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The Frascati group activity in testing SiPM related to

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1 The Frascati group activity in testing SiPM related to
the AMADEUS experiment LNF-INFN: Catalina Curceanu, Antonio Romero Vidal Alessandro Scordo, Oton Vazquez Doce G. Corradi, D. Tagnani - electronics C. Capoccia - mechanics & IFIN-HH: M. Bragadireanu A. Tudorache, V. Tudorache

2 Summary The Amadeus experiment: a brief introduction
Trigger system requirements Experimental setup SiPM characterization: Dark count spectra Gain and width behaviour Beta source spectra Temperature dependence MonteCarlo simulations; what are we expecting? Preliminary results of tests in Dafne Future perspective and conclusions

3 Antikaonic Matter At DAFNE: an Experiment Unraveling Spectroscopy
AMADEUS Antikaonic Matter At DAFNE: an Experiment Unraveling Spectroscopy

4 Study of deeply bound kaonic
Letter of Intent Study of deeply bound kaonic nuclear states at DANE2 AMADEUS Collaboration 111 scientists from 33 Institutes of 13 Countries signed the Letter of Intent March 2006, reviewed 2007, Zagreb; presently – signed Agreement with KLOE

5 K- + 4He -> n + (K-ppn) n ~ 510 MeV/c
deeply bound kaonic nuclear states K- + 4He -> n + (K-ppn) n ~ 510 MeV/c K- + 4He -> p + (K-pnn) p ~ 550 MeV/c 5

6 The scientific case of the so-called “deeply bound kaonic nuclear states” is hotter than ever, both in the theoretical (intensive debate) and experimental sectors. What emerges is the strong need for a complete experimental study of the scientific case, i.e. a clear and clean experiment (so without the need to make hypothesis on involved physics processes), measuring kaonic clusters both in formation and in the decay processes. AMADEUS’s main aim is to perform the first full acceptance, high precision measurement of DBKNS both in formation and in the decay processes, by implementing the KLOE detector with an inner AMADEUS-dedicated setup, containing a cryogenic target and a trigger system (and an inner tracker in a second phase), Either situations: EXISTENCE or NON-EXISTENCE of the deeply bound kaonic nuclear clusters will have strong impact in kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics!!!

7 Experimental programme AMADEUS phase-1 (2)
Low-energy charged kaon cross sections on Helium(3 and 4), for K- momentum lower than 100 MeV/c (missing today); The K- nuclear interactions in Helium reactions (poorly known – based on one paper from 1970 …) Properties of L(1116) and charged S – for example decays in channels with neutrino -> astrophysics implications (cooling of compact stars) Resonance states as the elusive-in-nature but so important L(1405) or the S(1385) could be better understood with high statistics; their behaviour in the nuclear medium can be studied too. Excellent feasibility test – Oton Vazquez Doce (KLOE data)

8 The experimental setup of AMADEUS
Full acceptance and high precision measurements will be made by implementing the KLOE detector with an inner AMADEUS setup The AMADEUS setup will be implemented in the 50 cm. gap in KLOE DC around the beam pipe Target: A gaseous He target for a first phase of study Trigger: 1/2 layers of ScFi surrounding the interaction point Inner tracker: eventually, a first tracking stage before the DC

9 AMADEUS @ KLOE, phase-1 Low-mass cryogenic gas target cell: T = 10 K
P = 1.0 bar Rin = 5 cm Rout = 15 cm L = 20 cm Kaon trigger: two layers of scint. fibers, stereo angel = 30° readout on both sides with SiPM

10 Trigger system Cilindrical layer of scintillating fibers surrounding the beam pipe to trigger K+/K- in opposite directions •Single or double layer •Readout to be done by SiPM (Silicon Photo-Multipliers) In case of double layer: possibility of perform tracking as well: X-Y measurement with high granularity layers

11 Trigger System (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)
Hamamatsu and Photonique Prototypes at LNF SMI and Russian SiPM at ITEP

12 Trigger System – LNF undergoing work (Scintillating fibers read with SiPM)

13 April 2008

14 Characterizing SiPM : HAMAMATSU S10362-11-050U
Experimental setup (we did tests on Photonique as well) Pre-Amplifiers (X 100)‏ 5 Channles HV power supply (stability better than 10 mV)‏ Scintillating fibers Bicron BCF-10 (blue)‏ SiPM (HAMAMATSU U50) (400 pixels)‏ Operating voltage ~70V Sr90 beta source (37 MBq)‏

15 Characterizing SiPM: Dark Count
Setting a threshold to 0.5 or 1.5 photoelectrons, using a scaler module dark count rates have been evaluated

16 Characterizing SiPM: Dark Count
Detectors were cooled down in order to study their behaviour with temperature variations. A scan of the 1 p.e peak rate is reported Cooling system Peltier cell Dark count 1 p.e signal is reduced by a factor 20! If high number of p.e are expected no cooling is needed

17 reading scintillating fibers
Characterizing SiPM: reading scintillating fibers A scintillating fiber is activated by a beta Sr90 source Both ends are coupled to detectors; one is used as trigger Setting the threshold for the SiPM used as trigger, most part of dark count is eliminated. In this way spectra due only to the source can be observed

18 reading scintillating fibers
Characterizing SiPM: reading scintillating fibers A scaler module was used in order to obtain rates for each peak. Studying rates with and without the beta source, it turned out that starting from the 4th p.e. Peak, dark count contribute is negligible This means that non cooling is needed in this case!!!!

