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Welcome to Charlton Kings Junior school

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1 Welcome to Charlton Kings Junior school
Year 6

2 Meet the Teacher Evening
The aim of tonight’s meeting is to tell you all about Year 6 and what to expect for your child. After a talk in the hall there will be time to visit your child’s classroom and speak to their teacher individually. This powerpoint will be put on the website so that you can refer to it once you get home.

3 Year 6 Staff 6A - Mrs Averis 6S - Miss Sargeant 6T - Miss Tromans
Teaching Assistants Mrs Freeman Mrs Powell Mrs Raddon Other adults Miss Johnson, Mrs Keffler, Mrs Selwood, Mr Kirby and Mrs Macfadzean Explain how job-share works Who else might work with children Chance to meet teachers, answer some of your questions Stress we are happy to see you at any time, best after school – Tues and Thurs We will contact you if we have any issues with your child Happy to answer questions at end

4 School expectations Water in class Fruit at break time
PE/games kits, jewellery Pencil cases Equipment and phones Before and after school arrangements Water – pop-up lid, refills Show drawstring bag Everything named Replace equipment if deliberately broken Own coloured pens, pencils Mobile phones are banned Jewellery – tape for ears No using car park Come in to meet and greet area

5 Expectations for Year 6 Behaviour – learning attitude Timetable
Curriculum Trips and events Homework Sanctions and rewards (mention red room) Timetable in little blue book, games on Tuesday, PE on Wednesday Homework – maths Wed, literacy Fri, philosophy re reading, spelling, tables Curriculum – topics = Adventures, Egypt and the Nile, Environments This term – lit festival 12th Oct, SS Gt Brit 22nd Nov Others = Tutankhamun, Sci Fest, Pgl, Comenius visitors, France Carol Service – Thurs 11th Dec Christmas Service

6 Homework Maths: Passport and calculation
Your child’s homework will relate to their current targets They will be tested next week to determine the best starting point Times Tables to 12 x 12 Daily routine Spellings Reading recorded in planners

7 Topics and Trips A Century in a Flash Living on the Edge
The World’s our Stage

8 SATs All Year 6 children will take end of Key Stage 2 tests during the week commencing 14th May 2018. They will take tests in reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, arithmetic and reasoning. Whilst the tests are important, we try very hard to make the process as stress-free and relaxed as we can, at the same time making sure the children feel prepared. Please let us know if your child is feeling anxious or worried about SATs or transferring to secondary school. We will be holding a meeting for parents on Wednesday 21st March to give more information about the tests.

9 Residential visit to Wales 4 – 8 June or 11 – 15 June

10 Planners Will contain timetable, and days for e.g. PE, swimming, games. Should be in school daily. Use to record reading. Homework and special events. Parents – school communication. Signed once a week. Water – pop-up lid, refills Show drawstring bag Everything named Replace equipment if deliberately broken Own coloured pens, pencils Mobile phones are banned Jewellery – tape for ears No using car park Come in to meet and greet area

11 Communications Planner E-mail Newsletter/website Clubs
Parents’ evenings Reports Medicine, illness letters PTA letter to take home Come in at any time but next parents evening in February, open evening in June Reports – interim at Christmas, full at end of year Help – trips, readers, walking to church

12 Helpers If you are available to come in and help us occasionally or on a routine basis, particularly to hear children read, please let your child’s class teacher know after the meeting.

13 Questions

14 Thank you for coming – we will now move to your child’s classroom.

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