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Design and Technology Dept.

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1 Design and Technology Dept.
Options choices

2 Option Choices for 2016 WJEC Construction in the Built Environment.
2 year course. Pass is equivalent to GCSE grade C 3 units over two years: Understanding Construction (theory), Construction techniques (Practical) and Exam Aimed at M/F interested in basic Construction career (trade )

3 NCFE Level 2 V-Cert Food & Cookery

4 NCFE V Cert Food & Cookery Aims
This qualification is designed for learners with an interest in food and cookery. It will provide learners with experience of using different cooking methods to enable them to use these within further education or apprenticeships. It will give them a basic understanding of the skills required for a career in food.

5 NCFE V Cert Food & Cookery
What is it?...... Level 2 (A*-C grade equivalent) for pupils aiming to do A Levels or other level 3 courses. In total there are 4 assessed units that make up the whole qualification. 3 Internally assessed units (Controlled assessments). 1 Externally assessed unit (written exam).

6 NCFE V Cert Food & Cookery What can I do next?
Journalism Teaching Sports science Marketing Product development Social Work Catering Dietician

7 GCSE 3D Design Design Technology Option Choice

8 How is this course different from Construction or other DT courses?
You can study themes that interest you. This motivates you to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding it is current and reflects developments in Art and Design and new media technologies there is a straightforward assessment criteria it is designed to give you the opportunity to select work from the course which best supports your meeting of the assessment objectives. It is NOT traditional wood work creativity imagination research investigation and experimentation the development of ideas from first-hand experience

9 Overview of the 3D Design course
AO1 Looking at the work of other designers/ making copies of their work/ creating your own versions of their work/ written evaluation of the designer’s work. AO2 Experimenting with lots of different ways of doing something, lots of different materials and resources. AO3 Be able to show your ideas through drawing/painting/photography (observation work). AO4 Your final piece - this work must be a development through the assessment objectives.

10 Pictures of the artists’ work….
Annotation- analysing their work…. Your own interpretation or a copy of their work….

11 Bauhaus 1. Prepare for Learning 2. Agree Outcomes 6. Review
Information New 3. Present Meaning 4. Construct 5. Apply to Demonstrate 6. Review Bauhaus

12 POP ART 1. Prepare for Learning 2. Agree Outcomes 6. Review
Information New 3. Present Meaning 4. Construct 5. Apply to Demonstrate 6. Review POP ART




16 Careers/work this can lead to: Related Further Education Courses:
Product Designer Engineering Commercial Designer Teaching Design & Technology Building Technician Biomedical Engineering Measurement & Control Engineering Backstage Theatre Work Armed Services Working in Industry Technical & Engineering Careers in Radio & TV Carpenter & Joiner Garage Work Aircraft Engineering Cabinet & Furniture Making Agricultural Engineering Three Dimensional Design Cabinet Making Electrician Kitchen Fitter Related Further Education Courses: AS/A2 LEVEL(S): Art and Design Product Design Graphic Design 3D Design Engineering OTHER: Agricultural Engineering or Mechanics Bench Joinery Yacht and Boat Building Construction and the Built Environment Construction and Engineering Furniture Crafts Jewellery Manufacturing Carpentry and Joinery Horology Motor vehicle engineering Marine wood and plastics Welding Electrician

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