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Assessing LEP Students for English Language Proficiency

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1 Assessing LEP Students for English Language Proficiency
TELPAS Highlights Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency February 2005

2 Topics NCLB, TELPAS, and AMAOs TELPAS 2005 Administration
TELPAS Results


4 Birth of TELPAS English Language Proficiency (ELP) Testing Requirements Under Title III of NCLB Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)

5 TELPAS in 2002-03 School Year RPTE – B I A; TAKS – AH
3-12 reading only Used in first year of state-level reporting to USDE B Beginning I Intermediate A Advanced AH Advanced High

6 TELPAS in School Year RPTE – B I A; TAKS – AH reading Used for reporting group performance As in 2003, used in reports to USDE Observation Protocols: B I A AH K-2 listening, speaking, writing, reading listening, speaking, writing Benchmark (field trial) administration – individual results only; no group results

7 TELPAS in 2004-05 School Year RPTE - B I A AH 3-12 reading
Observation Protocols - B I A AH K-2 listening, speaking, writing, reading listening, speaking, writing

8 TELPAS in School Year District and campus summary reports will include results from RPTE and TOP. RPTE and TOP proficiency ratings will be combined to generate TELPAS composite ratings (overall ratings). Reading will carry the most weight in the composite rating. TELPAS composite ratings will be used in the AMAO accountability measures.

9 AMAO letter dated January 28, 2005
This letter to ESCs and districts includes – the AMAO indicators the plan for notifying districts the consequences of not meeting the AMAOs

10 Review of AMAOs AMAOs are Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives.
AMAOs are NCLB accountability measures related specifically to LEP student performance. Title-III funded entities are accountable for meeting the AMAOs. There are 3 AMAOs.

11 AMAO 1 and 2 Relate to English Language Proficiency
Relates to progress in learning English AMAO 2 – Relates to attaining English proficiency

12 AMAO 3 AMAO 3 measures the adequate yearly progress (AYP) of LEP students in reading and mathematics.

13 To meet the AMAOs, all 3 AMAOs must be met.
Meeting the AMAOs To meet the AMAOs, all 3 AMAOs must be met.

14 Objectives: AMAO 1 and 2 Our AMAO 1 objective is –
at least one proficiency level of progress each year based on the TELPAS composite rating Our AMAO 2 objective is – attainment of TELPAS composite rating of Advanced High

15 AMAO Performance Targets
States must set performance targets. These targets must increase annually. Accountability measures based on meeting AMAO targets will be implemented in spring 2005.

16 The progress objective is to increase the percent of LEP students who make progress in learning English annually, as determined by progress of at least one proficiency level a year on TELPAS. Students need to have two years of results to show progress from one proficiency level to the next. The progress target for Grades 3–12 is 40%. At the state level, 55% of the LEP students made progress from the school year to the school year, based on the TELPAS assessments in place at the time. ATTAINMENT, GRADES 3–12 The attainment objective for Grades 3–12 is to increase the percent of LEP students who meet the attainment goal for English language proficiency annually, as determined by a TELPAS rating of Advanced High. There are two methods for meeting the attainment AMAO. The first method evaluates the percent of current LEP students reaching Advanced High on TELPAS regardless of how long they have been in U.S. schools. The second method takes time in U.S. variables into account, which addresses the effect that varying influxes of immigrants may have within and across districts. Districts that don’t meet the target under Method 1 but do meet it under Method 2 will meet this AMAO. Method 1: The attainment target for Method 1 is 25%. In the past two school years, the state percent of LEP students demonstrating attainment with an Advanced High TELPAS reading rating has been approximately 35%, using the TELPAS assessments in place at the time. Method 2: The attainment target for Method 2 is 40%. The state percent of students demonstrating attainment under this method was approximately 50%, using the TELPAS assessments in place at the time.

17 As with Grades 3–12, the progress objective is to increase the percent of LEP students in K–2 who make progress in learning English annually, as determined by progress of at least one proficiency level a year on TELPAS. In , progress for K–2 will not be measured because two years of test results are required to show progress from one proficiency level to the next. ATTAINMENT, K–2 As with Grades 3–12, the attainment objective is to increase the percent of LEP students in K–2 who meet the attainment goal for English language proficiency annually, as determined by a TELPAS rating of Advanced High. There is not yet a state assessment of English language proficiency to use for setting K–2 attainment targets. However, the bilingual/ESL program exit rate is estimated to be no higher than 6% for the K-2 student group based on PEIMS data. The target of 1.5% was established in keeping with the approach used with all of the AMAOs, which is to set lower starting targets and increase the rigor of the targets over time. It is important to note that reaching Advanced High on TELPAS is not a state criterion for program exit. The program exit criteria, which are delineated in Chapter 89 of the Texas Administrative Code, have not changed. *In , progress for students in K-2 will not be measured because two years of test results are required to show progress from one proficiency level to the next.

