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Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger
Online resources Tree benefits, canopy analysis, native tree identification, and valuation of your urban forest. Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger x13

2 i-Tree Assessing Community Tree Services and Values
Peter Bode- Cuyahoga River Restoration

3 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Plan for this evening… i-Tree 2016 intro & core tool overview Tool Requirements i-Tree Canopy Design phase i-Tree Landscape i-Tree Eco Tree Benefits Calculator Testing Google Earth i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

4 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Learning Objectives Learn about free tools to assess community tree ecosystem services and values. Understand the advantages and limitations of key tools and updates to best address objectives. Recognize how tools may be used strategically to improve tree management and create opportunities Build a foundation for continued exploration i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

5 i-Tree… “Putting USFS Urban Forest science into the hands of users”
Public Domain Software Based on peer- reviewed research Technical support Continuously improved i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

6 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Tool User maps i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

7 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
The i-Tree Foundation: Structure Function Value i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

8 Numerous opportunities…
Economic Development Public Health Air quality improvement Energy Conservation Outreach & Education Community Sustainability Tree Benefits Pest & disease risk analysis Policy Formation & Evaluation Stormwater Management Green Infrastructure Climate Adaptation i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

9 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Suite of Tools 2015 Web-based, run in your browser Landscape Installed on a Windows desktop/laptop i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

10 i-Tree Streets (being phased out) Stepping to ECO
Structure (species condition, age distribution, importance, etc.) Function Energy Air pollution Stormwater interception Carbon Aesthetic value Values ($) Some management needs Pest detection module (optional) i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

11 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Design Analysis of individual trees associated with structures (US & Canada) Calculates benefits over time General public use Web accessible i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

12 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Design Estimates 4 core ecosystem services Stormwater interception Energy (impacts on heating/cooling) Air quality improvement Carbon sequestration $6,476 worth of benefits over the next 30 years …and growing Assesses value ($) of current and future benefits i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

13 Opportunities with i-Tree Design
Engage residential & private property owners Advocacy and outreach efforts Sustainability programs Evaluate tree planting projects Work with educators & schools Integrate in your organization’s website i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

14    i-Tree Canopy Quick Land Use Mapping

15 What is i-Tree Canopy? Tool to estimate tree canopy cover
Facilitates user guided aerial image interpretation Flexible, user-defined boundaries Flexible, user-defined cover categories Estimates air pollution and carbon benefits of tree canopy Estimates value of benefits

16 Conducting an i-Tree Canopy assessment
1. User defines area of interest (valid from parcel to larger scales) User drawn Loaded shapefile

17 Conducting an i-Tree Canopy assessment
2a. User defines cover categories Anything you can see on Google satellite image

18 Conducting an i-Tree Canopy assessment
2b. Select location and customize benefits estimates

19 Conducting an i-Tree Canopy assessment
3. i-Tree Canopy generates random points … …user classifies each point into a cover class

20 500-1000 points later … Results!
% cover = points in cover type total points assessed cover type area = % cover × 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑎𝑡

21 …Results! Pollutant removal and carbon sequestration rates per acre of canopy were determined for the urban and rural areas in each county using i-Tree Eco methodology Valuations for pollutant removals are based the EPA’s BenMAP model and incorporate the estimates of the human population affected.

22 Advantages Limitations Statistically valid estimates
Canopy cover estimated in ½ a day Flexible boundaries and cover types No GIS software or experience needed Web-based, only requires an internet connection and a browser Removal rates and valuations based on US data Limited to imagery available in Google satellite view Date of image not readily available Results are not spatially explicit GIS expertise needed for more complex projects

23 More in depth processes you can perform with Canopy

24 Export survey to Google Earth
Change survey Export survey to Google Earth Use Google Earth’s historical imagery to “update” 2007 2014

25 Complicated boundaries: Stream buffers
70.0% 60.0% Watershed Streamside 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% Percent cover 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Agriculture Impervious Other pervious Plantable Space Tree Water

26 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Hydro Works best on watershed basis (with  gauging station) Qualitative modeling can be easily completed using preprocessed topographic indexes (TIs) & i-Tree Canopy Understanding model inputs & results can be challenging Difficult for use outside U.S. due to data needs i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

27 Cooperative Initiative among these partners
i-Tree Hydro Elevation High Hydro Low Current vs. Management Scenario Quantifies effects of: Tree cover Impervious cover on: Stream flow Water quality i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners

28 Link to the tools Visit to give it a try

29 i-Tree Landscape Overview Tree Planting Prioritization

30 i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Step 1: Find a Location

31 i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Step 1: Find a Location

32 i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Step 1: Find a Location

33 i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Step 1: Find a Location

34 Step 2: Explore the Location
i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners Step 2: Explore the Location Akron, OH

35 Step 2: Explore the Location
i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners Step 2: Explore the Location

36 i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners
Step 3: Tree Benefits!

