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CSI Data Collection Town Hall August 23, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "CSI Data Collection Town Hall August 23, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSI Data Collection Town Hall August 23, 2016
The goal of the webinar is to provide CSI schools with updates on each of the current and upcoming state and federal data collections. These webinars also provide a forum for CSI schools to have questions answered about any of the data collections or related processes. We will begin the webinar shortly. Dial in number is , Participant: # ALSO, please complete the poll below!

2 Introductions CSI to introduce any CSI team members joining for the call.

3 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response Respond over the phone (we will unmute phones) Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you Before we begin, we wanted to encourage you to mute your phones. Also, if you receive another call, please disconnect from our the webinar otherwise we might hear your hold music. We genuinely encourage questions throughout the webinar. If you have any questions, please include them in the chat box. We will also open up phone lines periodically throughout the webinar so that you can ask questions via phone. Also, to be respectful of everyone’s time, if there is a question that pertains specifically to your school we will schedule time outside of the webinar to help answer the question. CSI staff can mute all lines using: To mute participants: *96 (then press 2) To un-mute participants: *97

4 Today’s Agenda 15-16 Collections 16-17 October Count Audit
Student End of Year Special Education End of Year 16-17 October Count Coding for special student populations ELL – common coding/errors GT – new fields SPED – removed code Audit What it is and what schools can expect Important dates and resources That said, today we are talking about the progress we’ve made on current submissions. Some coding tips for special populations. And a preliminary talk about October Count Audit information.

5 Student End of Year Discussing current status of EOY and next steps.

6 10/15/2017 End of Year Several schools received an from Julie Eddy about reviewing their school’s initial EOY summary report. A handful of schools did not receive the initial summary report because their submission has not yet cleared. Summaries are not final because CSI needs to clear all SE104 errors and complete CDE’s Cross LEA and Post Cross LEA Validation process. This review is particularly important for schools serving secondary students (grades 7-12) as graduation, completion, dropout rates, etc. are determined from this data. It is important that ALL SCHOOLS also review the Warnings tab. While Warnings don't need to be cleared, they can sometimes indicate data inaccuracy.

7 10/15/2017 SE104 CSI will be working to resolve all remaining SE104 errors for students who were enrolled at your school in and planned to continue in but ended up being a no show. As mentioned previously, we’ll be working on resolving these errors.

8 10/15/2017 End of Year If your school received an initial summary you need to complete your review and notify us of any updates to data by Wednesday, August 24th. NOTE: the signed certification of this data will not occur until later this fall (likely November) after CDE completes its post collection data checks. announcement was sent on 8/17 to start reviewing EOY summaries.

9 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box.

10 Special Education End of Year

11 2015-16 Special Education End of Year
10/15/2017 Special Education End of Year CDE identified a new way to pull error reports; in doing so, the SY108 error was found across several CSI schools. All impacted schools should have received an from Julie Eddy on Wednesday, August 17th. Impacted schools were required to respond to CSI regarding the impacted students by Monday, August 22nd (yesterday). We’ll be contacting any schools that we didn’t hear from.

12 10/15/2017 SY108 Errors These errors show up for students who were reported in SY14-15 and coded that they would be returning, YET there were no records for the SY15-16 submissions. Showed up after all regular Level 1 and 2 errors were already cleared. CDE discovered the problem and asked CSI to run a special report. The SY108 errors showed up once CSI ran the special report. These errors have to be addressed to finish out the SPED EOY report. To Fix: For students who did not show up in 15-16, CSI will ask for an exception. (Most common case) For student who returned in and received services, CSI will add them to the Child and Participation files. We’ve gotten quite a number of questions, which is understandable because we thought that all errors were cleared. Some schools are confused as to why we’re asking about students from SY14-15.

13 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box.

