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Introduction to NX Thermal Analysis
Student Guide March 2015 MT15032-s-NX 10
Pre and post processing thermal models
Thermal solver algorithm with control volumes
Step 1: Elements and nodes from the mesh are used to define the model's solid geometry. Step 2: During the solve, calculation points are established at each element's center of gravity (CG). Step 3: Capacitances and heat flows for the control volume are “lumped” at calculation points. Step 4: The conductance algorithm constrains a piecewise-linear element temperature function to satisfy governing Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Step 5: Thermal loads and boundary conditions are applied to the calculation points or the element's CGs.
Thermal solver algorithm with control volumes
Step 6: Heat transfer is computed at the centroidal calculation point. Step 7: Heat flow results in the CGs are distributed by interpolating results to the nodes. Element CG and calculation point Conductances Node Boundary calculation points
Thermal results and the CG method
Two sets of temperature results are obtained from a thermal analysis: Temperature — Nodal Temperature — Element Nodal temperatures are interpolated values from the results obtained at the calculation points. Element temperatures are the values at the element's center of gravity without any interpolation. Node CG calculation point Boundary calculation point
Element types supported by the thermal solver
Hexahedral or brick, tetrahedral, and wedge 2D Triangular or quadrilateral thin, multi-layer, or null shells 1D and 0D Beams, ducts, or ducts with wall Parabolic elements A parabolic element incorporates mid-side nodes, in addition to nodes at the vertices. The thermal solver uses a control volume formulation, with variables calculated at the element's centroid. Changing an element's order from linear to parabolic will have no effect on the formulation. Temperature results are calculated for all nodes (including mid-side nodes) by interpolating the temperatures at the element's centroid.
Material Properties — Solid
Material property (SI units) Defined in Notes Basic structural properties Mass Density (kg/m³) NX Materials Required for transient analysis Thermal properties Thermal Conductivity (W/m-K) Required for steady state and transient analysis May be defined as isotropic or orthotropic Specific Heat (J/kg-K) Diffuse and opaque surface properties Emissivity (unitless) Thermo-Optical Property modeling object Required for all thermal radiation simulations
Material Creation For thermal models the material creation forms are shown.
Meshing Thermal & Flow Models
Common Mesh Issues Poor element quality. Lack of transition between mesh types. Insufficient resolution to correctly capture physics. Abrupt changes in element size. Missing mesh mating conditions.
Pyramid Transitions Without pyramid transitions With pyramid transitions
Tet vs Hex Tet Mesh Conforms better to the geometry but requires more resources to solve. Hex Mesh Can generate fewer elements but requires significant effort to generate in complex geometries. Tet Hex Tet (regular) Elements 33,792 8,000 21,828 Nodes 7,097 9,261 4,875
Tet vs Hex NX Flow: Use number of nodes to judge model size NX Thermal: Use number of elements to judge model size NX Flow: To model the flow, at least 5 to 8 elements thru the flow channel NX Thermal: To model thermal gradients, at least 3 to 5 thru the thickness
Improper thermal element mesh
The following cases are not common and they will not conduct heat under default meshing conditions: 1D element connected to the edge of a 3D solid element. 1D elements must be connected to an edge of a 2D element or to another 1D element. Hingedoor: 2D element connected along an edge to a 3D solid element. All nodes on a 2D element must be connected to all nodes on the face of a solid or connected along their edge to another 2D element or 1D element.
Improper thermal element mesh
Flagpole: 1D element connected at one end to a 2D element. The 1D element must be connected to an edge of a 2D element or to another 1D element. Mass element connected to the corner of a 2D or 3D element. Mass elements must be placed at the end of 1D elements.
Activity: Model inquiry — capacitor Optional
In this activity, you will: Find, tag, and display selected nodes and elements. Create groups. Post process information about group of elements and nodes.
Activity - Optional Geometry Preparation: Surface wrapping complex models Simplify polygon geometry before meshing — In this activity, you will mesh a simple part to familiarize yourself with the geometry abstraction tools.
Thermo-optical properties
Thermo-optical properties are necessary for radiation analyses. You must specify: Emissivity Absorptivity Specular reflectivity Transmissivity Index of refraction Use the Modeling Objects Manager to define Thermo-Optical Properties in the FEM or Simulation files.
Optics Properties Created as a modeling object. Assigned at the collector level.
