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(New) Bachelor Program

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1 (New) Bachelor Program
Increased focus on Maths and Physics

2 Email from Elin Sletbakk
The list of "controlled choice" in the bachelor's degree. After that MAT212 is made mandatory, students need only 10 credits from the list of "controlled choice", here today we have too many threads: STAT110, PHYS110, PHYS112, PHYS113, MAT236/PHYS116 and GEOF236. STAT110 Introduction to Statistics should be and is necessary for teaching skills in mathematics. PHYS110 Perspective in Physics and PHYS112 Electromagnetism and optics is because they needed to get a teaching qualification physics. These can be pulled out with a comment that if you want a teaching qualification / to be a teacher, be sure to have taken these courses. PHYS113 Mechanics 2 and thermodynamics are mandatory admission requirements for master's degree in energy and must fit in the curriculum here or otherwise. MAT236 Fourieranalyse/PHYS116 signal and system analysis has not had students from us the last three years, although it is strongly desired that more students take more math and physics. Should these still stand?

3 Email from Elin Sletbakk
GEOF236 Chemical oceanography has come in to draw students to this direction and we see a tendency that the more math weak students choose this as an "easier way" and if necessary to achieve the admission requirements to the master with a C average. GEOF236 is mandatory in bachelor or master for master's degree in chemical oceanography. Prerequisites to GEOF236. It is understood that GEOF130 or equivalent will be required previous knowledge of the topic GEOF236 Chemical Oceanography. Another issue that may be reason to think about is GEOF130 Oceanography. This introductory course is increasingly taught in English because it is mandatory for biologists on MareClim. This has negative consequences for students' first encounter with our discipline and follow the guidelines should be topics for the 100-tallsnivå taught in Norwegian. What options do we have to provide both mareclimbiologene and undergraduates a more satisfactory?

4 Some thoughts First semester introduction GEOF101? Additional Maths?
Additional Physics? What is the necessary foundation? What would be the suitable courses? Own GFD course or MAT253? Specialization for Master?

5 Bachelor Curriculum Semester Course 1 Ex Phil MAT111 PHYS109??? 2
3 PHYS111 MAT212 GEOF130??? 4 PHYS113 MAT252 GEOF120??? 5 GEOF110 / MAT253 VAL 6 MAT111/2: Calculus 1/2 MAT121: Linear Algebra MAT131: Differential Equations 1 MAT212: Functions of several variables MAT236: Fourier Analysis MAT251: Classical Mechanics MAT252: Continuum Mechanics MAT253: Hydrodynamics STAT110: Basic Course in Statistics GEOF110: Intro. to Atm. & Ocean Dyn. GEOF120: Meteorology GEOF130: Oceanography GEOF236: Chemical Oceanography PHYS109: Introduction to Astrophysics PHYS110: Perspectives in Physics PHYS111: Mechanics 1 PHYS113: Mechanics 2 & Thermodynamics PHYS116: Signal and System Analysis

6 MAT111 Introduction to mathematical analysis with emphasis on differentiation and integration. The course includes the real and complex number systems, limits, continuity, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions and their inverse functions, Taylor expansion with remainder, sequences, series and introductory differential equations.

7 MAT112 An introduction to real analysis with an emphasis on the Riemann integral, basic properties of curves and surfaces, convergence of sequences and series, and also vectors and functions of several variables. Complex numbers are also introduced.

8 MAT121 The course contains linear systems of equations, determinants, matrix algebra, vector spaces, linear transformations, and diagonalization. It also applies this to the theory of conics.

9 MAT131 Linear ordinary differential equations of second and higher order, systems of first order equations, Fourier series, boundary and eigenvalue problems for partial differential equations.

10 MAT212 Theory of curves and surfaces, vector analysis, integration in two and three dimensional space, theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss.

11 MAT236 An introduction to continuous and discrete Fourier analysis and its applications on linear systems and filters. Sampling of continuous signals and discretization of continuous linear signals and a short discussion of the Z-transform

12 MAT251 Give an introduction to the variation principle, analytical mechanics, non-linear system, variation calculations with guidelines, Conservation laws and canonical transformations.

13 MAT252 Derivation of the fundamental equations in continuum mechanics with special emphasis on the equations of fluids and gases.

14 MAT253 Flow of ideal and real fluids, boundary layers, stability and waves, effect of stratification, rotation and compressibility, and some topics of geophysical hydrodynamics.

15 STAT110 The main emphasis in this course is on probability models. Discrete and continuous distributions, among others the binomial, the hypergeometric, the exponential, the Poisson and the normal distributions are treated. Examples are given from many areas. The last part of the course deals with principles for estimating unknown quantities using least squares, method of moments, maximum likelihood, and with the construction of confidence intervals.

16 PHYS109 The course provides an introduction to general astrophysics with special emphasis on the physical processes that are the reasons. Examples of topics that will be dealt with are: Astrophysical observations, structure and radiance of the sun, planets and their atmosphere, moons, and planetary energy budget, the stars his life from star birth to supernova-explosions, Milky way, interstellar matter, galaxies and cluster of galaxies, cosmology.

17 PHYS110 The course gives an introduction to elementary quantum physics, the building blocks of matter, radioactivity, and the origin and evolution of the universe. Examples on topics covered: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the wave function and its interpretation, from quarks to nuclei, atoms and molecules, the big bang, chaos.

18 PHYS111 Basic topics of classical mechanics: Kinematics and dynamics in three dimensions, energy and fields with special emphasis on gravitational fields, many-body interactions, rigid bodies, rotation, statics, elasticity, and fluid mechanics. Some simple experiments will be carried out to illustrate some of the topics.

19 PHYS112 Introduction to electromagnetism and optics with special emphasis on the following topics: Electrid field an electric currents, magnetic field and induction, electric circuits, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, physical optics, interference and diffraction.

20 PHYS113 Classical mechanics and thermodynamics with a special emphasis on fluid mechanics, mechanical waves, gravitation, special theory of relativity, thermodynamic processes, laws of thermodynamics, heat transport.

21 PHYS116 Continuous and discrete systems, application of the Fourier-, Laplace- and Z-transforms, introduction to analog and digital signal analysis, response functions, filters, criteria for stability, systems with feedback.

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