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Part 2 - Managing Your sale

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1 Part 2 - Managing Your sale
Fall Sale Program 2017 Part 2 - Managing Your sale Steps for Success Review all Fall Sale Program materials Review your current troop roster on MyGS Schedule and hold a parent/troop meeting prior to the sale start date Log in to the Nut-E online database to verify your troop Visit Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons website for more information and resources Welcome to Part 2 - Managing your Sale. Now that you’ve seen the overview of what the sale is about, rewards, and product, let’s take a closer look at how to manage the sale and set your troop up for success. We will go over the following steps: Review all Fall Sale Program materials Review your current troop roster on MyGS Schedule and hold a parent/troop meeting prior to the sale start date Log in to the Nut-E online database to verify your troop Visit Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons website for more information and resources

2 Step 1 – Program Materials
Troop leaders will receive the following Fall Program Materials at their Service Unit Fall Sale Coordinator (FSC) training session. Troops (1 per troop): Large white envelope QSP Troop Activity/Goal Posters Volunteer Guide (also available on our website) Let’s first take a look at the program materials. Each Troops' Fall Sale Coordinator will receive materials at the SU Training. This will include One Large white envelope Troop Activity and Goal Posters One Volunteer Guide The Volunteer Guide is your main resource to help you through the program. Additional copies can be printed from the GSDH website. More girl activities More girl activities

3 Step 1 - Continued Girl Scouts (1 per girl): Fall Sale Program Packet
2 order cards magazine catalog magazine order forms Family Guide Money envelope Troops will also get the following pieces for each girl in their troop: Fall Sale Program Packet 2 order cards! magazine catalog magazine order forms Set of 8 printed business cards Family Guide Money envelope On the front of each Family Guide, there is a place where the Troop Fall Sale Coordinator can write in the troop turn in deadlines and turn in dates. Additional girl tools and resources can be found on our GSDH website to help them reach their goals like printable business cards and leave behind door hangers!

4 Step 2 – Troop Roster Troop Co-Leaders can access their most current troop roster through MyGS on the Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons website. Weekly uploads will happen throughout the sale to include any newly registered members. Questions? Step 2 – Checking your Troop Roster Troop Co-Leaders can access their most current troop roster through MyGS on the Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons website. Please be sure to use the most current roster to ensure all girls are included. If a girl is in your troop, but not listed it could be due to several reasons: She may not be registered for the current GS year She filled out a paper registration form and it is not yet entered Or she is waiting on Financial Assistance approval If you have any questions or needs regarding your Troop Roster, please contact and our member services team will be able to assist you! Please note that any girls that register after our initial roster uploads into Nut-E on August 29th and September 15th, will be added on a weekly basis throughout the program.

5 Step 3 – Troop Fall Sale Program Meeting
Troop Meeting Agenda Ask all caregivers and Girl Scouts to attend Hand out the materials to each girl Educate girls and caregivers on the Fall Sale Program Include the 5 Skills Program safety (physical sales and online sales) Troop goals Girls’ goals Set important dates and clearly communicate deadlines to caregivers Weekly money turn in dates Order forms/cards turn in date Step 3 - Plan ahead! Your fist step 1 is to schedule a troop Fall Sale Program meeting and invite all Girl Scouts and their families to attend At this meeting you should: Hand out the materials to each girl Educate girls and caregivers on the Fall Sale Program Set troop goals –Discuss what the troop would like to accomplish this year and how the earned troop proceeds can be used. Help the girls set their own goals – Have them think about their Girl Scout plans for the year - Does she want to go to camp or attend an event? Which reward level would she like to reach? Set important dates and clearly communicate deadlines such as weekly money turn in and final forms collection dates . Go over program safety - which is available in Volunteer Essentials on the GSDH website

6 Step 4 – Get to know Nut-e & qsp
Online sales management program. Enter orders Track funds Choose and order reward items. QSP Online STORE FRONT for girls to take their program high-tech! Troop Leaders site to track girls activity Just-In-Times Step-by-Step guide through important parts of each program Coming Soon - Watch your ! As you remember from our Overview Video – NutE and QSP – these are 2 online sites used during the Fall Sale Program! NutE is the online program used to manage the sales from girls and troops. This is the place that you enter orders, keep track of funds owing and order the reward items. QSP is the girls online STORE FRONT used by the girls to take their program high-tech! As a Troop Leader, you have an account to view the girls activity to see how they are doing online! View Chapter/Part 3 of the training module for a more in-depth look into our NutE & QSP systems. Need a bit more help through these programs? New to Fall Sale Program are our Just-In-Times, a Step-by-Step guide walking you through all the necessary parts of the programs as we get closer to the Fall Sale Program! These s will be sent via the address on file your Nut-E account. Make sure you have the most to date information listed to stay in communication. All of this information is also available in the Volunteer Guide – available from your Service Unit Fall Sale Coordinator.

