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Dyslipidemia after Kidney Transplant

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1 Dyslipidemia after Kidney Transplant
Fasika M. Tedla, MD, MSc Medical Director of Transplantation Assistant Professor of Medicine SUNY Downstate Medical Center

2 Outline Background Basics of lipoprotein biology Pathophysiology
Outcomes of treatment Non-dialysis CKD Dialysis Transplant Future directions Summary

3 Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease in CKD

4 Cardiovascular Disease in CKD
USRDS 2016 ADR 4

5 Background 1850’s:- “…plates of cholesterine” – Virchow 1901 :-
Nerking suggested lipids exist in plasma bound to protein 1950’s:- Biochemical pathway, lipoprotein quantitation Framingham and other association studies J-curve 1980’s: Cholesterol reduction with sequesterants ?reduction in cardiovascular mortality 1990’s - present HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) in tertiary prevention Statins in secondary prevention Extension to subpopulations, lower targets

6 Lipoprotein Biology

7 Lipoprotein Biology

8 Lipoprotein Biology

9 The “HDL” Hypothesis Barter et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357(21):

10 Lipid Profile in CKD Hemodialysis patients Pre-dialysis CKD
Triglycerides (H) Total Cholesterol (L/N) LDL (V, but usually L/N) HDL (L) Pre-dialysis CKD Similar to HD (if no proteinuria) Progression to HD pattern with declining GFR de Boer et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008;3(1):

11 Mechanism of Dyslipidemia in CKD

12 Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)]
Modified LDL Higher affinity to macrophages Homologous to plasminogen Impairs fibrinolysis Variable size Levels determined by genetics Stable over time Associated with CAD Levels of larger moieties increase in CKD

13 HDL Changes in CKD Vaziri N. Kidney Int. 2009;76(4):437-44.
Holzer M. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015;26(9): Bakillah A. Mediators Inflamm. 2015;2015:

14 Changes After Transplant
Complex factors Proteinuria Graft dysfunction New-onset or worsening diabetes Immunosuppressants Sirolimus > Cyclosporine > tacrolimus Mechanism unknown Impaired activity of lipases Overall Lipid profile similar to non-CKD patients Lp(a) levels decline HDL function may improve

15 Effect of Statin Therapy: non-dialysis CKD
Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) 9,200 patients, ~ 1/3 on HD Simvastatin + ezetimibe vs placebo 10 outcome: major atherosclerotic event (coronary event or death, ischemic stroke or revascularization) 11.3% vs 13.4% Similar side effects Subgroup analysis No difference in MI or coronary death No difference in HD patients (but so if adjusted for reduction in LDL-C) Baigent C et al. Lancet. 2011;377(9784):2181.

16 Effect of Statin Therapy: non-dialysis CKD
Outcome No. Stud. No. Subj. RR/MD All cause M 21 18762 0.81 CV mort. 20 18746 0.8 CV events 5 19363 0.75 Proteinuria (g/24h) 6 311 -0.73 CrCl 11 548 NS LFTs 10 2282 CK 2299 Navaneethan et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009;(2):CD

17 Effect of Statin Therapy: Hemodialysis
Wanner et al. N Engl J Med 2005;353(3):

18 Effect of Statin Therapy: Hemodialysis
Fellstrom et al. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(14):

19 Effect of Statin Therapy: Renal Transplant Recipients
Holdaas et al. Lancet Jun 14;361(9374):

20 Effect of Statin Therapy: Renal Transplant Recipients
Holdaas et al. Am J Transplant. 2005;5(12):

21 Treatment Guidelines KDIGO: NKF/K-DOQI/AST: not recently updated
Treatment for Non-dialysis CKD ≥ 50 18-59 with known stroke or CAD or 10-yr risk >10% Dialysis Continue for dialysis patients already on treatment Do not start NKF/K-DOQI/AST: not recently updated symptomatic coronary disease or stroke after HD start? Non-obstructive CAD or carotid disease identified on testing? KDIGO 2013

22 Future Directions Reason for lack of effect in HD:
?agent, duration, subpopulation, target ?CV death due to arrhythmia/CHF What is the target for lipid lowering in CKD? β-lipoproteins? metabolic pathways other than cholesterol e.g. MTP, HDL pathway, PPAR-α agonists Effect of treatment in modern era? Newer ISx Longer dialysis vintage

23 Summary Lipoprotein, not simply cholesterol level, associated with atherosclerosis Both quantitative and qualitative lipoprotein abnormalities Treatment of Dyslipidemia of benefit in non-dialysis CKD Probably of benefit to renal transplant recipients No evidence for benefit in hemodialysis patients Statins are safe in CKD or after transplant

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