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Physical Education Department

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1 Physical Education Department
St. Pauls High School Physical Education Department

2 St. Pauls High School PE Syllabus
You can locate the SPHS Physical Education Syllabus on our Website You only have to print of the parent agreement form and have it signed and brought back to us for your first PE grade. (10pt)

3 Physical Education Department Teachers
Coach King Weight Room Coach Jay Physical Education 2 Coach Bridges Physical Education & Health Education 9th Grade Coach Thompson Physical Education 2 Coach Lowry Physical Education & Health Education 9th Grade Coach Hunt Weight Room Females

4 Course Overview Saint Pauls High School Physical education department is based on the premise that physical activity and participation are important for all students, regardless of their level of athletic skill or ability. Throughout various activities, students in our program will learn how to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. In addition, we hope to instill enjoyment of physical activity, as well as an understanding of the importance of maintaining physical fitness.

5 Student’s Expectations
Respect the rights and property of others. Follow directions. Be prepared for class-dressed out. No cell phones, headphones, make-up, food, drink, (Except water), or gum in the activity area. Keep locker room clean at all times . Students must have the official SPHS PE Uniform. Abide by the rules of the SPHS handbook at all times during class.

6 Evaluation Process Participation Points Participate Everyday
Written Work- (Health and PE) notebook, quizzes, and tests Absences/Make-up –If you have an EXCUSED absence, see your PE teacher for a make-up assignment. If you do not turn in make-up work, you will lose points for ANY absence. Grading Scale: 90-100% = A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below F The Following will be used to determine your grade

7 Grading Procedure Grade Breakdown
Points can be accumulated daily in the following categories Dressed in required PE uniform Full participation in the daily activity Attendance Classwork (If you are in Health and PE) (Health and PE Students only) 50% Health 50% PE “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” ~ Plato~

8 Physical Education Uniforms
Every Student is required to purchase the official SPHS PE Shirt . Shirts can be purchased from the PE Department for a $price$ In Addition to the SPHS PE shirt, all students must wear some type of athletic gear shorts/pants and closed-toed tennis shoes. During cold weather, if we are in activity that is outdoors, you can bring a sweatshirt or sweatpants to wear OVER your PE uniform. You must still wear your uniform to receive your participation points. If you forget your PE uniform or just don’t feel like dressing out, you will still be required to participate in the class, however, you will lose points and you will get sweaty and possibly smelly in your school clothes. If you refuse to participate and follow the teachers directions you will be written up on a referral for in subornation. Altered uniforms will result in a non-dress *The reason we are enforcing uniforms is to try and eliminate strangers in the gym. Due to high volume of students in the gym and outside facilitites it is hard to keep track of who belongs in the gym and who is trying to skip from other classes. *

9 Illness/Injury Policy
If you are well enough to come to school, but feeling too ill to participate in PE class, or have an injury that prevents you from participating you must do the following to receive credit. Bring a note signed by a parent with a contact phone number DRESS OUT Participate in the stretches and any other part of the exercised you feel you can. If you have an injury that prevents you from participating longer than one week, a doctors note will be required.

10 Rules and Regulations Understand the gym is not a classroom (it is better). We hold school functions, assemblies, and sporting events. So keep it clean, it represents something bigger than you. FOOD, DRINK, and anything other than water is prohibited. If you are caught in the action you will be asked to trash it. No exceptions. Cell Phones, electronics devices (Student Handbook) 1st offence WARNING, 2nd offence Device is confiscated and will have to be picked up after the school day Vandalizing school property will result in a referral to administrators and possibly prosecuted. THE PHYSICAL ED. DEPARTMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF ANY STOLEN VALUABLES IN GYM OR LOCKER ROOM AREA. (LEAVE IT AT HOME) Bleachers are not allowed to be pull out or pushed in without permission. Any questions refer to student handbook.

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