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Supplementing your revision using online activities

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Presentation on theme: "Supplementing your revision using online activities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplementing your revision using online activities
Effort + Time = Success Supplementing your revision using online activities

2 Objectives of this session
To remind students of the revision sites available from school subscriptions To explain how to access past papers and mark schemes

3 Between now and the end of your exams you will NEVER have “no homework”

4 Revision - what works for you?
Many techniques work but two definitely DO NOT! However much you believe reading / simple highlighting works for you there are many MUCH BETTER ways. The more ACTIVE and VARIED your revision, the more likely you will be to remember what you need under pressure. NOT just highlighting BUT highlight to return to an area to revise is OK!

5 Your brain and revision – relevant however you revise!
The more connections that you can make between different parts of your brain the easier it will be to retrieve information under pressure. You have such a LOT to learn for your exams … cramming simply won’t work. You need to pace yourself and use a variety of techniques.

6 Two types of revision strategies
Using technology Desktop computers, iPads, Macbooks,podcasts and your mobile phone all link you up with ways you can revise. These are useful but should not be used exclusively. Switch off and learn! Unless you are doing a revision activity that specifically uses the internet – SWITCH OFF!

7 Logging On through our VLE
The homepage of our VLE has direct links to allow you to log on to these popular revision sites.

8 BBC Bitesize Subjects are divided into topics
There are revision notes with a few questions to test your understanding There is usually an activity and a test on each topic You can also download a bitesize revision app

9 BBC Bitesize Be careful to stick to your specification Do not waste time trying to learn things that you don’t need!

10 GCSE Pod

Create your own login on first use

12 Make your revision active.
Take notes and add information to mind-maps. You can’t pass your GCSEs only by listening to podcasts.

13 My Maths Password = Ryburn bidmas

14 My Maths Use for practice – the real key to success in maths!
All activities are shown as foundation or higher and the target level is also shown so you can work at a level that is correct for your target.

15 Sam Learning Web based exam practice and revision.
All Students do and mark their own work. Improves exam technique, confidence and results. Anywhere, anytime learning. Continually updated with new content in line with latest curriculum Student Homepage Before we look at all of the features on SAM Learning GO! lets have a tour of the homepage. Across the top you have your navigation bar – this is showing the student’s name, total task hours to date and then the Welcome, My Homework and Password buttons. When you go into materials you get the path of where you are so you can navigate in and out. Down the left hand side you have your navigation buttons. These stay with the student wherever they are on the website allowing them to go anywhere quickly. There is also a summary of your most urgent Homework to complete, but we will cover the homework area further on Although the bottom of the main screen there will be messages from SAM Learning – in this instance it is information on the new SAM Learning GO! Service, new subjects, a guide on accessing subjects and a survey.

16 Five facts about SAM Learning
• More than 5 million students have used SAM Learning to improve their grades. • Using us for just 10 hours across the year will increase your expected attainment by 2 GCSE grades, on average. • SAM Learning is, on average, used by over 100,000 students every day. • There are more than 70,000 activities across 27 subjects to help you revise. • You can challenge your friends to beat your scores and keep up with you progress on a live leader board. So why Use SAM Learning GO!? Well it is used by more than half of all English state Secondary Schools clocking up over 4 million task hours in – with over 50% of the usage being completed at home. Over 750,000 students will use SAM Learning GO! this year – you can be one of them!

17 GCSE Subjects Available
Hours Maths improve activities 112 Statistics 49 English improve activities 39 English Literature 96 Science 173 Science for the 21st Century 75 Applied Science 41 ICT 32 Applied ICT 24 DiDA 19 French German 13 Italian 5 Subject Hours Spanish 11 Welsh 1 Applied Leisure & Tourism 10 Business Studies 26 Citizenship 23 Design & Technology 17 Drama 4 Geography 19 History 91 Media Studies 5 Music Physical Education 30 Religious Studies 13

18 Revision Exercise Maths
All of the revision exercises follow a similar format. The student completes the exercise live on the internet and gets immediate feedback. Activities can be repeated until you achieve full marks every time. Maths Revision Exercise This is an example of a revision exercise for GCSE Maths. All of the revision exercises follow the same format and the student completes the exercise live on the internet and gets immediate feedback. On the top right hand side you can see the score and the number of screens of work in the exercise. With the scoring, the student gets a mark if the answer is correct the first time. If the student answers incorrectly the answer drops back down with a line through it and the learner can carry on until they get the right answer – they only get a score if the answer is correct the first time though.

19 Revision Exercise - English
This exercise on spelling, grammar and punctuation asks you to type in correct version s of incorrect words and sentences – then you mark it yourself. English Revision Exercise Here is an example of an English Revision Exercise. In this example you can see that the student is on Screen 2 of 7 and so far has scored 3 out of a total of 16. On this screen the student did not get the first answer correct the first time. The answer the student thought was the correct one has dropped down with a line through it. On the second attempt the student did get it correct but did not get the score.

20 English – Emotive Language
Some activities are interactive with a narration to take you through the questions. Topic Test/Exam Question This is an example of a topic question in Biology. To replicate exam conditions students can answer the exam question on paper or answer by typing the answers onscreen. In the top right hand corner you can see a clock. This counts down to give the student an idea of how long to spend on the question.

21 Many subjects start with a revision quiz followed by self-marking tests. You don’t need to wait for a teacher to “set homework” to do these activities! Self Assessment Answers This is the mark scheme – the student ticks the boxes for each mark they scored. Students can see the original question, the examiners model answer and the answer the student types into the box (if done on the screen) The marks are not just for science ability but also for knowing and understanding what the examiner is looking for. This is just a small example there are also full exam papers with full mark schemes.

22 Science Progress Report
After clicking on the Maths link in the last screen we can see a summary of the Maths results. (This is not all the data, just a snapshot of a small part of it). It is clear where the student has completed exercises and where more help and intervention are needed. Remember! All exercises can be repeated, but the system only saves the lastest score you got!

23 Using exam papers Go to the correct exam board!
Look at the list you have been given e.g. English AQA Maths Edexcel Science Edexcel

24 Past Papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports
You do not need to print past papers to do them! You can look at them on screen and write answers on paper. This saves printer ink. You can print them, do them in pencil and rub out answers to keep doing them. This also saves printer ink and paper!

25 Past Papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports
When you have done the paper don’t just mark it! Make a list of points you need to learn and make sure you revise them before you attempt another paper.

26 Past Papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports
For the enthusiast there are examiners reports which tell you the most common mistakes made on the paper.

27 As soon as you can, start using past papers
Effort + Time = Success As soon as you can, start using past papers Do each one at least twice. With each one, trawl through the mark scheme and check that you understand everything there. There’s no point memorising facts and not being able to answer a question!  Most candidates scoring 0 marks, 26.9% understood the question, but were let down by their inability to remember 'haemoglobin' The majority of candidates scoring both marks stated that without a nucleus, red blood cells could carry more haemoglobin and thereby more oxygen around the body. It was pleasing to see candidates referring to more oxyhaemoglobin in the correct context in their answers, as this was awarded both marks available.

28 Effort + Time = Success Avoid procrastination The first step in stopping procrastinating is to recognize that you're doing it. If you lose concentration during a revision session you will procrastinate. Take a 10 minute break and then revise something else instead.


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