37 Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting
i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting Akron, OH

38 Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting
i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting

39 Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting
i-Tree is a Cooperative Initiative among these partners Step 4: Prioritize Tree Planting Akron, OH

40 i-Tree Eco 2015

41 What is i-Tree Eco? Field-based assessment requiring inventory data
Flagship software based on latest science & local data Originally developed for assessing whole urban forest Adapted for individual tree assessments Internationally functional

42 i-Tree Eco Assess: Structure Function Energy effects Air quality
Carbon Avoided runoff Human health impacts VOCs Value ($) Management info Pest risk Tree health Exotic/invasive spp.

43 i-Tree Eco Summary

44 Eco 2015 Highlights… Simplified & new data collection options
Forecasting capabilities Multiple years of hourly pollution & weather data now available

45 The Basic Science Crown width Measured variables to estimate foliage volume and wood volume Estimate tree leaf area using species specific equations Estimate benefits largely based on leaf area interactions with local weather and air pollution Summarize structure, function, value Tree height Crown base Tree DBH

46 i-Tree Eco Model Schematic
Field Data Structure Air Quality Species DB (6,400+ spp.) Carbon Forecast Location DB (City info) Avoided Runoff Energy Effects Hourly Pollution Data Hourly Weather Data Valuation

47 Eco “Classic” Tree Data Variables
Tree species Diameter at breast height DBH Total tree height Height to live top Height to crown base Crown width (N-S & E-W) % Crown missing Condition (% dieback) Crown light exposure Direction to building Distance to building Land use

48 Eco Model Routines and Data Associations
Carbon Storage & Seq. Avoided Runoff Structural Value Pollution Energy Effects Forecast Species Species Species Species Species Species DBH Live Top height Live Top height Total Height DBH DBH Total Height Crown base height Crown base height Dist. & Dir. to building Land use Crown Light Exposure Crown Light Exposure Crown width Crown width % Dieback (Condition) % Dieback (Condition) % Dieback (Condition) % Crown missing % Crown missing

49 Eco Data Collection Web-enabled mobile device, or paper
Server Web-enabled mobile device, or paper Measure required & optional variables Run data in model to obtain results Eco sample plot data link Eco inventory data link

50 Project Management Considerations
Assign a project manager & train data collectors May need permission to access private property Difficult in more natural areas (> 1 day per plot) Travel between plots and locating plots can be time consuming

51 Individual tree reporting
Structure and benefits of any tree you measured Report benefits of a single tree With GPS data map benefit locations Find tree providing the greatest benefits

52 i-Tree Forecast - What is it?
A new module within i-Tree Eco 2015 Project tree growth over time Include population modeling User guided planting and mortality Projects changes in selected tree benefits

53 Forecasting: How it works
Current DBH and Height Frost free days Crown light exposure DBH growth Dieback Species specific Based on new DBH Includes impacts of competition Species specific Crown estimates Includes impacts of competition Carbon storage based tree size Pollution removal based on leaf area Leaf area & benefits Apply user defined mortality Add user defined plantings Death and • Apply in specified years Planting Adjust density

54 Forecasting: Basic Options
Set-up forecast duration, years Estimate days of the year without frost (localized defaults provided) Set up base/background mortality rates for different tree conditions These options impact all trees

55 Forecasting: Extreme weather
Default storm categories provided All trees impacted Mortality and year of occurrence are flexible Repeat storms possible, e.g. 5 year storm events

56 Forecasting Results: Change in structure

57 Forecasting Results: Change in benefits

58 Potential Applications
Model different scenarios Species mixes Climate change impacts Size/type of planting stock Planting How many trees will you need to plant to maintain current stocking, offset known losses, achieve canopy goals Maintenance What benefits will be lost if lack of maintenance leads to higher mortality Lots of flexibility

59 National Tree Benefits Calculator
Single Tree Benefits Example This is a useful tool to outline the benefits of each tree on a property. This tool follows the same results schematic as I-Tree so you can cross reference results with the overall analysis.









68 Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger
Thank you. Questions? Peter Bode- CLE Project Manger x13

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