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NA61/SHINE search for the critical point
of strongly interacting matter - Basic ideas - NA49 pilot results - NA61/SHINE systematic search M. Gazdzicki Frankfurt,Kielce
Observation of the onset of deconfinement implies that:
- Basic ideas Observation of the onset of deconfinement implies that: there are two phases of strongly interacting matter (popular nicknames are hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma) and thus there is a transition line/region between them The next goals are to study properties of - QGP (LHC), - hadron gas (SIS, Nuklotron) and - the transition line (SPS, RHIC, NICA) In particular, a possibility to discover a hypothetical critical end point of strong interacting matter attracts a significant attention.
Phase diagrams of strongly interacting matter
The most popular one and an example of a less popular one Asakawa, Yazaki, NP A504, 668 (89) within the Nambu, Jona-Lasinio model Gorenstein, M.G., Greiner, PR C72, (05) within the quark-gluon bag model
The SPS and RHIC experimental programs are
mostly based on the most popular phase diagram cross-over 1st order PT End point
Properties of the end point of the 1st order line are believed
to resemble the properties of the 2nd order phase transition 1st order phase transition: discontinuity of energy and entropy density at TC The two phases are very different. For small fluctuations of energy density there are only small fluctuations of the phase composition. 2nd order phase transition: energy and entropy densities are continuous at TC The two phases are similar For small fluctuations of energy density there are large fluctuations of the phase composition.
in the vicinity of the End point large volume
fluctuations of matter droplets are expected. Fluctuations in the vicinity of the critical point: micro-state 1 micro-state 2 micro-state 3 Fluctuations in the mixed phase (1st order PT): micro-state 1 micro-state 2 micro-state 3
specific heat capacity: c ≡ dε /dT
Maximum of c at T < TC appears for the 3rd and higher order PT as well as the cross-over Infinite c for T → TC is typical for the 2nd order PT
Temperature fluctuations in A+A collisions:
Stodolsky, PRL 75, 1044 (95), Shuryak, PL B423, 9 (98) (MCE with fixed E) Particle number fluctuations in A+A collisions: Mrowczynski, PL B430, 9 (98) (GCE with fixed T) Energy fluctuations in A+A collisions: Stephanov, Rajagopal, Shuryak PR D60, (99) (GCE with fixed T)
Anomaly in fluctuations in a narrow domain
of the phase diagram is considered as the main signal of the critical end point but predictions what and how should strongly fluctuate are model-dependent Search for the critical end point in heavy ion collisions implies a scan in the parameters controlled in laboratory (collision energy and centrality, system size). By changing them we change freeze-out conditions (T, µB). In the case they are close to the critical end point anomaly in fluctuations should be observed.
E Schematic dependance of freeze-out
and early stage (T, µB) on collision energy Early stage E freeze-out
Freeze-out (T, µB) dependence on the laboratory controlled parameters
Collision energy dependence for central Pb+Pb (Au+Au)
NA49: System size dependence at 158A GeV
p+p C+C Si+Si central Pb+Pb Becattini, MG, Manninen, PR C73, (06) Kraus, JP G31, S147 (05)
T µB Summary on freeze-out (T, µB) dependence on
the laboratory controlled parameters T energy A µB Search for the critical point makes sense only at energies larger than the onset one (30A GeV)
and expected signals: hills of fluctuations
Critical Point: freeze-out close to critical point, and system large enough, expected signal: a hill in fluctuations and local power-law fluctuations Pb+Pb Be+Be 13
- NA49 pilot results
NA49 pT and multiplicity fluctuations
inelastic p+p and central C+C, Si+Si, Pb+Pb collisions (cms rapidity yπ > 1.1) system size at 158A GeV energy dependence for Pb+Pb fluctuations of PT, N (5% most central collisions) fluctuations of multiplicity (1% most central collisions)
