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LESSON 4 Safety of Flight

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1 LESSON 4 Safety of Flight
15November2013 Lesson 4: Safety Stock

2 F/A-18D Hornet Crash Photographs courtesy of the U.S. Navy

3 Lesson Introduction Given a contract with Safety of Flight (SOF) requirements, you will be able to recognize requirements of an SOF surveillance plan.

4 Lesson Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: Identify contractual SOF surveillance requirements. Differentiate between a SOF Standard Platform List and a Local SOF List. Relate the Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS) responsibilities for coordination with the Government Flight Representative (GFR) and the Government Ground Representative (GGR) in the development of a Local SOF List. Identify SOF Quality Assurance (QA) surveillance strategies. Recognize SOF QA documentation requirements. Recognize SOF training requirements. Lesson 4: Safety Stock

5 Lesson Topics This lesson covers the following topics:
SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities SOF Standard Platform and Local SOF List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

6 WIIFM? This lesson introduces: SOF policy
How a SOF Standard Platform List differs from a Local SOF List The QAS’s responsibilities towards ensuring SOF requirements

7 Definition Safety of Flight (SOF)
Refers to the absence, failure, unsatisfactory/defective condition (where no backup exists) of an item, feature, or characteristic of an aircraft system installation, rigging, operation, test, or closure of any aircraft area that will cause a catastrophic result. The basic designation of SOF is primarily based on the high consequence of failure.

8 SOF Surveillance Requirements
Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

9 Topic 1: SOF Surveillance Requirements
SOF requirements are imposed by DCMA, based on Military Service documents, and guided by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs).

10 Surveillance Requirements
SOF is: A DCMA-imposed requirement NOT found in Public Law, FAR, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), or other Department of Defense (DoD) requirements Based on Military Services documents Air Force Technical Order Army Pamphlet Navy Commander, Naval Air Forces Instruction (COMNAVAIRFORINST)

11 Authority FAR 52.246-2 through -8 FAR 52.212-4
An SOF program will be instituted for contracts with aircraft and containing the contract quality clauses granting the Government's right of access and authority Contract addendum required FAR Commercial contract terms and conditions

12 Question and Answer Which item is NOT true regarding SOF surveillance requirements? DCMA-imposed Not found in public law Do not pertain to rotary aircraft Contract includes a FAR through -8 clause, minimally

13 Roles and Responsibilities
Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

14 Topic 2: Roles and Responsibilities
Platform Team Manager (PTM) SOF Standard Platform List Point of Contact (POC) Contract Management Office (CMO) Commander/Director First Line Supervisor (FLS) SOF Coordinator CMO Platform POC Aviation Program Team (APT) POC CMO QA Personnel

15 Roles and Responsibilities (1 of 5)
Platform Team Manager (PTM) Manage the SOF Standard Platform List process Notify the field via Tasking Memorandum SOF Standard Platform List POC Manage requests to modify/revise the list Coordinate with the customer prior to modifying/revising list Coordinate with PTM when aircraft design changes occur that could affect SOF

16 Roles and Responsibilities (2 of 5)
CMO Commander/Director Appoints in writing: SOF coordinator - CMOs with multiple SOF programs APT QA POC - with the necessary SOF experience and knowledge Assign a CMO Platform POC for each SOF program

17 Roles and Responsibilities (3 of 5)
First Line Supervisor (FLS) Ensures QA personnel possess the necessary competency Ensures proficiencies are assessed and documented for newly-assigned QA personnel Reviews changes to Standard Platform or Local List to identify gaps requiring additional training SOF Coordinator Is the central POC for SOF issues within the CMO Assures consistency among the CMO SOF programs Includes documented review of all SOF Program Plans

18 Roles and Responsibilities (4 of 5)
CMO Platform POC Identifies contracts for aircraft manufacture and Overhaul, Maintenance, Modification, and Repair (OMMR) Establishes and manages SOF Program Plan Understands roles/responsibilities during non-duty hours regarding approved mishap/supplier aircraft impoundment procedures Coordinates with the Government Ground Representative (GGR)/Government Flight Representative (GFR) to identify trends with Foreign Object Damage (FOD)

