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Michael B. Green University of Cambridge

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1 Michael B. Green University of Cambridge
Some modular properties of superstring scattering amplitudes Michael B. Green University of Cambridge Amplitudes 2016, Stockholm July 05 , 2016 The icon – an apple made of string - indicates that this talk is about string theory and the apple indicates the connection with Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity. This is a big subject and difficult to describe. I hope to convey its elegance and ambitions. This talk will range FROM the very VERY BIG to the very VERY SMALL

2 The low energy expansion of string amplitudes
Consider narrowly-focused aspects of the low energy expansion of closed string theory obtained from maximally supersymmetric closed string scattering amplitudes. Modular invariants of higher-genus Riemann surfaces Mathematical connections to Multiple-Zeta Values and their elliptic generalisations Features of String Perturbation theory With: Eric D’Hoker; Pierre Vanhove; Omer Gurdogan Recent papers Non-Perturbative features of string amplitudes Connects perturbative with non-perturbative effects Constraints imposed by SUSY, Duality, Unitarity Modular Forms; Automorphic forms for higher-rank groups; …. Connections with maximal supergravity. Implications for ultraviolet divergences of maximal supergravity Piece of a larger programme investigating

3 The low energy expansion of the effective action
Einstein-Hilbert Interactions of other supergravity fields Lowest order term reproduces the results of classical supergravity - string length scale string coupling constant scalar field - dilaton metric – compactify space-time to dimensions D < 10 Higher order terms: Coefficient depends on moduli (scalar fields) (maximal supersymmetry) Expansion in powers of Double expansion – perturbative expansion in powers of

4 + + …. Scalar Fields (Moduli) and S-Duality
groups in series (real split forms) Supergravity (low energy limit of string theory): (Cremmer, Julia) Scalar fields parameterize a symmetric space Maximal compact subgroup String theory: Discrete identifications of scalar fields Only a discrete arithmetic subgroup of is symmetry of string theory Duality group String perturbation theory: Expansion around boundary of moduli space e.g. in powers of + + …. Vertex operators acts on complex structure of torus World-sheet automorphic symmetries

5 Four-Graviton Scattering in Type IIB String Theory
e.g. Four-Graviton Scattering in Type IIB String Theory linearized curvature Symmetric function of Mandelstam invariants (with ). Has an expansion in power series of and (non-analytic pieces are essential, but not for this talk) Coefficients are S-duality ( ) invariant functions of scalar fields (moduli, or coupling constants). To what extent can we determine these coefficients? Boundary data: String Perturbation Theory ( )

6 Four-Graviton Scattering in Type IIB String Theory
e.g. Four-Graviton Scattering in Type IIB String Theory linearized curvature inverse string coupling constant One complex modulus Symmetric function of Mandelstam invariants (with ). Has an expansion in power series of and (non-analytic pieces are essential, but will be ignored in this talk) Coefficients are invariant functions of scalar fields (moduli, or coupling constants). To what extent can we determine these coefficients? Boundary data: String Perturbation Theory ( )

7 Tree-level (Virasoro Amplitude)
Tree-level SUPERGRAVITY Infinite Series of terms. Coefficients are powers of Riemann values with rational coefficients Generalisation to N-particle scattering

8 Zeta values and multiple-zeta values
Very brief review Special values of polylogarithms Zeta values: Even zeta values (powers of pi) Odd zeta values transcendental? Independent? e.g. Multi-zeta values (MZV’s) Special values of multiple polylogarithms “weight” “depth” MZV are numbers with algebraic properties inherited from the algebraic properties of multiple polylogarithms, e.g. weight First non-trivial (irreducible) case is Arise in dimensional regularisation of renormalisable quantum field theories.

9 N-particle tree amplitudes
Open-string trees: For coefficients of higher derivative interactions of order (Yang-Mills) are MZV’s with weight (Stieberger, Broedel, Mafra, Schlotterer) coefficients are single-valued MZV’s (svMZV’s) Closed-string trees: For (gravity) (Brown) (Schlotterer, Stieberger) Special values of single-valued multiple polylogarithms – have no monodromies (generalisations of Bloch-Wigner dilogarithm ) No even zeta values also First non-trivial case is weight How does this generalize to higher genus ??

10 Genus one Genus one amplitude
Integral over complex structure Vertex operator Corr. function Green function Low energy expansion - integrate powers of the genus-one Green function over the torus and over the modulus of the torus – difficult! (MBG, D’Hoker, Russo, Vanhove) Expanding in a power series in momenta gives (with ) Coefficients of higher derivative interactions Modular invariants for surface Coefficients of higher derivative interactions: (genus-one generalisation of the tree-level values) Feynman diagrams on toroidal world-sheet

11 “Modular Graph Functions”
(D’Hoker, MBG, Vanhove) “Modular Graph Functions” is sum of world-sheet Feynman diagrams. Each of these is a modular function - invariant under The Green function on a torus of complex structure : doubly periodic function Momentum-space Propagator: integer world-sheet momenta l1 l5 l2 l3 l6 l4 1 2 3 4 lS labels number of propagators on line S General contribution to 4-particle amplitude: Modular function “Weight” contributes to

12 World-sheet Feynman diagrams
Multiple sums: Non-holomorphic SL(2) Eisenstein series e.g. sequence e.g. ( ) vertices …..