Multi-layer shells You can model objects made of multiple layers with different properties using a single mesh with multi-layer physical property. Model single or multiple material properties, thicknesses, and layers. Calculate individual temperatures for each layer. Multi layer shells provide a detailed picture of the thermal exchange without using 3D solid elements. Multi-layer shell types Multi-Layer Shell Uniform Multi-Layer Shell — Non-Uniform
Treatment of multi-layer shells and heat transfer phenomena
Thermal boundary conditions Radiation Thermal loads and temperature constraints can be applied to any or all layers. Only the top and bottom layers of a multi-layer shell are used to calculate radiative fluxes. Elements radiate from their top or bottom sides. Couplings connecting a multi-layer mesh to another mesh are established either from the top or the bottom layer, depending on which layer is closer to the connected mesh. Thermal couplings Conduction Intermediate layers model conduction between the top and bottom sides. In-plane conduction is also calculated. Convection Flow surfaces convect from top or bottom layer of multi-layer shells. Post View layer results under the nodes labeled Ply1, Ply2, until PlyN. processing
Treatment of multi-layer shells and heat transfer phenomena
Multi-layer shells types
Uniform layer shell Each layer has the same material and thickness. Requires a odd number of layers. Layers are modeled with a through-plane conduction. For materials with a constant specific heat, each layer has the same capacitance. The layer thickness is used to calculate the volume of the elements and the surface area of the element edges. For isotropic materials, the material thermal conductivity is used to calculate a conductive heat transfer coefficient between each pair of adjacent layers. For orthotropic materials, the Z-axis thermal conductivity property is used to create the conductive thermal couplings between layers.
Activities NX Help / CAE Advanced Simulation Tutorials: Thermal analysis of a PCB with a chip
Solution Data Available results include: Temperature Conductive Heat Flux Temperature Gradient Total Flux and Total Load Residuals Convection Coefficients View Factor Sums, Net Radiative Flux, Radiosity Flux, and Irradiance Flux
Thermal Report Report Use a Report simulation object to output result values in text or HTML format. Data for elements and regions are available depending on the solver used and the report type selected. The Track During Flow Solve report type generates a text report in the Analysis Job Information dialog box.
Edit Post View Color Display Smooth Banded Iso-Lines Spheres Color Spectrum Structural Thermal Thermal Inverted Grayscale Spotlight
Iso-surface plots An isosurface represents points of a constant value (e.g constant pressures) within a volume of space.
Activity: Introduction to transient modeling
In this activity, you will: Review simple concepts of heat transfer such as conduction and convection. Set up a transient analysis and use a heater control.
Connecting meshes
What is a thermal coupling?
Is a conductance between unconnected, possibly non-aligned elements. Is an additional heat path through which heat may flow. Simulates a conductance based on values you specify and the area of overlap between the selected element sets. Is typically intended to model conductance between parallel surfaces or edges, without explicitly modeling the heat transfer medium between them, example bolted joints, welds, pins, etc.
Types Thermal Coupling Interface Resistance Surface-to-Surface Contact Thermal Coupling — Radiation
Primary element selection and conduction modeling
In thermal couplings, primary element selection depends on the model you are analyzing: Select the smaller segment as a primary region. Only the nearest secondary elements will be coupled. Each primary element is connected to one or more secondary elements, depending on proximity and overlap. There may not be a connection to every secondary element. The primary element selection does not control the direction of heat flow.
Primary element selection and conduction modeling
Correct Incorrect Primary region Secondary region
Thermal couplings between overlapping or intersecting entities
The Only Connect Overlapping Elements option can be useful when the selected primary and secondary areas are different, at an angle, or not aligned. This option controls how the thermal coupling connection is found and created between primary sub-elements and secondary elements. Primary element with sub-divison Secondary element Element normal Thermal coupling
Activity: Heat transfer analysis between a chip, PCB, and casing
In this activity, you will: Learn basic concepts of thermal couplings. Troubleshoot the most common errors faced when using thermal couplings.
Activity: Thermal couplings in electronic systems
In this activity, you will: Calculate thermal couplings and apply an interface resistance. Create thermal perfect contacts.
Activity: PCB heat transfer analysis
In this activity, you will: Review concepts of part idealization, heat transfer, and thermal couplings. Simulate a fan failure scenario using a transient thermal analysis.
Boundary Conditions
Thermal Loads Thermal Loads Use the Thermal Loads command to apply known heat sources that can be constant, time varying, and/or spatially distributed. Types Use Heat Load if you know the load in units of power, for example on a chip or stove plate model. (power) Use Heat Flux if you know the value of heat entering through an area, for example, solar heat flux. (power/area) Use Heat Generation if you know the value of heat generated in a volume, for example, burning coal. (power/volume)
Thermal Loads Thermal Load options vary according to the Type selected: Defining a Heater Control lets you control how the load is activated by a temperature sensor. When using Multi–Layer Shells, you can define to which layer you apply the thermal load.
Thermal Constraints Temperature Use the Temperature constraint to apply known temperatures to a heat source or sink on the model. You can define temperature values as: Constant Varying with time, heat flow rate, or thermal capacity spatially distributed Varying with time, heat flow rate, or thermal capacity, and be spatially distributed When using Multi–Layer Shells you can define to which layer you apply the temperature constraint.
