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New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule

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Presentation on theme: "New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule"— Presentation transcript:

1 New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
Focus on Home Health Agencies and Hospice Care

2 What is the new CMS Rule? Purpose: To establish national emergency preparedness requirements, consistent across provider and supplier types. Outlines emergency preparedness Conditions of Participation (CoPs) & Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) CoPs and CfCs are health and safety standards all participating providers must meet to receive certificate of compliance Applies to 17 provider and supplier types Different emergency preparedness regulations for each provider type Bottom line: Providers and Suppliers that wish to participate in Medicare and Medicaid – i.e. the nation’s largest insurer – must demonstrate they meet new emergency preparedness requirements in rule.

3 How will the CMS Rule be enforced?
November 15, surveying for compliance begins Same enforcement process as with any other health and safety standard in the Condition of Participation or Conditions for Coverage. * These new regulations are a condition or requirement of participation in Medicare/Medicaid *Title XVIII of the Social Security Act

4 Auditing and enforcement
How will rule be audited? Compliance monitoring Use IGs and State Operations Manual State Survey Agencies (SSAs) Accreditation Organizations (AOs) CMS Regional Offices (ROs) Checklists for surveyors and State Agencies, as well as for impacted providers and suppliers are in development. SCG developing web-based training for surveyors and providers and suppliers . Consequence for not complying? Same process for other CoPs and CfCs  termination of agreement with Medicare & Medicaid.

5 Four core elements of CMS rule
Emergency Plan Based on a risk assessment Use an all- hazards approach to risk assessment Update plan annually Policies & Procedures Develop based on risk assessment and emergency plan Must address: subsistence of staff and patients, evacuation, sheltering in place, tracking patients and staff Review/Update annually Communications Plan Complies with Federal and State laws Coordinate patient care within facility, across providers, and with state and local public health and emergency management Annual update Training & Exercise Program Develop training program, including initial training on policies & procedures Train annually Conduct drills and exercises: Full-Scale community based exercise annually and additional exercise for some facility types






11 What is new? Home Health Annual Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
Annual Full Scale exercise that is community based Additional Exercise- Tabletop Individual plan for each patient completed as part of comprehensive patient assessment Tracking patients and reporting status and needs to local emergency service providers during disasters Inform local emergency services of any on-duty staff or patients unable to contact Train volunteers and those under service contracts - annually Name & contact information for volunteers Integrated Healthcare System

12 What's New? Hospice Annual Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
Annual Full Scale exercise that is community based Additional Exercise- Tabletop Policies to address: Shelter in Place Evacuation MOU with other hospices and other providers to receive patients during an evacuation Tracking patients and on-duty staff, reporting status and needs, including evacuation to local emergency service providers during disasters Integrated Healthcare System

13 Develop Emergency Plan, Policies, and Procedures
Conduct a facility specific hazard assessment or “HVA” Community specific hazards in area (flood, earthquake) Facility hazards (utilities, cyber attacks) Develop policies and procedures that address the identified risks/hazards Review and update policies and procedures annually

Natural Technological Human Hazardous Materials

15 Real alerts or events are recorded on one tab of the Excel sheet
Real alerts or events are recorded on one tab of the Excel sheet. Results of all real and assessed risk information roll up into a “top 10” final report

16 Annual Exercise requirements
Conduct one FULL SCALE EXERCISE annually Participate in a community based exercise Actual events count but you MUST DOCUMENT Conduct an additional exercise of the facility’s choice - can be a tabletop exercise Bottom line: More staff time will be needed to conduct an annual full-scale exercise

17 What is a Full Scale Exercise
Staff participation to demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures Activating plans Moving people and equipment We will help you understand how to do a full-scale exercise!

18 Real Life Event Can be used instead of Exercise
If your facility experiences an actual natural or man- made emergency or disaster that requires activation of the emergency plan Annual requirement for testing is not measured by calendar year but will be measured from the date of the last actual emergency event or the date the exercise/testing took place

19 Documentation: Make it count
Exercise or real event must be documented Remember to include: After Action Report /Improvement Plan Photos Sign-in Sheets Forms used during exercise or event Updates to your emergency plan Letter from county’s Disaster Healthcare Coalition


21 News from CMS….

22 Additional Exercise- Tabletop
Tabletop exercise includes a group discussion led by a facilitator Uses a narrated, clinically relevant emergency scenario Participants answer questions based on a scenario and your emergency plan Earthquake, active shooter, internal fire/flood, evacuation, etc.

23 Alternate Source of Energy- Hospice
Alternate source of energy to: Maintain Temperature Safe and sanitary storage of provisions Emergency lighting Fire detection extinguishing and alarms Sewage and waste disposal

24 Link to full rule and pull it up to look at


26 How can we help you? Meet exercise requirements- Full-scale and tabletop exercise November disaster exercise Attend Coalition meetings! Learn how to do your HVA- Today April 20th And other topics throughout the year Ask us to review your facility’s emergency plan Resources for tabletops, plan development and more!

27 How do I learn more about the requirements?
Participate in Webinars/Attend trainings Participate in Santa Barbara’s Disaster Healthcare Coalition Read the FAQ’s on CMS webpage: certification/surveycertemergprep/emergency-prep- rule.html

28 How do I learn more about the cms requirements?
REGISTER TODAY for the CMS MLN Webinar on Thursday, April 27, 2017 Time: 2:30-3:30 PM EST .  The  focus  of the webinar is on Training and Testing Requirements.  Click link below for details about the webinar and to register today, seats  are limited. Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Downloads/Surve y-and-Cert-Letter pdf CMS Training and Testing Clarification Letter-- see link below. Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Downloads/Surve y-and-Cert-Letter pdf

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