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Presentation on theme: "AUCKLAND * HAMILTON * PALMERSTON NORTH * WELLINGTON * CHRISTCHURCH * DUNEDIN February – April 2017."— Presentation transcript:

February – April 2017

2 Plan for the Day A few housekeeping tips first Session 1 9:15 – 11:00
Morning tea minutes Session :20 – 12:40 Lunch minutes Session :20 – 2:30 Booklet and pens Allergies Photos Emergency exit Toilets Cups Horn of Justice

3 Why Justice Leadership Days?
Eyes opened to injustice in the world Understand the work of Caritas Meet with students from other schools Learn more about challenges in the Pacific Discuss strategies for combating climate change Find out about the 2017 Caritas Challenge Have fun!


5 Lord, bless our day together.
May our minds be opened to learn what you have to teach us today. May our eyes be opened to see more clearly the needs of our brothers and sisters, both near and far away.

6 May our hearts be opened
that we might encounter one another with love. Amen.



9 Who is the President of the United States of America?
Helen Clark Donald Trump Practice Question: Who is the President of the United States of America? Miss Piggy George Bush

10 What is the full name of the Caritas agency in New Zealand?
Caritas Kiwiana Aotearoa Caritas Question 1: What is the full name of the Caritas agency in New Zealand? Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Caritas NZ

11 Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the agency for...
Love and all good things Justice, peace and development Question 2: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the agency for... Peace until the end of time Economics, power and control

12 Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the agency for which group?
New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference New Zealand Catholic Education Office Question 3: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the agency for which group? New Zealand Labour Party New Zealand Catholic newspaper

13 What does Caritas mean in Latin?
Kindness Equality Question 4: What does Caritas mean in Latin? Consumerism Love

14 The Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand slogan is to work for a world…
Free of war and corruption Full of chocolate Question 5: The Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand slogan is to work for a world… Focused on love and selflessness Free of poverty and injustice


16 Which of the following is NOT a fundamental Caritas value?
Order Human dignity Question 6: Which of the following is NOT a fundamental Caritas value? Justice Equality

17 Sending goods overseas
Emergency relief Question 7: Which of the following actions is NOT part of Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand's main functions? Social justice education Development

18 Question 8: CST is the acronym for… Christian Spiritual Teaching
Catholics Supporting Talent Question 8: CST is the acronym for… Christian Social Teaching Catholic Social Teaching

19 All Catholic social teaching principles
Human dignity Solidarity Question 9: All Catholic social teaching principles derive from this one… Helpfulness Stewardship

20 What is the connection between Caritas and Catholic social teaching?
Caritas writes CST Caritas is part of CST Question 10: What is the connection between Caritas and Catholic social teaching? Caritas work is based on CST Caritas and CST have no connection

21 The CST principle that encourages
Subsidiarity Participation Question 11: The CST principle that encourages that everyone has a part to play is... Stewardship Unity

22 The CST principle of Solidarity is all about...
Walking alongside Walking behind Question 12: The CST principle of Solidarity is all about... Leading from the front Changing direction

23 When we recycle and look after our planet
Kindness Common good Question 13: When we recycle and look after our planet we are following the CST principle of... Participation Stewardship

24 The key topic of this year’s Caritas
Destruction Climate Change Question 14: The key topic of this year’s Caritas Lent and Caritas Challenge resources is… Earthquakes Land ownership

25 The focus country for this year’s
Australia Samoa Question 15: The focus country for this year’s Caritas Challenge is… Kiribati Cambodia

26 What day marks the start of the launch
31 March 13 April Question 16: What day marks the start of the launch weekend for the 2017 Caritas Challenge? 30 April 13 May

27 How many agencies make up the Caritas network worldwide?
35 65 Question 17: How many agencies make up the Caritas network worldwide? 165 195

28 Hungry for justice, thirsty for change
A sea of change Question 18: What was the title of the environment report produced by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand in 2016? Caring for our common home Small yet strong

29 What is Pope Francis’ full name?
Mark Reuben Francis Rafael Luigi Francis Question 19: What is Pope Francis’ full name? Mario Jorge Andretti Jorge Mario Bergoglio

30 Which of the following is NOT a document written by Pope Francis?
Laudato si’ (Stewardship of the earth) Amoris laetitia (Joy of the family) Question 20: Which of the following is NOT a document written by Pope Francis? Miserecordiae voltis (Face of mercy) Deus caritas est (God is love)




34 Take a break Help yourself to a drink and some snacks for morning tea
Show off your talents in the game of Oreano Have a chat with others

35 Climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation.
Pope Francis


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