18 AMAO Performance Target Summary, 2004-05
K-2 Progress: n/a for Attainment: 1.5% 3-12 Progress: 40% Attainment Method 1: 25% Attainment Method 2: 40%

19 2005 TELPAS Administration

20 RPTE and TOP Proficiency Ratings
2005 TELPAS RPTE and TOP Proficiency Ratings Beginning Intermediate Advanced Advanced High

21 TELPAS Training Schedule
ESC and district coordinator overview training has occurred. Schedule for in-depth training: ESC coordinators /16 District coordinators by 3/4 Campus coordinators by 3/14 RPTE TAs and TOP raters by 3/18 Follow-up TETN videoconference on 3/7, 10:00-4:00, Event 11,189

22 TELPAS Administration Materials
TELPAS coordinator manual TOP rater manual RPTE test administrator manual Dec. 2 ESC training handout Feb. 16 ESC training handouts and PowerPoints

23 Changes in RPTE for Spring 2005
An Advanced High rating will be reported. The rule for RPTE participation has changed. Important!

24 Rule Change Like TOP, all students classified as LEP in PEIMS will take RPTE. Like TOP, students will stop taking RPTE when they are no longer classified as LEP. Important!

25 Rule Change Immigrant students who reach Advanced High (rather than Advanced) on RPTE in their FIRST school year in the U.S. will not be eligible for a LEP exemption in future years. So, second-year immigrants this year who reached Advanced on RPTE last year (when they were in their first year in the U.S.) are not automatically ineligible for a LEP exemption this year.

26 The following has not changed:
Third-year immigrants this year who reached Advanced on RPTE last year (when they were in their second school year in the U.S.) are not eligible for a LEP exemption this year. Important!

27 What Is an Observation Protocol?
A holistic assessment of a student’s English language proficiency level based on observations of the student in daily classroom instruction.

28 RPTE – TOP Testing Window
RPTE and TOP will be given in the same testing window. One TELPAS answer document will be used for both assessments. Mar. 21 – Apr. 8 Important!

29 Scheduling TOP and RPTE
Districts will decide the order for administering RPTE and TOP. Early planning is important. A student’s TOP rater and RPTE test administrator may not necessarily be the same person. Important!

30 Scheduling TOP and RPTE
Once RPTE is administered, TELPAS answer documents must not be checked out to TOP raters. They are only permitted to be handled under the direct supervision of the test coordinator. Important! See pages and page 74 of the TELPAS coordinator manual.

31 Years in U.S. Schools Data
It is important for this information to be completed and supplied accurately. Instructions for officially determining and documenting this information are in the LPAC assessment manual. See also pages 35 and 65 of the TELPAS coordinator manual. Important!

32 TOP Writing New this spring: Teachers of LEP students will collect writing samples that are representative of their students’ proficiency levels. Details are in the TELPAS manuals and the January 24, 2005, letter to district coordinators and bilingual/ESL coordinators.

33 TOP Rater Training New this spring:
Annotated, authentic student writing samples will be used. Training participants will be able to practice rating writing collections.

34 Ensuring Rating Accuracy
This is key: Campus principals, coordinators, and lead trainers play a vital role. The inclusion of writing samples provides a vehicle for monitoring rating efficacy. See page 54 of the TELPAS coordinator manual.

35 Documentation TOP Student Rating Rosters signed by the rater and campus principal Training documentation forms (see appendix of TELPAS coordinator manual) Student writing collections

36 TELPAS Results

37 Spring 2003 TELPAS Proficiency Levels of LEP Students in Grades 3-12
Final Statewide Results Total Students Scored: 296,515 Beginning Intermediate Advanced High Advanced 16 % 17 % 32 % 36 % Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced came from RPTE. Advanced High came from passing TAKS reading/ELA (and exit level TAAS).

38 Spring 2004 TELPAS Proficiency Levels of LEP Students in Grades 3-12
Final Statewide Results Total Students Scored: 304,304 Beginning Intermediate Advanced High Advanced 12 % 15 % 38 % 34 % Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced came from RPTE. Advanced High came from passing TAKS reading/ELA (and exit level TAAS).

39 Spring 2004 TELPAS Percent of Students Making Progress Grades 4-12
Final Statewide Results Total Students Scored: 190,698 At Least 1 Proficiency Level 1 Proficiency Level 2 Proficiency Levels 3 Proficiency Levels 49 % 6 % % 55 % 92, , ,592 students students students students Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced came from RPTE. Advanced High came from passing TAKS reading/ELA (and exit level TAAS).

40 TELPAS Reports RPTE and TOP results will be combined in new TELPAS reports. TELPAS parent brochures in English and Spanish will be provided. TELPAS results will arrive in districts by May 6.

41 Contact Information

42 If you have questions, contact
The End If you have questions, contact For TEA LEP student assessment information, go to and click on the A to Z Directory.

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