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Qlik + Cloudera 10 Points of Integration

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1 Qlik + Cloudera 10 Points of Integration
Fast & Flexible BI & Analytics App on Demand w/ Impala (In memory user generated data slices ) Direct Query w/ Impala (Data Stored in Parquet or Kudu) Writeback with Kudu (Interactive Analytics) Complex Data Types w/ Impala (Maps, Arrays, and Structures ) IOT and Kafka integration (Event Driven / Streaming Analytics) Go Beyond SQL Solr Integration (In-Memory Apps Built on Solr Data) Qlik Solr-API App on Demand (Search + QAP + D3js) Server Side Extension Demo (Roundtrip integration with Python/R) Enterprise Ready Cloudera Metrics Dashboard (REST API based management console for Cloudera Manager) Security – SSO Support (Kerberos Delegation / SSO Pass-through)

2 10 Points of Integration Enterprise Ready
Fast & Flexible BI & Analytics Go Beyond SQL Enterprise Ready App on Demand w/ Impala (In memory user generated data slices ) Solr Integration (In-Memory Apps Built on Solr Data) Cloudera Metrics Dashboard (REST API based management console for Cloudera Manager) Direct Query w/ Impala (Data Stored in Parquet or Kudu) Qlik Solr-API App on Demand (Search + QAP + D3js) Security – SSO Support (Kerberos Delegation / SSO Pass-through) Writeback with Kudu (Interactive Analytics) Server Side Extension Demo (Roundtrip integration with Python/R) Complex Data Types w/ Impala (Maps, Arrays, and Structures ) IOT and Kafka integration (Event Driven / Streaming Analytics)

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