7 Step 5 – gsdh website & resources
What if I have Questions? Service Unit Fall Sale Coordinator: Your local FSC contact information can be found on Nut-E Home Page Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons: Member Services can be reached at or Fall Sale Program Resources GSDH Website Need more order cards? Looking for a form or quick Nut-E help videos? Nut-E Website Need to enter and/or manage your troops orders? Manage your Girl’s Website Want to send s to your customers or order nuts and magazines? QSP Customer Care or go to • Online Site Support, Online Order Status, Magazine Order Inquiries, MyPatchCreation/T-shirt Questions • Magazine Order Status: Ashdon Customer Care or to go Online ordering questions for nuts/chocolate Step 5 What if I have Questions? Never Fear! We have many resources available to make the Product Sales Programs run smooth! All of these resources can be found in the Volunteer Guide and of course on our website at It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the resources available on the GSDH website before the sale gets started. Also – we will be reaching out to you through s throughout the sale with additional information and up-to-date news!

8 Checks & credit cards Your Troop becomes a business during the Product Sales Programs! Should your Troop/Business accept credit and debit cards from customers? Many customers do not carry cash or checks. Boost sales Troops are responsible for credit card fees Should your Troop/Business accept checks from customers? GSDH suggests to only accept checks from friends and family members. GSDH can assist in the recovery of funds from NSF checks More information available on our website! During the 2 Product Sales Programs, your troop becomes a business! Something every business must decide is how to collect funds from customers. Cash? Checks? Credit Cards? What are the risks? What are the benefits? Should your Troop accept credit and debit cards? Many customers do not carry cash or checks! By allowing your customers to use their credit and debit cards, you can help grow your Girl Scout Fall Sale Program business. During last years sale, reports show that Troops that accepted credit cards had an average increase of 20% in sales. Credit card companies do charge for their services. It is a good idea to research the different options available and the costs associated and we have additional information available on our website to help with this decision. Should your Troop accept checks? This is also a troop decision! It is your business and up to you to decide as a group if you should accept checks. If you plan to accept checks from customers, we suggest only checks from Family and Friends. If a check comes back to you as Non-Sufficient Funds, GSDH can assist in the recovery of those funds if the information is received in a timely manner, using the required form on our website.

9 Handling Troop Funds NEW! Money Turn Ins ACH
Set up WEEKLY times for parents and girls to turn in funds to troop leader. All funds should be deposited often into the troop bank account for safe keeping. ACH Funds due to GSDH will be collected electronically through ACH system. Troop must have bank information on file with GSDH ACH form is due by October 1 Find the electronic form: Troop bank information will be uploaded into NutE automatically – October 2 ACH Date: November 10 Have funds ready for withdrawal! NEW! Another business practice is the handling of troop funds. During the Product Sale Programs, many troops collect large amounts of funds. It is good business practice to keep these funds safe and get them into the bank as soon as possible. Set up weekly times for parents to drop off their sales funds! All financial transactions throughout GSDH are now done electronically through your troop checking account. The Bank Account Confirmation/ACH form is due each year by October 1st. New this year – we will be automatically uploading troop bank information into the NutE system! This will take place on October 2. Once you have logged into NutE – double check this information to make sure it is accurate. If your troop bank account is not listed in NutE – this is a good indication that we do not have your information on file! Please fill out the form as soon as possible. Also – make sure you have all of the funds deposited and ready for the ACH withdrawal for the Fall Sale Program that will take place on November 10!

10 Helpful tips! Remember to have fun! 1. Be prepared 2. Make a list
Know all the products and be able to tell your customers about each variety. 2. Make a list Write down names of who you would like to contact about the sale. 3. Wear your Girl Scout gear When taking orders or selling, make sure your customers know you’re a Girl Scout by wearing your uniform or Girl Scout clothing. You want to make the best impression! 4. Share your goals Be able to share how your troop will use the money after making sales. 5. Be positive Always be polite and say “Thank you” regardless if you make a sale. If you sell by phone, speak clearly and cheerfully. With face-to-face sales, make eye contact and smile. As you and your troop participate in the upcoming Fall Product Program, here are five tips for a successful sale! 1. Be prepared. Know all the different products you’re selling and be able to tell your customers about each variety. Also read through all of your materials to see what’s available for you! 2. Make a list. Write down names of who you would like to contact about the sale. The number one reason people don’t buy from the program is because they were never asked. 3. Wear your Girl Scout gear. When taking orders or selling, make sure your customers know you’re a Girl Scout by wearing your uniform and/or membership pin or Girl Scout clothing (e.g., a Girl Scout T-shirt). You want to make the best impression! 4. Share your goals. Be able to share how your troop will use the money after making sales. It could be for troop supplies, uniforms/badges or community service projects. 5. Be positive. Always be polite and say “Thank you” regardless if you make a sale. If you sell by phone, speak clearly and cheerfully. With face-to-face sales, make eye contact and smile. Remember to have fun! This is a great opportunity for girls to become leaders and prepare for bright futures! Remember to have fun!

11 Congratulations - You’ve completed part 2!
To learn about our online systems, continue to Part 3 – Nut-E & QSP Congratulations, you’ve completed Part 2 of the Fall Sale Program Training. Continue with Part 3 – Nut-E and QSP, to learn all about our online systems to help you manage your sale.

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