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Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

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1 Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017
Small Bowel Intussusception In A Patient With Von Recklinghausen's Neurofibromatosis HAMRI.A, NARJIS.Y, BENELKHAIAT.R – surgery department,IBN TOFAIL hospital, MOHAMED VI university hospital MARRAKECH Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

2 Introduction - Objective
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of themost fascinating and common human mendelian disorders, affecting approximately one in 3000 persons Mutations of the NF1 gene lead to abnormal tumor suppression. Consequently, patients with NF1 have an increased prevalence of benign and malignant neoplasms throughout the body The abdominal neoplasms in NF1 can be divided into five basic categories: neurogenic tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, nonneurogenic gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors, embryonal tumors, and miscellaneous tumors This case was one of the small bowel malignant neoplasms with NF-1: Neuroendocrine tumor Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

3 Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017
Case report A 43-year-old woman with NF-1 (fig a) had spontaneously resolutive subocclusion, slimming and right iliac fossa mass. She was admitted to our hospital for further examination An abdominal scan demonstrated an intestinal invagination and mild intestinal distension. Figure (a)Cafe´ au lait spots. (a) Clinical photograph of a 43-year-old woman with NF1 who had abdominal pain from mesenteric and small intestinal neurofibromas shows multiple black arrows and sessile cutaneous neurofibromas on the anterior abdomen Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

4 Results Surgical exploration : the small intestine Intussusception (entero-enteric) with tumor (fig b) A bowel resection, carrying the affected bowel and the cecum, was performed The anatomo-pathology study was Carcinoma not differentiated ulcerated on the surface (the muscular, the sub-serous) with vascular emboli and perinervous catheterization. Of healthy excision with ganglion metastases (5 +/- 15). The appearance is in favor of a high-grade neuroendocrine tumor. The tumor was diagnosed as NET G3 The postoperative sequences are simple The patient refused the chemotherapy, she was lost to view She was admitted 8 months later with maligant ascites ,peritoneal carcinomatosis and liver metastases. She died 24 hours later Fig (b) the small intestine Intussusception (entero-enteric) Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

5 Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017
Conclusion Any abdominal pain in a patient with neurofibromatosis,tumoral process must be seek Congrès National de Chirurgie 2017

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