NA49 PT and multiplicity fluctuations
p+p Pb+Pb Pb+Pb p+p Pb+Pb system size at 158A GeV energy for central Pb+Pb First hint of the fluctuation hill? NA49, PR C78:034914 NA49 PR D60:114028
NA49 intermittency analysis
intermittency in particle production as signal of the critical point Antoniou et al., NPA693,799(2001); PRL97,032002(2006) at the critical point local density fluctuations with power-law singularity expected both in configuration and momentum space - σ field: density of σ particles, related to low-mass π+π- pairs - baryonic density: related to net baryon density ( ≈ protons) experimental observation via factorial moments in pT space: (subdivided into M bins in px and py ) estimate the background by mixed events and subtract predicted intermittency index ϕ low-mass π+ π- pairs 2/3 - protons /6 ~
σ→ π+π- intermittency analysis
pions identified by dE/dx measured in the TPCs study π+π- pairs near threshold to reduce combinatorial background exclude Coulomb correlation region at very small Qinv NA49 results for central collisions at 158A GeV: T.Anticic et al, PRC81,064907(2010) M2 Combinatorial background too large
power law fit to ΔF2 in central “Si”+Si collisions
Φ2 ≈ ± ± ± 0.09 M2 π+π- intermittency seen in central Si+Si collisions at 158A GeV
proton intermittency analysis (arXiv:1208.5292)
protons identified by dE/dx measured in the TPCs selection by cuts in dE/dx such that purity > 80 % cms rapidity |ycms | < 0.75
power law fits to background corrected factorial moments ΔF2
12 % most central collisions at 158A GeV suggestive of maximum in p intermittency for central Si+Si collisions at 158A GeV
- NA61/SHINE systematic search
Advances related to the NA61/SHINE search:
- precise measurements of the number of projectile spectators thanks to the Projectile Spectator Detector - 2D scan with central collisions of similar mass nuclei possible thanks to an increase of the event rate - use of strongly intensive quantities to remove bias due to volume fluctuations - reduction of delta electron and secondary interaction background thanks to the new He beam pipes - use of the identity method to correct data for an incomplete particle identification (PID) - use of a new method to correct fluctuation results for experimental biases other than PID
- precise measurements of the number of projectile
spectators thanks to the Projectile Spectator Detector
Projectile Spectator Detector
spectators Projectile Spectator Detector p target central peripheral K- p- p+ produced particles Projectile Spectator Detector: - 44 module, - 440 MAPD read-out channels - 17 tons → single nucleon resolution
- 2D scan with central collisions of similar mass nuclei
possible thanks to an increase of the event rate
Central collisions of light and medium size nuclei
cannot be replaced by peripheral Pb+Pb collisions The fluctuations of the number of projectile participants are suppressed by selecting collisions with fixed number of projectile spectators (in NA61/SHINE measured by PSD) The fluctuations of the number of target participants can be suppressed only by selection of very central collisions peripheral central Number of projectile participants Fluctuations of target participants
- use of strongly intensive quantities to
remove bias due to volume fluctuations
Multiplicity Fluctuations: the second moments
( [x] Var[x]/<x>, Var[x] = <(x-<x>)2> ) WNM: [N] = *[N] + <N>/<W> [W] SM(GCE): [N] = *[N] + <N>/<V> [V] where *[N] is the scaled variance calculated for any fixed value of W or V Properly weighted sums of second moments of joint multiplicity distribution of two hadrons is independent of system size and its fluctuations ( P(W) and P(V) ) (it is strongly intensive)
Properly weighted sums of second moments:
Δ[A,B] = (<B>[A] - <A>[B])/(<B> - <A>) Σ[A,B] = (<B>[A] + <A>[B] – - 2(<AB> - <A><B>))/(<B> + <A>) (Σ is a reincarnation of the Φ fluctuation measure) are independent of P(W) in WNM and of P(V) in SM(GCE) MG, Mrowczynski 1992 Gorenstein, MG, 2011
