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Instructor: Kristi Winter, MA University of Washington

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1 Intensive First Year American Sign Language (ASL 134) class Summer 2016
Instructor: Kristi Winter, MA University of Washington Dept. of Linguistics ASL Program

2 Agenda: Today: SN Unit 3 Group Activity – Unit 6 “Timber” storytelling
Video: “See What I Mean; Differences between Deaf and Hearing Cultures” by Thomas K. Holcomb and Anna Mindess Tuesday, July 12th S.N. Units 1-3 test S.N. Unit 4

3 Unit 3 Discussing Living Situation

4 Review: Lesson 3:9 Kinds of Roommates
3:9, p. 253

5 Family Pets M 109 3:9, p. 256

6 To describe animals, use your own body to indicate where the color and markings are located.

7 Homework 3:9 Review: Signer A: Ask if B lives alone Signer B: Reply
A: Ask if B has pets B: Respond (if you don’t have one now, talk about one you’ve had in the past) • number of pets • size of pet • color(s) and marking(s) • name of pets A: Respond M 110 3:9, p. 260

8 Homework 3:9 (p. 133) Minidialogue 1
What does Ryan say about his living arrangement? Lives near bowling alley; has two roommates – a male and a female. Their names are Zane and Suzy. Summarize the information given about each person: Name: 1) Zane Likes: Spanish dancing Name: 2) Suzy Likes: cooking French food Name: 3) Ryan Likes: learning ASL What does Ryan say about the house they live in? House is large except for the small bathroom

9 Homework 3:9 (p. 133) Minidialogue 2 What is Ben’s problem?
His cat is lost. What does the pet look like? Large white cat with black head and blue eyes. Cat likes people to pet it. What does Michelle suggest that Ben do? To find a picture of the cat to copy with Ben’s phone number on it. Put up signs so that people can call them if they see his cat.

10 Review: Lesson 3:10 Expressing Needs
Signer A: Express need, ask where Signer B: Tell where A: Express gratitude B: Respond M 112 3:10, p. 266

11 “The Elevator Incident” by Melinda (p. 137)
What does Melinda need to do? To go to the bathroom Whom does she ask for assistance? The librarian What happens the first time she goes up the elevator? The door didn’t open. On her third attempt, what does Melinda ask the receptionist to do? To come with her in the elevator. What happens when they get to the 4th floor? The doors in the back of the elevator opened. How does Melinda react? Embarrassed.

12 “The Elevator Incident” by Melinda (p. 171 – Vocabulary/Phrases)
To refrain with reluctance or discomfort “come on,” “hurry up” to politely request; “please” to be caught in an embarrassing situation; to feel like an idiot “gotta go!” (to the bathroom)

13 Homework 3:10 (p. 134) Minidialogue 1 What need is expressed?
Where ASL lab is so that she can practice ASL. What information is given? The lab is close. Out of the room, down the hall, go left; at the second door; the lab is right there.

14 Homework 3:10 (p. 134) Minidialogue 2 What need is expressed?
He needed to see his teacher and wanted to know where his office was. What information is given? It’s in a different building. Go over to the other building and go up to the 4th floor. It’s in Room #25. It’s also close to the bookstore.

15 Homework 3:10 (p. 134) Minidialogue 3 What need is expressed?
Where soda machine is. What information is given? Go out of here into the hallway. Turn right. At the door is the dining room. What does Joey ask Melinda to do? To buy him a green apple.

16 Lesson 3:11 Down Letters Y Q P toy BBQ nap yard Bisquik Priscilla
cyst quiz April plastic M 113 3:11, p. 271

17 Crossword Puzzle Exercise 3:1 - Student Workbook, p. 382

18 Lesson 3:12 Telling How Long

19 Lengths of Time — 1–9 minutes 10 min. 35 min. 15 min. 40 min.
3:12, p. 276

20 1–9 hours 10 hours M 115 3:12, p. 276

21 Signer A: Ask how long it takes Signer B: Give information A: Respond

22 Asking and Telling How Long
HOW MANY? Think of four questions that will elicit two answers in “minutes” and the other two in “hours.” M 117 3:12, p. 278