14 October Count Special Population Coding
Great! So for the October Count Special Population Coding section, I am going to start with some definitions and foundational information. Then, I am going to open a fake SD and SSA file for us to get a feel for what these files and error reports will actually look like. English Learner (EL) Gifted/Talented (GT) Special Education (SPED)

15 EL Data In the Student Demographic file there are four fields related to EL students: Language Background: determined by district staff trained to review Home Language Surverys (HLS), which are all new district students much complete Language Proficiency: Level of English proficiency based upon W-APT placement test and other bodies of evidence ESL_Status (program): Level of services EL student is receiving Bilingual_Status (program): Level of services EL student is receiving Students that are identified as EL must be provided language services by the school. We’ll start with ELL coding. In the SD file, there are four fields related to ELL status. Language Background, which specifies the student’s primary home language, language proficiency, which is determined using the W-APT placement test and other bodies of evidence, ESL_Status (Program) and Bilingual Status (Program). Students identified as English learners must be provided services by the school unless a parent requests that they not.

16 EL Data 1. Language Background
The three letter code for a student’s language that is determined by Home Language Survey given to each newly enrolled student at your school. Language Background codes can be found on the CDE website Students with a Language Background of ‘eng’ (English) must have Language Proficiency and ESL_Status/Bilingual codes of ‘0’ Students with a Language Background that is not ‘eng’ (English) must have a valid Language Proficiency code other than ‘0’ Language background is a three letter code denoting the student’s primary home language. Students whose families primarily speak English have “E-N-G” in this field. Students whose families primarily speak Spanish have an “S-P-A” in this field. Language background codes can be found on CDE’s website, using the link provided. If this section says “eng” a student must have all other ESL information zero-filled as they will.

17 2. Language Proficiency Codes
EL Data 2. Language Proficiency Codes Name Abbreviation Code Description Non-English Proficient NEP 1 Language Other than English and in EL program Limited English Proficient LEP 2 Language Other than English and in EL Program Fluent English Proficient FEP 3 Was in EL program and has exited now reported as monitored or exited Primary or Home Language Other than English PHLOTE 4 Never Identified as English Learner Former ELL FELL 5 Received ELD instruction in a different district N/A Language Background is English

18 EL Data Language Proficiency of PHLOTE or FELL
W-APT and body of evidence indicate student is English proficient Primary home language is NOT English (Language Background ≠ eng) ESL_Status / Bilingual = 0 (not in program) Students exited from your districts EL programs are FEP not FELL PHLOTE FELL Has never been identified as an English Learner Former ELL (received ELD instruction in a different district) Language Proficiency code = 4 Language Proficiency code = 5 Can apply to Preschool (PK) Cannot apply to PK

19 EL Data 3 & 4. Program Codes: ESL_Status / Bilingual
Do not use both fields for a student, this is a designation on the type of service provided for EL students. Please contact your school EL staff to determine which field you should be using (either ESL Status OR Bilingual Status) Students with a language background of English cannot be reported in a Bilingual Program

20 ESL Status/Bilingual Codes
EL Data ESL Status/Bilingual Codes Description Code Language Proficiency Language Background In applicable program 1 NEP(1) / LEP (2) Other than English Re-designated, Monitor year 1 2 FEP (3) Re-designated, Monitor year 2 3 Exited, year 3+ 4 Parental Refusal, Identified EL 5 NEP (1) / LEP (2) Not in a program N/A (0), PHLOTE (4), FELL (5) Other than English, or English

21 EL Data Re-designation
Legal term used when an English learner’s (EL’s) English language proficiency (ELP) label changes from Limited English Proficient(LEP) to Fully English Proficient (FEP) Monitor Year 1 (M1) Designation determined through valid academic assessments and a documented body of evidence The state mandated English Language proficiency assessment is ACCESS for ELLs Re-designate students at the start of the school year to avoid EL_Logic errors (students moving from one category to another at unexpected times). If a student tests indicate they are proficient in this year’s ACCESS test then for they would be FEP Monitor Year 1

22 EL Data Monitor year 1 and year 2
Must be two consecutive years of monitoring Must still receive classroom differentiated instruction and assessment After two years of monitoring a student may: Move to exit status FEP and Exited Or reenter LEP status and EL program A student’s first year of monitoring will start at the beginning of a school year, based on Spring Assessments from previous school year.