- reduction of delta electron and secondary interaction
background thanks to the new He beam pipes
He beam pipes: reduces number of δ-electrons and beam/spectator interactions in VTPC-1 and VTPC-2 by a factor of about 10 Position of the reconstructed interaction point along the beam direction He beam pipe installed In the VTPC-1 gas volume (extremely light-weight, low Z materials used)
- use of the identity method to correct data for
an incomplete particle identification
- use the new method to correct fluctuation results
for experimental biases other than PID
The new method to correct experimental results on
fluctuations for experimental biases other than PID: - prepare joint distribution of relevant event quantities measured in an experiment with the inserted target → JD1 - subtract from it the corresponding distribution obtained with the removed target – the correction for non-target interactions → JD2 - correct JD2 for the remaining biases using Monte Carlo simulation/reconstruction chain: physics MC event → raw MC data → reconstructed MC data → JD3 - from JD3 calculate the relevant fluctuation measures, e.g., strongly intensive quantities: Δ[A,B] and Σ[A,B]
NA61/SHINE first results
NA61/SHINE and NA49: no anomalies in fluctuations in
p+p and central Pb+Pb collisions NA49: an indication of increased fluctuations in Si+Si interactions at 158A GeV/c NA61/SHINE: energy scan with Ar+Ca and Xe+La may lead to the discovery of the critical point
Additional slides
+Z detector, +A detector
NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS top view, not to scale PSD +Z detector, +A detector
NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS BPDs: for each beam particle:
top view, not to scale PSD BPDs BPDs: for each beam particle: straight line trajectory TPCs: for each charged particle: charge, momentum, mass (dE/dx) TOFs: for each charged particle: mass (tof) PSD: for all particles: total energy
x measure (ZP C54, 127 (1992)) of fluctuations (x=pT, f, Q)
Fluctuation measures (NA49 and/or NA61): sdyn measure of dynamical particle ration fluctuations (K/p, p/p, K/p) E-by-e fit of particle multiplicities required in NA49 Mixed events used as reference s2dyn ∝ 1/NW (PR C81, (2010), arXiv: ) Scaled variance w of multiplicity distribution Intensive measure For Poissonian multiplicity distribution w=1 In wounded nucleon model (superposition) w(A+A) = w(N+N) + <n>wW <n> - mean multiplicity of hadrons from a single N+N; wW - fluctuations in NW w is strongly dependent on NW fluctuations relative width (of K/π, p/π, K/p) σ= 𝑅𝑀𝑆 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 ⋅100 % σ 𝑑𝑦𝑛 =𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 σ 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 2 − σ 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 ∣ σ 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 2 − σ 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 2 ∣ σ 𝑑𝑦𝑛 2 ≈∣ ν 𝑑𝑦𝑛 ∣ ω= 𝑁 2 − 𝑁 2 𝑁 x measure (ZP C54, 127 (1992)) of fluctuations (x=pT, f, Q) In superposition model x(A+A) = x(N+N) For independent particle emission x=0 In superposition model x is independent of NW and NW fluctuations (strongly intensive) 𝑧 𝑥 =𝑥− 𝑥 ˉ ; 𝑥 ˉ − inclusive average event variable 𝑍 𝑥 = 𝑖=1 𝑁 𝑥 𝑖 − 𝑥 ˉ Φ 𝑥 = 𝑍 𝑥 2 𝑁 − 𝑧 𝑥 2 ˉ
3rd moment of pT measure (pT(3))
Strongly intensive (PL B465, 8 (1999)) Intermittency in low mass p+p- pair density fluctuations in pT space Proper mass window and multiplicity required Mixed events used as reference Power-law behavior from s mode expected: Critical QCD prediction f2 = 2/3 Φ 𝑝 𝑇 3 = 𝑍 𝑝 𝑇 𝑁 − 𝑧 𝑝 𝑇 3 ˉ 1 3 2D transv. momentum factorial moments: 𝐹 𝑝 𝑀 = 1 𝑀 2 𝑖=1 𝑀 2 𝑛 𝑖 𝑛 𝑖 − 𝑛 𝑖 −𝑝 𝑀 2 𝑖=1 𝑀 2 𝑛 𝑖 𝑝 𝑀 2 − number of cells in 𝑝 𝑇 space of di−pion 𝑝 𝑇,ππ = 𝑝 𝑇, π 𝑝 𝑇, π − 𝑛 𝑖 − number of reconstruc. di−pions in𝑖−th cell Δ 𝐹 2 𝑀 − combinatorial background subtracted (by use of mixed events) second factorial moment Δ 𝐹 2 ~ 𝑀 2 φ 2
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