13 Inhomogeneous Laplace
Direct analysis looks forbidding. But these functions satisfy simple Laplace equations with Laplacian Simple examples of Laplace equations : Eisenstein series Solution: (also Zagier) Inhomogeneous Laplace eigenvalue equations Degeneracy – simultaneous inhomogeneous Laplace eigenvalue equations.

14 Coefficients of (weight-4)
1 2 3 4 ` Coefficients of (weight-5) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

15 Relation to Single-valued Elliptic Multiple Polylogarithms
(D’Hoker, MBG, Gurdogan, Vanhove) A Modular Graph Function is a Single-Valued Elliptic Multiple Polylogarithm evaluated at a special value of its argument z1 z3 z2 z4 A typical Modular Graph Function: i.e. Split one vertex of a modular graph function and leave it unintegrated z1 z3 z2 z4 z5 Now Consider with It is easy to see that is single valued (in ) elliptic multiple polylogarithm Generalisation of single-valued elliptic polylogarithm of Zagier (1990)

16 Modular graph functions of arbitrary weight
Single-Valued Elliptic Multiple Polylogarithms (D’Hoker, MBG, Gurdogan, Vanhove) Special values of As with MZV’s, these elliptic functions satisfy a fascinating set of polynomial relationships – we have found a few of these (with great difficulty!) e.g. weight 5 polynomial of weight 5 in functions of different depth (different no. of loops). weight 6 polynomial of weight 6 in functions of different depth. e.g. Proof uses experimental fact: Consider: sum of weight- modular graph functions such that i.e. Laurent series vanishes Then: where

17 Modular graph functions of a given weight satisfy
polynomial relations with rational coefficients Conjecture: Elliptic generalisation of the rational polynomial relations between multiple polylogarithms and single-valued MZV’s What is the basis of modular graph functions? Question: Some (presumably) related issues in open string loop amplitudes (Broedel, Mafra, Matthes, Schlotterer), which involve “holomorphic” elliptic multiple polylogarithms (Brown,Levin). Important generalisation to modular graph forms

18 Integration over fundamental domain
Integrating over (and dealing with non-analytic contributions) gives the one-loop expansion: Genus-one expansion coefficients (after much work): These coefficients are analogous to the tree-level coefficients: What is the connection between them ?

19 Genus Two Genus Three Higher Orders
Amplitude is explicit but difficult to study Low energy expansion: (D’Hoker, Gutperle, Phong) Result: (D’Hoker, MBG, Pioline, R. Russo) Genus Three Technical difficulties analysing 3-loops. Gomez and Mafra evaluated the leading low energy behaviour using pure spinor formalism, giving Higher Orders New problems - No explicit expression

20 Non-perturbative extension
How powerful are the constraints imposed by (maximal) SUSY and Duality ?? Duality relates different regions of moduli space – Connects perturbative and non-perturbative features in a highly nontrivial manner. Consider simple example: inverse string coupling constant 10-dimensional Type IIB - maximal supersymmetry One complex modulus Focus on the simplest nontrivial duality group Duality group Relates strong and weak coupling.

21 Non-perturbative extension
invariant functions Using: Nonlinear supersymmetry Duality between M-theory (quantum 11-dimensional supergravity on two-torus) and and string theory compactified on a circle Solutions: Non-holomorphic Eisenstein series With b.c: Power behaviour as

22 Non-holomorphic Eisenstein series
Parabolic subgroup Poincare series – manifest invariant (generalises to higher rank duality groups) Solution of Laplace eigenvalue eqn. Fourier series Zero mode TWO POWER-BEHAVED TERMS (perturbative) : divisor sum Non-zero modes D-INSTANTON SUM

23 Low order interaction coefficients
MBG, Gutperle, Vanhove Non-renormalisation beyond 1-loop for Perturbative terms: tree-level genus-one D-instantons Perturbative terms: tree-level genus-two D-instantons NO genus-one term (no ¼-BPS states) Non-renormalisation beyond 2 loops for

24 NOT an Eisenstein series but satisfies Inhomogeneous Laplace equation
Next order The square of the coefficient of NOT an Eisenstein series but satisfies Inhomogeneous Laplace equation MBG, Vanhove This equation was conjectured by consideration of duality between two-loop eleven-dimensional supergravity compactified on a two-torus and type IIB compactified on a circle. Structure also motivated by (but not directly derived from) supersymmetry. (See also, Yifan Wang, Xi Yin, 2015) The solution of this equation has some weird and wonderful (puzzling) features. Zero mode of solution (zero net D-instanton number): Sum of D-instantons genus zero genus one genus two genus three Precise agreement with explicit string theory loop calculations

25 A fantasy concerning UV properties of supergravity
The coefficients of the UV divergences in maximal supergravity up to 3 loops in various dimensions > 4 are precisely reproduced by log terms in modular coefficients. More Generally: To what extent do string theory dualities constrain the structure of perturbative supergravity? – ultraviolet divergences?? Fantasy: Superstring perturbation theory is free of UV divergences. Can we understand the UV properties of supergravity by careful consideration of the low energy limit of string theory?

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