplace standards include the place of work, starting from your physical location, through to the possibility to working in multiple locations, which could include the standards for satellite locations and home office and the ability to work in the community. The common workplace standards include terms of employment, flexible workplace standards, flexible schedules. IKEA Approach to employment standards is an example of the standards set by the IKEA Group in relation with its co-workers. The activity based way of working changes the way of working from one assignment based on a job title to the possibility to have one of more activities in one or more physical locations. Multi-channel activity based way of working is the combination of multi-channelling way of working and activity based way of working. Common workplace standards for activity based way of working and Multi-channel activity based way of working will need to be established and enabled to support the Enable Work Capability.

13 Value Touch Points Co-worker Team IKEA Group Strategic Time to value
A way of working that harmonizes my life and meets future needs and demands In a fragmented world keep it together in a holistic way To be able to work as traditional teams but also as virtual teams and new constellations A modern and humanistic way of working built on IKEA culture and values Healthier workforce, less sickness, less stress and better people sustainability Time to value In a fragmented world keep it together in a holistic way Right person at the right time on the right place, virtual or IRL Increase in Co-worker retention and employee branding Efficiency Right capability's to fulfill my work independent on time and location Ability to work in teams independent on location and time Efficient satisfied and proud workforce Decrease cost Decrease cost in overtime Decrease costs in recruitment Decrease risks Decrease risk of resigning Decrease risk in attraction Quality Strong leading self leadership In work/ life balance Strong leading others remotely Better business and current affairs knowledge in IKEA Sustainable Reduce travel carbon footprint

14 Most things still remain to be done, A glorious future! THANK YOU!

15 George E Muir Process Developer Visualise the Future IKEA Workplace
MAKE IKEA A GREAT WORKPLACE IKEA Services AB I am a passionate and inspirational person, with a strong background in Architecture, Processes and People along with a enormous interest in Technology, an fantastic mix of hard and soft skills. I have written , evangelised and implemented many concepts within my career that are still being used even after years of being launched. Many of my ideas are beyond reasonable thinking but with great motivation and trust these ideas have landed into great business solutions.

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