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…because cellular teleportation isn’t real

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1 …because cellular teleportation isn’t real
Cell Transport …because cellular teleportation isn’t real

2 What are the Functions of the Cell Membrane?
WARM UP In your notes, answer the following question; What are the Functions of the Cell Membrane?

3 WU - Functions of the Cell Membrane
1) Controls what goes in/out of the cell (is semi-permeable or selectively permeable) to maintain homeostasis. Acts as a protective barrier to keep the internal metabolism/reactions separate from the outside Responsible for Cell to Cell Communication; also known as Cell Signaling Responsible for Cell to Cell Recognition


5 Cell Membrane Structure
Fluid Mosaic Model The Fluid Mosaic Model states that the cell membrane is like an ocean of phospholipids and proteins, they are able to move around freely This structure of the Cell Membrane allows for the Transport of molecules across the membrane.

6 There are 2 types of Transport, ACTIVE and PASSIVE.
Transportation The integral proteins in the cell membrane transport things into and out of the cell in two different ways based on the concentration gradient. Molecules will naturally travel from where there is a high amount to where there is a low amount There are 2 types of Transport, ACTIVE and PASSIVE.

7 Passive Transport Molecules move from High Concentration to Low Concentration on their own with No Energy Since molecules naturally go from where there is more to where there is less, this does NOT require energy (ATP)

8 3 Types of Passive Transport
Diffusion – Solute molecules travel down the concentration gradient through the cell membrane (like O2 and CO2) The rate of diffusion can be affected by: temperature agitation (mixing/stirring) particle size concentration difference pressure

9 Types of Passive Transport
Facilitated Diffusion – Solute molecules go down the concentration gradient using transport proteins Channel Proteins – tunnels that molecules can pass through Carrier Proteins – proteins open and close to transport molecules

10 Types of Passive Transport
Osmosis – Water moves across the cell membrane, very important to maintain homeostasis The water moves to dilute the side with a higher concentration of Solute particles

11 Passive Transport All passive transport tries to achieve dynamic equilibrium (when the molecule to solution ratio is equal on both sides) This is to preserve HOMEOSTASIS! 1 molecule per 1 ounce 3 molecules per 1 ounce 2 molecules per 1 ounce 2 molecules per 1 ounce

12 There are 2 Types of Active Transport.
Molecules move from Low Concentration to High Concentration with help and MUST use Energy ATP ATP Since molecules naturally go from where there is more to where there is less, forcing them to do the opposite requires energy (ATP) There are 2 Types of Active Transport.

13 2 Types of Active Transport
Protein Pump – Protein that uses energy (ATP) to transport molecules against their concentration gradient Example: Na+/K+ Pump (Sodium-Potassium Pump) out in

14 Types of Active Transport
2. Vesicular Transport - Bulk Transport using vesicles A. Endocytosis – Cell takes in molecules by making a membrane bubble around it I) Phagocytosis – cell eating II) Pinocytosis – cell drinking

15 Types of Active Transport
B. Exocytosis – Cell gets rid of molecules by fusing a membrane bubble to the cell membrane

16 Activity Using only paper and markers, create a FUN Poster that describes one type of Transport. You can make an analogy, cartoon, picture, etc. for your poster. Your teacher will have you draw a type of transport from a bowl. You may work in groups of 4 to create your poster. Write all members names on the back of the poster. Due at the end of class today!

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