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ELL Focus Strategies - Overview

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1 ELL Focus Strategies - Overview
Northwest ISD Student Services

2 Make Sure You Get Credit!
To Get Credit for each session you must do 2 things! Sign-up for the course through Eduphoria. Sign-in on the Sign-in sheet. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

3 Sign-in NOW! In the Sched App, click on the session you are in right now. Click the Eduphoria Link at the bottom of the page (computer or mobile) Once in Eduphoria, you may need to login, but it will take you straight to the course. Click the Register


5 Pick one person to share. Work together to draw a picture.
Ice Breaker! In groups of 3 or 4 share where you went this summer for vacation. If you didn’t travel, something fun you did. Pick one person to share. Work together to draw a picture. Plan to present. You can’t present in English. (Use an anchor chart resource).

6 Word Wall las montanas la playa al zoologico al cine a nadar
de compras a nadar

7 Essential Understandings
We will understand the reason for implementing ELPS alongside the TEKS. We will learn a few strategies for selecting ELPS for effective English language development. We will develop a couple of ideas for how we will plan using ELPS this year.

8 The World of ESL

9 Important Terms and Acronyms
English Language Learner (ELL) or English Learner (EL): interchangeable terms for a student acquiring English as a second or additional language Dual Language Learner (DLL): interchangeable terms for a student acquiring English as a second or additional language Limited English Proficient (LEP): PEIMS term for a student who is acquiring English as a second or additional language English as a Second Language (ESL): the program that provides language instruction for ELs

10 Important Terms and Acronyms
ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptor (PLD): the level of English acquisition a student has mastered based on their performance on TELPAS - beginner, intermediate, advanced, advanced high. There is a separate PLD for each language domain - reading, writing, listening, speaking English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS): the curricular standards developed by the state of Texas for teachers to use to help guide the development of English proficiency among ELs in the classroom.

11 Important Terms and Acronyms
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS): an assessment designed by the state of Texas to measure the development of the English language proficiency among ELs, based on the use of ELPS in the classroom. These scores are included in state, district, and campus accountability measures.

12 Curriculum Requirements Ch. 74.4. (a) (6)
The English language proficiency levels of beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high are not grade specific. ELLs may exhibit different proficiency levels within the domains of listening, speaking, reading, writing. The proficiency level descriptors outlined in subsection (d) of this section show the progression of second language acquisition from one proficiency level to the next and serve as a road map to help content area teachers instruct ELLs commensurate with students’ linguistic needs.

13 Linguistically Accommodated Instruction
Definition: Linguistically accommodated instruction makes content knowledge, skills, and new learning linguistically accessible to speakers of other languages. Accomplished through the use of: Supplementary materials Instructional Delivery Tasks designed based on ELs’ current PLD levels

14 Break Time

15 Lesson Planning & Monitoring

16 NISD PLC Guiding Document for ESL

17 Lesson-Planning Resources
Data TELPAS Data - Current PLDs STAAR Scores & Previous Accommodations RtI Data OLPT & IPT Scores (newly enrolled) Resources LIAG ELPS Flip-Chart - Seidlitz Connecting Content & Language - Mora-Flores Academic Conversations - Zwiers & Crawford





22 Lesson-Planning Management
Where do I document my accommodations? Spreadsheets Google Drive Folder See Saw Evernote Voice Recorder iPad Video Transcribe & Take Notes Lesson Plans Teacher Journals Student Journals Labels w/ accommodation Guided Instruction Binders

23 Progress Monitoring Requirement
The ELPS require that accommodations used during instruction be monitored and adjusted as needed during the school year as students reach higher proficiency levels and/or become familiar with the content.

24 Progress Monitoring Strategies
Flip Chart Spreadsheet Goal-setting Labels Language Goals Checklist PLD Rubric Google Sheets **Available on ELL Support page - Instructional Resources - Instructional Resources Folder - Goal-Setting

25 NISD ELL Support Resources
ELL Support - Moodle Self-enrolment key: nisdell Most useful sections: New Teacher Survival Guide, Newcomer Resources, Instructional Resources, Instructional Videos, Professional Development

26 Break Time

27 Instructional Strategies

28 Focus Strategies Walk-Through Document
What is it? A checklist of ELPS Strategies How is it used? To support teachers, teams, or campuses in determining strengths and next steps How can it be helpful to me? Use to have another provide feedback, help notice integration of ELPS strategies when participating in a learning walk-through, as a checklist during lesson-planning In Moodle under administrator supports

29 Globally Effective Strategies
Collaboration Cultural/Individual Knowledge Valued Multi-modal and multi- sensory instruction Supportive Environment Modeling Specific Feedback Authentic Tasks Scaffolding Prior Knowledge Choice Success Inquiry Hands-on Flexible Pacing Structured Processes & Clear Objectives

30 Vocabulary - Word Wall

31 Building Vocabulary

32 Visual Word Wall

33 Tactile Word Wall

34 Vocabulary Examples Frontloading Sentence Stems Academic Content

35 Anchor Chart - Visuals

36 Anchor Chart - Prior Knowledge

37 Visual Reading Strategy
Visual Reading Strategy Share 60 second pictures and TRUNKING

38 Comprehension - Graphic Organizer

39 Kid-Friendly Rubric

40 Let’s Practice




44 NISD PLC Guiding Document for ESL

45 Essential Understandings
We will understand the reason for implementing ELPS alongside the TEKS. We will learn a few strategies for selecting ELPS for effective English language development. We will develop a couple of ideas for how we will plan using ELPS this year.

46 We Want Your Feedback Please take a few minutes to fill out the feedback form. It is just a few clicks! In the Sched App, click on the session you are in. Click the Feedback button. This will take you to a Google Form. Please complete the form.

47 Information - Contact Resources ELL Support Page - Moodle
Lauren Armstrong, Intervention Specialist X81993 Sherri Standridge, First Grade, HQ ESL Model Classroom Instructor X81970 Resources ELL Support Page - Moodle Self-enrollment - nisdell

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