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How the Articles of Confederation helped Western Expansion

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1 How the Articles of Confederation helped Western Expansion
The Land Ordinance of & Northwest Ordinance of 1787

2 The United States after the Revolutionary War
After the American Revolution, the United States gained control of all the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains all the way to the Mississippi River. The area shaded in pink represents the boundaries of the United States as per the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Many states were in debt after the American Revolution. Some states claimed lands west of the Appalachian Mountains as their own. The sale of these Western lands could be used to pay the war debt. The map below shows many states claiming the same lands. Rather than allow the states to argue over control of these Western lands, it was agreed upon to allow Congress to take control of these lands. Once Congress was in control of the Western lands they passed a set of laws to divide and govern the region. The Land Ordinance called for surveyors to divide the region into six mile square plots called townships. The Northwest Ordinance established procedures for establishing government in the Western Lands.

3 How the Land Ordinance of 1785 works.
Land surveyors were to divide the Northwest Territory into six mile square plots of land called townships. Each township could be further divided into 36 individual square mile plots. These 1 square mile plots could then be sold to settlers. The land was sold for a $1 and acre. An entire section was 640 acre and could be purchased for $640.

4 Northwest Ordinance (1787)
Set up the rules for establishing governments in the Northwest Territory. As a territory grew in population it would gain the rights to govern themselves. Once the population reached 5,000 free males the territories gained the right to elect a local assembly. Once the population reached 60,000 free males the territory could apply for statehood. Freedom of Religion and Trials by Jury were protected rights in the Northwest Territory. Slavery was banned through out the region Right to elect an assembly (local government) Statehood 1,000 people

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