19 Roles and Responsibilities (5 of 5)
APT POC Participates on the Annual GFR survey Accomplishes Aircraft Operations Inspection (AOI) Self-Assessment annually CMO QA Personnel Performs scheduled SOF activities in accordance with established SOF Program Plan and as defined in DCMA SOF Policy Understands roles/responsibilities during non-duty hours regarding approved mishap/supplier aircraft impoundment procedures

20 Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences
Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

21 Topic 3: Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences

22 FOUNDATION LIST Foundation List
“List of aircraft systems, subsystems, and items that typically contain SOF characteristics. All SOF items noted on the SOF Standard Platform Lists and the Local SOF Lists are based on the criteria located in the Foundation List.” DCMA-INST 308, Safety of Flight Minimum items considered when developing SOF lists: All aircraft: Powerplant Flight Controls Landing Gear Final Closure Rotary Wing Main/Tail Rotor Power Train Fuel System Closure Egress Systems Pitot/Static System Software Transmission Beams Major Structural Mates ALRE

23 SOF Standard Platform List
Required use if available/approved Based on the Foundation List Developed by service engineers, supplier engineers, and DCMA QA Identifies all established SOF characteristics for contract-associated aircraft

Local SOF List LOCAL SOF PLATFORM LIST Based on the Foundation List Used when no SOF Standard Platform List available Developed by QAS, available technical directives, and assistance of/coordination with GFR/GGR

25 Local SOF List Development
QAS GGR GFR Available Technical Information Local SOF List Foundation List Unplanned Work Current Work Local SOF List Template

26 Question and Answer When is the SOF Standard Platform List used?
When available/approved For fixed-wing aircraft only For rotary-winged aircraft only When Local SOF List unavailable

27 SOF QA Surveillance Strategies
Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

28 Topic 4: SOF QA Surveillance Strategies
Subcontractor Facilities Determination Other SOF Surveillance

29 SOF QA Surveillance Strategies (1 of 3)
Subcontractor Facilities Determination Other SOF Surveillance Conducted where subcontractor encloses SOF items/systems within an aircraft (A/C) section (installed at another facility) and items/systems are not reopened and inspected Delegation issued to advise supporting CMO of requirement  Prime CMO provides the local SOF List as part of the delegation

30 SOF QA Surveillance Strategies (2 of 3)
Subcontractor Facilities Determination Other SOF Surveillance SOF surveillance strategy based on SOF Platform List (Standard or Local) All SOF items require 100% product examination in accordance with DCMA SOF policy If an escape occurs, the QAS performs a complete process review in conjunction with CAR follow-up to validate supplier’s root cause analysis Independent inspection of fuel cells is required Determine hold points with caution; DO NOT direct supplier to insert Government hold points into its planning documents

31 SOF QA Surveillance Strategies (3 of 3)
Subcontractor Facilities DCMA SOF policy requires surveillance strategies address unplanned work requirements when items are distributed through… Determination …Over and Above Work Requests (OAWR) …Work to Facilitate Other Maintenance (FOM) …Breaks of Inspection (BOI) Other SOF Surveillance …Grounding Conditions …Service/Safety Bulletins …Technical/Service Bulletins

32 Question and Answer What is provided to the receiving CMO if SOF surveillance is delegated? Standard SOF surveillance strategy Alternate SOF surveillance strategies Foundation List Appropriate Local SOF List

33 SOF QA Documentation Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements
Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

34 Topic 5: SOF QA Documentation
SOF Surveillance Plan Criteria Required SOF Surveillance Plan Content SOF Records SOF Corrective Action Request (CAR) Requirements

35 SOF Surveillance Plan Documentation
SOF Surveillance Plan is a separate document. BOI OAWR Concurrent Notification letters Data Analysis On-the-Job Training (OJT) Impounding A/C during off- shifts with no GFR/GGR Consolidates all correspondence, history, procedures, and processes

