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Air Force Review Boards Agency SAF/MRBR

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1 Air Force Review Boards Agency SAF/MRBR
Mark S. Teskey Director

2 Central Intake Unit (SAF/MRBR)
Air Force Review Boards Agency collects applications at Central Intake Unit located at Joint Base San Antonio TX for Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR), DoD Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR), Discharge Review Board (DRB) Builds Case Management Tracking System case file Determines viability Collects Physical Evaluation Board case files from military branch; Service Treatment Records, VA Rating Decisions and Exam results from VA Collected records assembled into digital combined primary file (CPF) - Key documents bookmarked

3 Applications Received

4 Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR)
2008 NDAA mandated DoD establish PDBR to reassess disability ratings assigned to service members separated between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2009, with disabilities rated at 20% or less. SAF/MRB appointed “Lead Agent” to operate board Reviews disability ratings assigned to medical conditions determined by Physical Evaluation Board to be unfitting for continued service. Upon request, reviews medical conditions identified but determined to be not unfitting

5 Physical Disability Board of Review
Three-member panel (one medical officer). Applies VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities-only. In effect at time of separation. Independent of Military Department regulations Review records of all branches of service and Coast Guard PDBR makes recommendation only. Military department Designated Decision Authority makes final decision Panel makes one of three recommendations No change Modification of rating / does not result in retirement Modification of rating results in disability retirement

6 Physical Disability Board of Review
Information regarding PDBR available at Constituents can PDBR directly with questions at

7 Quality Assurance Program
Outcome of FY13 NDAA direction to OSD Warrior Care Policy PDBR action arm for the OSD Disability Evaluation System QAP executing two types of review Constructed Case Review (CCR) Ensure consistency across the Services in the application of disability policy Policy “Themes” provided by Congress PDBR constructs cases for boarding/grading of each of the Services Post Process Review (PPCR) Accuracy audits of randomly selected actual disability cases Services responsible for PPR reviews--Air Force and Navy requested PDBR act as independent agent to perform audits Provides monthly, quarterly and annual trending reports Perform Medical Evaluation Board Quality Assurance Program

8 Disability Evaluation System Adjudicator Training Course
Introduction to the Disability Evaluation System PEB adjudicator responsibilities Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD)

9 Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR)
Title 10 U.S.C., Section 1552 “The Secretary…acting through boards of civilians…may correct any military record…when necessary to correct an error or injustice…” Highest administrative appeal in the Air Force Requires signed DD Form 149 normally submitted within three years of occurrence or discovery of error or injustice Reconsideration—Requires submission of newly discovered, relevant evidence

10 Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records
BCMR Examiner Staff Case Analysis, Preparation, and Technical Advice Air Force Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Nearly 200 Total Force experts Nearly all cases staffed to OPRs Provide advisory opinions – represents Air Force’s perspective Provide administrative relief

11 Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records
Panels of 3 Decide Cases Senior Air Force Civilians Bases for Corrections Genuine Error Changing Standards Regulatory Violations Clemency (i.e., Post-service conduct or Liberal Consideration of PTSD) Any circumstance that creates an injustice

12 Air Force Discharge Review Board (AFDRB)
Title 10 U.S. Code Section 1553 Affords former members the opportunity to request review/upgrade of their discharge type Upgrade discharge type – UOTHC to General or Honorable/General to Honorable, BCD only looked as matter of clemency Change reason for discharge Change the re-enlistment code Applications must be submitted within 15 years Five member panel – Statutory right to personal appearance


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