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Immunological diagnosis methods

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1 Immunological diagnosis methods

2 Immunoglobulin 면역글로불린: plasma cell이 만드는 당단백질
기능: 항원과 결합, effector (보체 결합, 백혈구 활성화) Used with permission from: Dr. Mike Clark, Immunology Division, Department of Pathology Cambridge University, Cambridge, England

3 Immunoglobulin Structure
Heavy & Light Chains Disulfide bonds Inter-chain Intra-chain CH1 VL CL VH CH2 CH3 Hinge Region Carbohydrate Disulfide bond

4 Immunoglobulin Fragments: Structure/Function Relationships
Ag Binding Complement Binding Site Placental Transfer Binding to Fc Receptors


6 1. Precipitation reactions
; Antigen + IgM or Ig G = aggregate (lattices) Precipitation curve ; Ag-Ab optimal ratio ; Soluble antigen

7 2) Precipitin ring test




11 3) Immunodiffusion test
4) Immunoelectrophoresis


13 2. Agglutination reactions
Particulate antigen or soluble antigen adhering to particles Very sensitive, easy to read Direct/indirect

14 Direct agglutination tests
; large cellular Ag (RBC, bacteria, fungi) ; Microtiter plate

15 2) Indirect (Passive) Agglutination Tests

16 참고 ; Agglutination Test (on slide glass)

17 Agglutination reaction (on Test tube)

18 3. Complement-Fixation reactions
; 보체의 고전경로의 활성화에 의한 용혈능을 이용

19 4. Fluorescent-Antibody Techniques
Fluorescent dye (as FITC) quick, sensitive, very specific Direct/indirect

20 Fluorescent-Antibody Technique

21 Fluorescent-Antibody Technique (for Pathogen detection)

22 Fluorescent-Antibody Technique (for Antibody detection)

23 5. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Direct ELISA Indirect ELISA 임상 사용 예: home pregnancy test


25 6. Western blot for detecting antigen
Protein electrophoresis

26 2. Electrotransfer 3. Antibody detection

27 7. Immunohistochemistry
in situ hybridization(using a probe)

28 Radioimmune Assay (RIA)

29 8. Flow cytometry




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