36 SOF Surveillance Plan Criteria
Electronic control panel serving as a table of contents and contains links to all the information/documents in the plan Must ensure a repeatable and consistent approach Coordinated with the GFR and GGR Clearly identified and kept separate from other surveillance plans

37 Required SOF Surveillance Plan Content
Contains the applicable SOF Standard/Local Platform List Details for handling unplanned SOF surveillance A copy of the supplier notification letter Contractor Notification Letter for Standard Platform List with SOF Items Contractor Notification Letter for Local SOF List Details of plan for SOF Data Collection and Analysis Location of surveillance and data analysis records List and status of SOF trained QA personnel OJT documentation

38 Required SOF Surveillance Plan Content (cont.)
Copy of most current GFR notification letter QA personnel responsible for GFR annual survey, Foreign Object Damage (FOD) lost tool surveillance, and, if applicable, aircraft impound procedures during off shifts Procedure of unique aspects that occur locally on the SOF program/facility Process concurrent fuel cell inspection Host Nation Ministry of Defense (MOD) involvement

39 SOF Records SOF documentation requirements:
Standard DCMA Product Examination Policy documentation Aircraft serial/tail number

40 SOF CAR Requirements Characteristics:
Always issued at a MINIMUM of Level II Clearly identified as SOF CAR Repeats within 1 year for SOF – Level III required Exception fuel cells Initial response time of NOT MORE THAN 5 days Hold point bypassed – Level II required

41 Question and Answer What documentation is part of the SOF QA Records?
(Select all that apply.) Surveillance Local Platform List DCMA Product Examination Policy documents Corrective Action Reports Aircraft serial/tail number

42 SOF QAS Training Requirements
Lesson Topics: SOF Surveillance Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Standard and Local SOF Platform List Differences SOF QA Surveillance Strategies SOF QA Documentation SOF QAS Training Requirements

43 Topic 6: SOF QAS Training Requirements
Aircraft Skill Set OJT CSE Fall Protection Meet DCMA QA Systems Core Requirements

44 SOF Training Requirements (1 of 3)
Aircraft Skill Set OJT CSE Fall Protection Meet DCMA QA Systems Core Requirements For example: CMQ101 Blueprint Reading Root Cause Analysis

45 SOF Training Requirements (2 of 3)
Aircraft Skill Set OJT CSE Fall Protection Meet DCMA QA Systems Core Requirements Proficiency assessment/OJT - Specific to platforms assigned using the specific SOF List as the OJT guide Confined Space Entry (CSE) training required to enter fuel tanks Fall protection required for all hazards over 4 feet

46 SOF Training Requirements (3 of 3)
Aircraft Skill Set OJT CSE Fall Protection Meet DCMA QA Systems Core Requirements AERO101, 201, 302 Basic Metallurgy Applicable Aircraft Core Plus Courses

47 SOF Performance Requirements
Training Experience Qualifications Certifications PERFORMANCE

48 Question and Answer Which of these are SOF training requirement(s)?
OJT, CSE, and Fall Protection DCMA QA Systems Core requirements Aircraft Structures and System requirements I II III I, II and III

49 Summary Having completed this lesson, you should now be able to:
Identify SOF and latest DCMA policy Highlight important definitions Understand QAS roles and responsibilities Provide details of SOF surveillance planning Illuminate SOF surveillance techniques Identify SOF CAR requirements Identify unique SOF training requirements Understand the purpose of the resource page Lesson 4: Safety Stock

50 Questions

51 Review Question 1 What documentation contains the quality clauses granting the Government’s right of access and authority? FAR Part 12 ( ) FAR through -8 Air Force Technical Order Navy COMNAVAIRFORINST

52 Review Question 2 If it is available, which SOF Platform List is used by default? Local Standard Alternate Foundation

53 Review Question 3 With whom does the QAS coordinate efforts to develop the Local SOF List? GFR GGR GFR and GGR ASO/ACO

54 Review Question 4 What is the minimum level for a Corrective Action Request (CAR) on a SOF characteristic? I II III IV

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