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The heat capacity per one mole  3R

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1 The heat capacity per one mole  3R
HEAT CAPACITY OF SOLIDS: BRIEF HISTORY Almost 200 years ago, in 1819, Messrs. Dulong and Petite (or, rather Messieurs Dulong and Petite, because they were Frenchmen), studied the heat capacity of a large number of elementary solids, and they found an amazing regularity: namely, that in all cases The heat capacity per one mole  3R Where R = J/K-mole is the “gas constant”. R had been known to the early XIX-century physicists from the equation of state of ideal gas: pV=NRT This empirical rule became widely known as the Dulong – Petite Law (althogh from the formal viepoint it’s not a “law”)

2 Some 40 or 50 years later, when statistical mechanics
Right from the beginning scientists suspected that such a relation with the gas constant was not coincidental… Some 40 or 50 years later, when statistical mechanics emerged (i.e., the “old” theory, fully based on Newtonian mechanics), a theoretical explanation of the Dulong-Petite Law was obtained. Namely, as was shown by classical stat-mech calculation, If the classical Hamiltonian of a micro-object (i.e., a particle) consists of several “quadratic” terms: where pi and qi are the generalized position and momentum coordinates, and Ai and Bi are constants, then each quadratic term contributes ½ kBT to the object energy, regardless of A and B constant values! This is the FAMOUS “EQUIPAR- TITION THEOREM” of classical statistical mechanics.

3 So, if we take one mole of such particles, then each
“quadratic term” contributes to the total system energy, and its contribution to The heat capacity is:

4 In the classical statistical mechanical model each atom in
the solid is thought of as an “elementary harmonic oscillator” with a Hamiltonian: Where  is the “spring constant”, and m is the atom’s mass. Note that there are SIX “QUADRATIC TERMS”, which indeed yields the total of Cv = 3R !!! ☻☻☻ NOTE, in addition: this result predicts that that the heat capacity is CONSTANT over the entire T range form 0 to infinity!

5 After such a spectacular
success of statistical mechanics, the moods of physicists were jubilant…

6 However, not long afterwards
something happened that had the effect of a……

7 After the first successful liquefaction of air and nitrogen in
the second half of the XIX century, low-temperature studies became possible. Scientist started measuring heat capacity In the low-T range, and… what they found was obviously a major embarrassment: Dulong-Petite value and Equipartion Theorem prediction

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