23 Group Activity – Unit 6 “Timber” storytelling

24 Lesson 3:13 Modes of Transportation

25 Frequency Frequency 100% 50/50 0% ASL signs: ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, NEVER
100% 50/50 0% M 119 3:13, p. 283

26 Lesson 3:13 Traveling to School Dialogue 1
using the sign COME-TO Signer A: Ask where B lives Signer B: Tell where (point) A: Ask how B comes to class (spatial agreement) B: Tell how A: Ask how long it takes from home to class (spatial agreement) B: Tell how long M 120 3:13, p. 284

27 Lesson 3:13 Traveling to Work Dialogue 2
Using the sign GO-TO Signer A: Ask where B lives Signer B: Tell where (point) A: Ask where B works B: Tell where A: Ask how B goes to work B: Tell how A: Ask how long it takes from home to work (spatial agreement) B: Tell how long M 121 3:13, p. 286

28 Checking Comprehension
You will practice answering comprehension questions. I will sign the narrative before asking the questions.

29 Exercise 3:4 (p. 387) Instruction: Interview two students in your class and write down the information. Name Lives in (city) Near/area: Type of residence: Live with: Pets (type, how many): Work at: How do they get to work: How long it takes to get to work from home: How do they get to class: How long does it take to get to class:

30 Unit 3:14 Visual Way of Living What’s Deaf Space?

31 Lesson 3:14 - Exercise 3:2 Fill in the Squares (Student Workbook, page 383)
Instructions: Your teacher will identify one of the nine squares below, then ask you a question. Fill in the appropriate square with your answer.

32 your name hearing learn ASL at (name of school)
My teacher 3 hours Spanish (in is (name) high school) play cards Teacher and I don’t like I both have watching TV brown hair M 122 3:14, p. 292

33 Giving Directions Signer A: Hide B, then return to class
Signer C: Ask where B is A: Explain where C: (Goes to find B) Rotate until each has had a chance to hide. M 124 Unit 3 Review, p. 309

34 Study Guide for Exam I (Section A class only)
The exam format will be multiple choice, fill in blanks, T/F, Matching, and short answers Unit 1 Deaf Profile: Andrew Foster (p. 14) Getting Others’ Attention (p. 33) Unit 1 Vocabulary (p )

35 Study Guide for Exam Unit 2
Yes/No Questions and Responses to Yes/No Questions (p. 49) Making Connections (p. 52) Which Hand Do I Use? (p. 54) One-handed signs Two-handed symmetrical signs Two-handed non-symmetrical signs Gallaudet University (p ) Up Letters (p ) Deaf Profile: Regina Olson Hughes (p. 70) Cardinal Numbers (p ) Names and Tidbits (p. 80) Did You Realize? (p. 87) Unit 2 Vocabulary (p )

36 Study Guide for Exam Unit 3 Deaf Profile: Douglas Tilden (p. 113)
Moving Letter “Z” (p ) Wh-Word Question – WHICH (p. 118) Contrastive Structure (p. 119) Conveying Size (p. 119) Ordinal Numbers 1st – 9th (p. 122) Cardinal Numbers (p ) Did you Realize? (p. 132) Sign Tip: Responding to “Thank you” (p. 136) “Down” Letters (p )

37 Study Guide for Exam Unit 3 Lengths of Time (p. 141-143)
1-9 minutes 10 minutes 11 minutes or longer 1-9 hours 10 hours or longer Information About another Person (p. 148) Autobiography #1 narrated by Cinnie (p. 154) Cultural Notes: Speaking in the Presence of a Deaf Person is Considered Impolite (p. 152) Unit 3 Vocabulary (p )

38 Homework: Read and study Units 1-3 for tomorrow’s exam.

39 Sources: Smith, C., Lentz, E. & Mikos, K. (1988)Signing Naturally Student Workbook Level 1. DawnSignPress. San Diego, CA Smith, C., Lentz, E., Mikos, K. (2008) Signing Naturally Units 1-6. Dawn Sign Press. San Diego, CA. Zinza, Jason E. (2006) Master ASL! Sign Media, Inc. Burtonsville, MD. Eastman, G. (1989) From Mime to Sign. T.J. Publishers, Inc. Silver Spring, MD. Pictures from Microsoft Clip Arts

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