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Shagun Belwal SFLC.IN New Delhi, India

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Presentation on theme: "Shagun Belwal SFLC.IN New Delhi, India"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shagun Belwal SFLC.IN New Delhi, India

2 What is ?

3 A right given to creators of – Literary, Dramatic, Musical, Artistic works. Copyrights prevent the work of the creator from: 1. Any Adaptation or translation; 2. Any Reproduction of the work; 3. Any Communication of the work to the public. Copyright lasts a long time! Literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work- Lifetime of the author + 60 years Posthumous, chromatographic, photographs, government works- 60 years

4 Copyright law – digital domain
Copyrights Act 1957 Protection of Technological Measures (2012) Section 65A Imprisonment up to 2 years and fine – for circumvention of “effective technological measures”. The Sony Playstation Case Defendants found guilty of: - Modification of Sony Playstation and Sony gaming consoles - Using pirated games on their machines without Sony's consent/

5 Welcome to Copyright Licensing
- Allows creators to share all/ part of their work with others. - Creators can set their own terms for sharing the work. Types of licenses - Proprietary licenses Licensees must pay royalty, fee for using a work -Free licenses Licensees are free to use and distribute.

6 What is the Free Culture Movement?
Work can be freely used by anyone, for any purpose. The essential Free Culture freedoms: 1. Study 2. Use 3. Make changes and improvements 4. Make copies 5. Distribute copies

7 How do you make content free?
4 essential conditions: - Make source code available - Use a free format - No technical restrictions - No other restrictions/limitations

8 Recommended for: Maximum dissemination and use of licensed material
ATTRIBUTION CC BY What it provides: Users can distribute, remix, tweak and build upon your work Condition: Credit author for the original creation. Recommended for: Maximum dissemination and use of licensed material

What it provides: Users can remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even for commercial purposes Condition: Users must credit author; Users must license new creation under identical terms.

What it provides: Redistribution, commercial and non-commercial Condition: Work should be passed unchanged and in whole, with credit to the author.

What it provides: Users can remix, tweak, and build upon your work Condition: Users must credit author; Distribution must be non- commercial Provided that: the new works don't necessarily have to be licensed on the same terms.

12 ATTRIBUTION-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA
What it provides: Users can tweak, remix, and build upon your work Condition: Credit to the author; license new creations under identical terms

13 ATTRIBUTION-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
What it provides: users can download your work and share it with others Condition: credit the author; users cannot change the work in any manner ; or distribute it commercially

14 Do you know? Over 882 million Creative Commons-licensed works on the internet. (2014) As of 2014, 56% licenses constitute 'free culture' licenses i.e. do not restrict commercial use or adaptation. Over 9 million websites use Creative Common licenses, examples include, YouTube, Scribd, Jamendo, wattpad 14 countries, including India have made national commitments to open education.

15 WTFPL License What it provides: EVERYTHING! Condition: NONE
DO WHAT THE YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE YOU WANT TO.

16 Free Culture and the Law
Section 30 Copyright Amendment Act 2012 No signatures required. Requires a license to be in writing only.

17 Cases involving creative commons licenses:
1. Curry v. Audax, The Netherlands Dutch court upheld CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 unported licence when Flickr photos were used in a tabloid. 2. Gerlach v. DVU, Germany German court upheld CC BY-SA 3.0 unported license and granted an injunction against improper use of a photo. 3. SGAE v. Fernandez, Spain Court dismissed suit by a collecting society when bar owner could prove he was playing CC licensed music.

18 Freely Licensed works:
IP2Location DB1.LITE A solution to determine the country of origin of any IP address. Licensed under the CC-BY-SA Music artists The free music philosophy; Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails (The Slip), The Knife, The Free Sound Project Video Games Super Mario Clone Mashup, OpenClonk(formerly Clonk) Books The Art of Unix Programming, by Eric S. Raymond; The Honour of the Knights- Stephen J Sweeney

19 The Impact of Free Culture
The Wikimedia Commons -Online repository of free-use images, sounds and other media files. -makes available public domain and freely licensed content to all. MOOC's – Massive Online Courses Eg. Coursera, Udacity, Edx The Wikiversity -Supports learning communities, their learning materials, and resulting activities. National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER)

20 Thank You!

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