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SEMCARE – Semantic Data Platform for Healthcare

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1 SEMCARE – Semantic Data Platform for Healthcare
Demo – Stefan Schulz, Markus Kreuzthaler, Pablo López-García MUG – IMI Philipp Daumke, Kornél Markó Averbis GmbH

2 Vision and Aims of SEMCARE
SEMCARE aims to promote better patient care by supporting patient diagnosis and identifying patients for optimal treatment. European FP7 project, , 1.5 Mio EUR budget Multiple languages, multiple data privacy regulations Identify patient cohorts based on patient-level criteria Different use cases in cardiology Gain insights in (un)structured data Open infrastructure, easy 3rd party integration (e.g. tranSMART)

3 Most EHR Information in Unstructured Texts
Characteristics: "telegram style" (incomplete sentences) abundance of potentially ambiguous acronyms and abbreviations (HT, "Amp.digg") Jargon ("Cor normokard") Spelling variants ("Systolicum") Spelling errors ("Symtomatik") "Zuweisung zu RR-Einstellung bei St.p. HTX Anamnese Dyspnoe NYHA II, keine AP, keine Vertigo, US-Ödeme re > li, keine Nykturie Klin.-phys. Symtomatik Cor normokard, etwas arrhythmisch, HT rein, (leises) Systolicum; US- Ödeme re > li bei St.p. Amp.digg. II+III ped.dext."

4 Use cases (examples) Patient recruitment
With no searchable patient database, identifying and recruiting suitable patients delay clinical trials Delayed trials waste resources and slow access to new therapies Decision support for genetic and rare diseases deficient knowledge about rare diseases, although as a whole represent a large medical challenge Combined with the lack of incentives to treat or cure them , serious public health problems may arise Other potential use cases Administrative coding support Predictive analytics Quality assessment Patient summary

5 SEMCARE Components SEMCARE aims to promote better patient care by supporting patient diagnosis and identifying patients for optimal treatment. Services Terminology Management Text Mining Search & Analytics ETL, Data Integration Data Privacy, Anonymization 3rd party applications (i2b2) 3rd

6 Terminology Management

7 Terminology Management
HEALTHCARE Terminology Categories PHARMA Terminologies ATC Drugs ChEBI Compounds FMA Anatomy ChEMBL HL7 Misc DrugBank ICD-10 Indications EntrezGene Genes ICD-O Oncology Phenotype Ontology Phenotypes LOINC Lab Uberon M. Anatomy MedDRA Uniprot MeSH OTHERS NCI-Thesaurus Agrovoc Agriculture OPS Procedures Averbis Thesaurus RadLex Radiology eClass Products RxNorm GeoNames Geo SNOMED CT GND UCUM Units ProfiClass UMLS Quantities Term Removal Too general terms Mapping Mode Abbreviations Acronyms Short terms Term Enrichment Missing Synonyms Missing Concepts

8 Text Mining Preprocessing Information Extraction Writer File Readers
Diagnosis File Consumer Document Zoning Medication Search Engine Sentence Detection Laboratory Values I2B2/tranSMART Tokenizing ECG results Tableau, Pentaho, Spotfire, Qlikview POS-Tagging Abbreviations Chunking Negation Detection Stemming Date Recognizer Decompounding

9 Text Mining Integration of different terminologies
Parallel search within and across different terminologies Creation, editing and deletion of terminologies and concepts Automated synonym enrichment Multilingual support NLP view of a terminology

10 Observables, Numbers, Units

11 ECG Annotation Example

12 Diagnosis

13 Other Findings

14 Numbers and Units

15 Modifiers (incl. Leads)

16 = ECG Type

17 SEMCARE Demo Use Cases based on sample of 31921 clinical texts from Cardiology department)
* Acknowledgements: Daniel Scherr, Cardiology of the University Hospital Graz, Medical University Graz

18 Use Case: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Identify those who maybe suitable for implantable cardiac device (ICD) therapy according to NICE1 guidelines (and therefore at high risk of sudden death or worsening heart failure) NICE guideline: Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac re-synchronisation therapy for arrhythmias and heart failure (review of TA95 and TA120) | NICE technology appraisal guidance 314 | Issued June 2014 Maybe suitable for “Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)”: EF ≤35% AND Class I-III Heart Failure Symptoms AND QRS duration 120–149ms but NOT with LBBB 1National Institute for Health & Care Excellence

19 Use Case CRT-P Identify those who maybe suitable for implantable cardiac device therapy according to NICE1 guidelines (and therefore at high risk of sudden death or worsening heart failure) NICE guideline: Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy for arrhythmias and heart failure (review of TA95 and TA120) | NICE technology appraisal guidance 314 | Issued June 2014 Maybe suitable for cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker (CRT-P): EF ≤35% AND Class IV Heart Failure Symptoms but NOT QRS duration <120ms

20 Use Case Loss of Consciousness
Identify Miscellaneous High Risk Loss of Consciousness patients Have had syncope AND FHx of sudden death AND/OR FHx of Brugada syndrome AND/OR Brugada type pattern on ECG AND/OR prolonged QTc (adjusted range for sex)

21 Use Case CPVT Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT) Based on Executive summary: HRS/EHRA/APHRS expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of patients with inherited primary arrhythmia syndromes Structurally normal heart AND normal ECG AND [ exertional AND/OR stress-induced bidirectional VTAND/OR polymorphic ventricular premature beats AND/OR VT ] AND under 40 years old

22 Use Case Lab Values Cholesterol > 300 mg/dl Hämoglobin erhöht
Kalium > 5 mmol/l

23 Gold Standard Creation
brat rapid annotation tool

24 Automatic Annotations

25 Indexing Performance Total time for add: 11,7845 minutes, average documents per minute 2708,7330 Process finished, committed documents

26 Outlook CBmed project IICCAB
"Innovative use of Information for Clinical Care and Biomarker Research" Closely related topic Main target: Re-use of clinical data for biomarker research (cancer / metabolism) Secondary targets: Re-use of clinical data for patient quick view, coding support, and predictive analytics (KAGes) Same text processing / information extraction tools: Averbis SAP tools for semantic data warehouse and query interface Ultimate goal: large-scale semantic processing of textual content of patient records in order no develop novel tools and interfaces for clinical care and secondary use of clinical data for research Multiple challenges, especially resource generation (user interface terminology)

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