23 GT Data While there are new fields to code students’ Gifted and Talented status, use the original Gifted and Talented singular variable for October Count For questions on English Learner identification, programming, and evaluation and if your school is in the Denver Region, please contact Nick Stachokus at Western Region and Pikes Peak Region schools, please contact Kimberly Caplan at

24 GT data For October Count, schools should continue to use the 1 GT field. CSI will use the 1 GT field for data validation purposes Schools MAY choose to ALSO fill in appropriate data for the 14 new fields, but they will not be required to until End of Year Data Collection

25 SPED Data Primary Disability Field
Physical Disability (07) - was removed from the list of options. Please check that any students coded as having a Physical Disability are recoded to another appropriate code. Students will have to be retested and qualify for primary disability code 15 – Orthopedic Impairment

26 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box.

27 October Count Audit

28 What is the October Count Audit?
CSI is implementing for the first time in a validation and audit plan that will review elements that schools report in the October Count data submissions The purpose of this plan is to ensure that each school’s data are validated before final submission to the state, particularly focusing on data elements that impact funding as well as the ‘student types’ identified in the CDE October Count Audit Resource Guide and At-Risk Guide Timeframe: Began in June with submission of school calendars and will continue at least until the final October Count submission to the state (mid November). Talk about this being helpful to schools to be prepared for CDE audits and to avoid errors in reporting.

29 What Schools can Expect?
Supporting Documentation Submissions Examples (not inclusive): Calendars/Bell Schedules (already submitted) FRL FEDS forms (spot check) Home Based Education forms (CSI online survey) Attendance and Scheduling Specific Student Types (i.e. concurrently enrolled, ASCENT, expelled, transfer, etc.) School Surveys Free Reduced Lunch Participation Survey (will be ing to schools this week) Student Types Survey (coming soon) Others (currently being identified) CSI Trainings & Guidance October Count Audit Training: September 7, 2016 (1:00-2:00 PM) Additional specific training topics to be announced Ongoing communications to schools CSI calendar—important dates posted Supporting Docs—some will be all and some will be a sampling for spot checks. Not everything will be a separate school submission—some documents schools are already submitting for other purposes; some we will try to find from other sources. Additionally—we will see what we can obtain from each school’s SIS. We’ll be using the CDE Oct Count Audit and At-Risk guides in determining what documents to collect.

30 Important Dates--August
October Count Initial Data Submission Wednesday, August 24, 2016—Tomorrow! Submit the following interchange files: Student Demographics Student School Association Title I (if your school receives Title I Targeted Assistance funds) Free Reduced Lunch School Participation Survey will be sent today and responses will be due Monday, August 29, 2016 Note that for each month that there may be more dates to come. Particularly, as we narrow down elements mentioned early. These are ones that have been established so far.

31 Important Dates--September
Alternate October Count Date Request Deadline According to CDE, a district or school may request an alternative count date in appropriate circumstances, including but not limited to providing maximum flexibility in the operation and scheduling of alternative program school calendars and of year-round calendars, in circumstances when pupils will be on authorized breaks on the pupil enrollment count date within the applicable budget year, or for other reasons as authorized by statute. An example would be a school with a scheduled fall break the same week that the October Count date falls within. Friday, September 2, 2016 questions and requests to Julie Eddy at and include the alternate count date and rationale for the request

32 Important Dates--September
FRL Variance Waiver Request Deadline Schools can use carryover documentation to evidence free lunch eligibility if the pupil enrollment count date falls within the first 30 days of school. If past the 30 days, then a school can request a variance waiver to extend the 30 school day requirement as it relates to at-risk count only. Friday, September 2, 2016 questions or requests to Julie Eddy at and include rationale for the request

33 Important Dates--September
CSI October Count Audit Training Wednesday, September 7, 2016 1:00-2:00 PM All school data submissions contacts should attend. School submission contacts who cannot make the live training should let Julie Eddy know in advance to make alternate arrangements. Homeless Form Required by the CSI Student Services Team and an auditable document for October Count. Used to determine if a student meets eligibility requirements for services under the McKinney-Vento Act. Friday, September 30, 2016

34 Important Dates--October
October Pupil Count Day Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Home Based Education Form Deadline Friday, October 7, 2016 The survey type form is located at Home-based students can fall into two separate categories: Those who are NOT receiving any educational services from the district Those who ARE receiving educational services from the district

35 Resources Reminder CSI October Count webpage CSI Calendar
Contact Julie Eddy at or for October Count Audit related questions CSI Calendar

36 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box.

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