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Keep Studying!.

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1 Keep Studying!

2 The Trail of Tears is the name given to the forced relocation and movement of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

3 The Trail of Tears occurred as a result of President Andrew Jackson’s efforts to:
A. Remove Native American Indians from all land east of the Mississippi River B. Assimilate Native American Indians into the American culture. C. Return stolen lands back to Native American Indians D. Allow native tribes to self govern within state boundaries


5 1. How did the Cotton Gin help the textile industry?
A. Made the process of weaving cotton into cloth easier B. Made it possible for slaves to plant cotton C. Reduced the time needed to plant cotton seeds D. Provided a faster method of separating seeds from cotton fiber

6 The Erie Canal completed the connection between New York City and The Great Lakes.

7 1. In the 1820’s, the Erie Canal connected New York City:
A. The Hudson River B. The Great Lakes C. New Jersey D. The Statue of Liberty

8 Manifest Destiny was the common belief of many Americans
during the 1840’s that Westward Expansion was their destiny and their right.

9 1. Many Americans justified westward expansion based on:
A. A belief in Manifest Destiny B. A desire to help the Native Americans C. The need to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean D. The principles of the Constitution

10 The Gold Rush On January 24, 1848, while building a saw mill for John Sutter, James Marshall discovered gold in California. Word spread quickly and soon people from all over the world flocked to California in hopes of striking it rich.

11 During the late 1840s, thousands of people were attracted to California because:
A. There was good farmland. B. They wanted to fight in Civil War C. They wanted to search for gold D. There was work available building the railroad.  

12 The War with Mexico also known as The Mexican American War was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 after the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.

13 Which event led to the War with Mexico?
A. Annexation of Texas B. California Gold Rush C. British colonization of North America   D. Trail of tears

14 The Seneca Falls Convention was an early and influential women’s rights convention, the first to be organized by women in the Western world. It took place in Seneca Falls, New York and spanned two days: July 19th and 20th 1848.

15 1. The Seneca Falls Convention, held in 1848, is a significant event in the history of the United States because it: A. Supported Abolitionism B. Promoted child labor laws in New York State C. Emphasized the importance of Manifest Destiny D. Was an important step in the women’s rights movement

16 Harriet Beecher Stowe supported the Abolitionist Movement by writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin and uncovering some of the many cruelties of slavery.

17 Which piece of literature uncovers the evils of slavery?
A.  The Grapes of Wrath B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin C. The Jungle D. Common Sense

18 The Underground Railroad
Abolitionists like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass were conductors on the Underground Railroad, which meant that they guided runaway slaves from slavery in the South to freedom in the North.

19 Which abolitionist leader was a “conductor” on the Underground
Railroad?   A. Abraham Lincoln B. William Lloyd Garrison C. Harriet Beecher Stowe D. Harriet Tubman

20 The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the Western territories. The concern was over the balance of slave states and free states in the country. The Missouri Compromise was worked out with the following provisions: Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as free. (2) except for Missouri, slavery was to be excluded from the Louisiana Purchase lands north of latitude 36°30′.

21 The Missouri Compromise of 1820:
A. allowed territories to be governed by the United States and Canada B. banned slavery west of the Mississippi River C. sought to maintain the balance in Congress between free and slave states. D. provided for a new boundary between the United States and Canada.


23 When Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election in 1860, Southern states in the deep south seceded from the union. Then, they formed their own country and named it The Confederate States of America. The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, which was a turning point in history because it started the Civil War. At this time, more Southern states seceded, but the Border States stayed with the Union.

24 What happened that led to the secession of Southern States
from the Union in 1860 and 1861? A. Election of Abraham Lincoln as president B. The Missouri Compromise C. The Fugitive Slave Law was passed. D. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published.

25 2. Why was the firing on Fort Sumter a turning point in U.S. history?
A.  It Destroyed the Confederate navy B. It was the beginning of Reconstruction (after the war) C. Led to the Start of the Civil War D. Marked the first Union victory

26 Civil War

27 1. During the Civil War, what advantage did the South have over the North?
A. More factories B. Larger Navy C. More capable military leaders D. Larger railroad system

28 The First four Presidents of the United States
Commanders in Chief

29 Map of Europe

30 What continent is England a part of?
North America Asia Africa Europe

31 The United States of America
A = The original territory of the United States B = the area purchase from Spain C = The Louisiana Purchase D = The area won in the Mexican American War E = This land was annexed by the United States at the request of Texas. It was where the Battle of the Alamo took place F = This was Oregon Territory. G = This is where the Erie Canal was built. H = This is California, where the Gold Rush took place

32 The United States of America
1. The area purchased from Spain 2. This land was annexed by the United States at the request of Texas. It was where the Battle of the Alamo took place 3. The original territory of the United States 4. This was Oregon Territory. 5. This is California, where the Gold Rush took place 6. The Louisiana Purchase 7. The area won in the Mexican American War 8. This is where the Erie Canal was built.

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