Thermal Constraints Convection to Environment Use the Convection to Environment constraint to model free or forced convection without modeling the fluid. You can use different types according to the phenomena modeled. Use this option when you know either the Convection Coefficient or Parameter and Exponent and the fluid temperature. Free Convection to Environment Use this option when you want to use a specific free convection correlation. Forced Convection to Environment Use this option when you want to use a specific forced convection correlation. Both in transient and steady state solves, the solver calculates a single convection coefficient value for the entire convecting surface based on the characteristic information you specify.
Thermal Constraints Simple Radiation to Environment Use the Simple Environment Radiation constraint to define radiation on surfaces for which you know emissivity and view factors. To define thermo-optical properties and the view factor, two options are available from the Type list: Gray Body View Factor The emissivity of the faces is obtained from the Thermo-optical properties modeling objects you define in the mesh collectors. You define the gray body view factor. Effective emissivity You define the emissivity of the faces you select. The radiative environment temperature can be set to ambient or a value you specify.
Modifying global initial conditions
The options on the Initial Conditions tab of the Solution dialog box define initial values for the variables on the whole model. Automatic sets the initial temperatures to the values specified on the Ambient Conditions tab. Uniform sets the initial values to the ones you specify. Use Uniform if the conditions differ from ambient conditions. From Results In Other Directory sets the initial values to the thermal results from previous analysis using the same mesh. This option overrides any initial conditions constraint. You must specify the folder containing the results. The solver file (TEMPF format) in this folder defines initial conditions. Perform Steady-State Solution sets the initial conditions of a transient run to the temperature results of an automatically run steady-state analysis (applicable only for transient analyses).
Activity: Heat distribution on a brake assembly
In this activity, you will: Apply basic thermal boundary conditions. Use basic thermal couplings to conduct heat between two components.
Solving a thermal analysis
Apply all thermal loads, initial, and boundary conditions on the meshed model. In the Simulation Navigator, right-click on the Solution node. Select Edit. In the Solution dialog box, on the Solution Details tab, select a Run Directory option to specify a location for the result files. Select Steady State or Transient. On the Transient Setup tab, review and modify the transient parameters. On the Results Options tab, select the desired output result types. (Optional) To modify the solver parameters, right-click the Solution node and select Solver Parameters. In the Simulation Navigator, right-click on the Solution node and select Solve.
Adaptive time stepping method
When you specify Automatic from the Time Step Option list, the thermal solver uses the adaptive time stepping method to automatically determine the time step sizes in a transient thermal simulation. This method handles the sharp changes in temperature at boundary conditions. When there are no abrupt changes in boundary conditions, it accelerates the simulation without losing accuracy. The time step size calculation is based on the estimated error between a quadratic fit and a linear fit of the solution in time. You specify the temperature error tolerance, the minimum time step size, and the maximum time step size.
Thermal solver parameters
In the Solver Parameters dialog box on the Thermal Solver tab, multiple options are available to adjust thermal solution convergence: Steady State Convergence Control The convergence criteria between two steady state iterations can be set to either a ΔT, an iteration limit, or left to automatic. Transient Convergence Control For transient analyses, you can adjust the maximum temperature change between two iterations of a given time step. When the temperature change of all elements is below this number, the solution at that iteration has converged.
Radiation solver parameters
You can modify the accuracy and preferences to use in radiation calculations on the Solver Parameters tab. You can control the accuracy and calculation of view factor residuals by modifying View Factor Adjustment and Radiation patches. Activating On Screen Rendering can accelerate view factor calculation, but it will tie up the monitor. This option only improves performance when the run uses the same workstation for both processing (CPU) and display (graphics card and monitor).
NX Thermal Files INPF primary input file GTEMP nodal temperatures TEMPF element centroid temperatures MSGF program messages REPF details of calculations VUFF view factors tmggeom.dat contains model and parameters tmgrslt.dat can be processed to create a universal file Recommend: set the results directory to solution name
Solution Monitor The Solution Monitor provides you with information from the solver during the analysis. Displayed information Depending on the solver environment, the following information is displayed: Solver version, running time, and run directory folder name. Model summary. For example in the NX Thermal/Flow solver environment, this summary includes the number of entities, ambient conditions, internal mesh check, and boundary conditions. Status of the solution and current module being executed by the thermal solver. Convergence residuals at each iteration during the analysis. Warnings and errors.
Activities Radiation Heat transfer analysis of an oven
Activities Meshing and Material Properties: Meshing and assembly FEMs review
Smarter decisions, better products.
SIEMENS PLM Software GTAC Smarter decisions, better products. Student Guide November, 2013 MT15032-s-NX 9
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