19 reading scintillating fibers
Characterizing SiPM: reading scintillating fibers Source cut at 5 p.e. Source cut at 11 p.e. Peak with most counts: 5 p.e. (15%) Peak with most counts: 7-8 p.e. (11%) Source cut at 8 p.e. Peak with most counts: 6 p.e. (12%) Black spectra are the trigger-used SiPMs Red spectra are the signal outputs Cutting below 5 p.e. Dark count starts to be predominant; so it seems that the beta source leads to a 4-5 p.e. peak

20 reading scintillating fibers
Characterizing SiPM: reading scintillating fibers Starting from beta source spectra, peak position and width can be studied Adjusting the applied voltage, also the behaviour of the gain with the Vbias can be obtained

21 Montecarlo simulations: what are we expecting?
Some geant3 simulations were done in order to understand how many p.e. should be left by Kaons in DAΦNE First, a simulation af a fiber+Sr90 source was done, in order to compare it with experimental data Setup consists of a Bicron BCF-10 scintillating fiber, with a Sr90 source put at a distance of 3 cm. All the solid angle of the fiber is taken in account Initial momentum of electrons Mean ~ 150 KeV Momentum spectrum of Sr90

22 Montecarlo simulations: what are we expecting?
Comparing with experimental data: Mean energy lost ~ 150 KeV photons (8000 ph/MeV) Nominal trapping efficiency ~ 4% photons Attenuation length ~ 2.2 m (1/e) photons (30 cm) Q.D.E. ~ 50 % photons Reading 1 size photons Another important feature wich has to be taken in account is the coupling efficiency Between fibers and SiPMs (grease, angle, etc) This factor is not easily defined so it has to be understood comparing simulations with Experimental data In this way we obtain εcoupling ~ 50%

23 Montecarlo simulations: what are we expecting?
Y K- track Beam Pipe 300 μm Alluminium R=2.95 cm X 376 fibers Double cladding ~ 3% of r r=0.5mm Setup consists in 2 layers of 70 cm scintillating fibers BCF-10 multicladding. Beam Pipe is an alluminium tube with radius r=2.95 cm and 300 μm thickness.

24 Montecarlo simulations: what are we expecting?
Momentum distribution taken from Kloe MC BCF-10 1mm diameter Totally, 18.64% of Kaons are stopped in the whole setup (MeV) 7.4% of Kaons are stopped in the first layer 92.6% of exiting Kaons enter in the second layer 12.2% of these Kaons are stopped in the second layer In each layer energy lost by Kaons is ~ 2 MeV This means a factor 13 more than Sr90 e- wich becomes a factor 10 including attenuation length for 70 cm So we expect a number of p.e. wich is ~ 100 (50 including εcoupling) (MeV)

25 Montecarlo simulations: what are we expecting?
BCF-10 0.5 mm diameter Totally, 7,8% of Kaons are stopped in the whole setup (MeV) 2.2% of Kaons are stopped in the first layer 97.8% of exiting Kaons enter in the second layer 5.7% of these Kaons are stopped in the second layer (MeV) Less Kaons stopped! More Kaons passing through 2 layer! Less p.e. signal! 746 fibers (instead of 346)! →1492 SiPMs and readout (instead of 692) So wich fibers? In each layer energy lost by Kaons is ~ 1 MeV This means a factor 6 more than Sr90 e- wich becomes a factor 5 including attenuation length for 70 cm So we expect a number of p.e. wich is ~ 50 (25 including εcoupling)

26 Preliminary tests in DAФNE
22-24 January 2009

27 Preliminary test in DAФNE
Dark count + M.I.P. (e-) Mean ~ ch 160 Peak around ch 1600 ~ X 10 as expected Kaons? Triggered with the opposite side SiPM (> 5p.e)

28 Conclusions… …and future plans
We performed accurate tests on Hamamatsu S U Conclusions… Hamamatsu SiPMs S U seem very suitable for our intents Dark count is negligible when looking at signals of more than 4 p.e. NO cooling is needed for AMADEUS trigger …and future plans Time resolution studies are planned in order to understand the trigger efficiency (MIPs, etc.) Further simulations will be performed including Magnetic Field, Helium target, Kapton cell and all other particles coming from e+-e- collisions More tests in Daϕne with scintillating fibers activated by Kaons (more statistic) Dedicated Monte Carlo simulations – to be continued Electronics, power supplies mechanics

29 Collaborations with: ITEP Moscow Zagreb Univ. Perugia (Ambrosini)
Hamamatsu SiPMs S U seem very suitable for our intents Dark count is negligible when looking at signals of more than 4 p.e. Collaborations with: ITEP Moscow Zagreb Univ. Perugia (Ambrosini) NO cooling is needed for AMADEUS trigger …and future plans

30 AMADEUS global strategy:
AMADEUS phase-1: start in 2011 (after KLOE2 step0), study di- and tri – baryon kaonic nuclei and low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interactions AMADEUS phase-2: after 2012, higher integrated luminosity, refined study of di- tri-baryon kaonic nuclei; extend to other nuclei (spectroscopy of kaonic nuclei along the periodic table…)

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