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CHEMICAL BONDING How do elements bond?.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMICAL BONDING How do elements bond?."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMICAL BONDING How do elements bond?

2 Objectives: Identify the different ways an element bond.
Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bond. Distinguish between compound and molecules.

3 Why it’s important? Chemical Bonds join the atoms in the materials you use everyday.

4 Vocabulary: Ion Ionic bond Covalent bond Polar bond Metallic bond

5 Review: Valence Electrons
Valence electrons are the electrons in the highest (last outer energy) occupied energy level of the atom. Valence electrons are the only electrons generally involved in bond formation.

6 What is an ion? Atom or molecule that is no longer neutral since it has lost or gained an electron.

7 Define Chemical Bonding?
Elements that do not have a complete energy level, tend to react. When the elements react, chemical bonds are formed.

8 How do atoms bond? Atoms form bonds with other atoms using electrons in their outer energy level.

9 What are the different ways atoms bond?
Gain Electron (+) Lose Electron (-) Pooling Electron (together) Sharing Electron

10 1. Ionic Bond: Chemical bonding holding oppositely charged ions together. Between a metal and non metal Responsible for gaining or losing electrons.

11 Example: Na

12 A Positive Ion (Cation):
An atom that has lost one or more electrons. + charge

13 Example: Cl

14 A Negative Ion (Anion) An atom that has gained one or more electrons.
Negatively (-) charged.

15 Chemical Bond Between Na & Cl : Ionic Bond

16 Some Common Ions

17 2. Covalent Bonding: Share Electrons.
Bond that forms between non metals only. Produce molecular compounds. Ex. Hydrogen Molecule

18 Ex. Covalent Bonding

19 2 Forms: Double Bond: when 2 pairs of electrons are shared.
Triple Bond: when 3 pairs of electrons are shared.

20 3. Metallic Bonding: Bond between metal and another metal.
Electrons in the outer energy level are not tightly held together----move freely (pooled) Electrons stick together Responsible for good conductivity, malleability and ductility.

21 4. Polar Bond: Bond in which electrons are shared unevenly. Ex. Water

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