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The Digestive System and Nutrition

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1 The Digestive System and Nutrition

2 Chapter 13: The Digestive System and Nutrition
Lesson 13.1 Nutrition

3 Energy measuring the body’s energy use basal metabolic rate calories
kilocalories basal metabolic rate energy required for one day at rest varies by individual

4 Vitamins chemicals needed for proper metabolism types of vitamins
fat-soluble may be stored in the body water-soluble are not stored in the body vitamin deficiency

5 Minerals elements needed for proper body function examples calcium
potassium iron phosphorus

6 Water-Soluble Vitamins

7 Fat-Soluble Vitamins

8 Minerals

9 DIET Deficiency diseases if you don’t eat a well balanced diet
Vegetarians:  20 amino acids - 12 we can make, 8 we need to eat (essential amino acids) Grains have 6 aa Beans have 6 aa Mix beans and grains for complete aa

10 Fun facts 25ft long intestines in humans
89ft long intestines in horses Food drying up in large intestine can be there 18 hours-2 days Final destination Starch = blood Fat = lymph vessels Protein = blood

11 Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System
Chapter 13: The Digestive System and Nutrition Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System Lesson 13.2

12 Activities/functions of Digestion
(1) ingestion- take in food (2) propulsion moving food along GI tract peristalsis (3) mechanical breakdown breaks food into smaller pieces increases surface area of food

13 Activities of Digestion
(4) chemical breakdown digestion enzymes (5) absorption digested food particles absorbed & moved into blood (6) elimination expulsion of food not absorbed

14 Activities of Digestion

15 Layers of the Alimentary Canal

16 Digestive Organs and Their Functions

17 Oral Cavity-Mechanical & Chemical digestion
Mechanical digestion  Chew, tear, grind, mush, mix Chemical digestion (saliva) Amylase digest starch Mucus -protect lining of stomach GI tract; lubricate Buffers -neutralize acid to prevent tooth decay

18 Oral cavity- chem digestion
Anti-bacterial chemicals - kill unwanted bacteria from food Epiglottis- flap in back of mouth; closes trachea, prevents food from entering lungs

19 Esophagus Esophagus Secretes mucus
connects pharynx to stomach 10-12 inches long Secretes mucus Acid from stomach gets in here = heart burn Acid reflux Diaphragm prevents, along w/ esophageal sphincter

20 Stomach Storage of food Disinfects food HCl (pH = 2) Mucus-secreting
Up to 2 Liters Disinfects food HCl (pH = 2) Mucus-secreting To not digest itself Protein-digesting: pepsin enzyme Chyme formation

21 Stomach (cont.) Rugae - folds in lining allow for expansion
Pyloric sphincter - regulates food from stomach to intestine Ulcers: not caused by stress Bacterial infection of stomach

22 Small Intestines About 6 meters long
Duodenum (25cm) receives stomach content Pancreatic juice & bile/neutralize acid/pepsin Jejunum (2.5m) Ileum (3.6m) reabsorb bile Digests carbs (amylase) Digest protein (trypsin) Digest lipids (bile and lipase)

23 Small Intestines…big absorption
Absorb nutrients (diffusion & active transport) from capillaries to blood vessels Microvilli (projections) increase surface area 80% ingested water, vitamins, minerals

24 Large intestines Colon: ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
Rectum & anus Elimination Undigested materials Cellulose (roughage) Keeps everything moving & clean MASSES of bacteria Appendix: vestigial organs

25 The Liver and Gallbladder
functions of liver maintains nutrients in blood nutrient conversion and storage filters toxins functions of gallbladder stores bile made by liver releases bile when fat-containing chyme is in duodenum

26 Liver and Gallbladder

27 Pancreas pancreatic juices glucose regulation
contain digestive enzymes Trypsin, amylase, lipase & buffers glucose regulation beta cells–insulin alpha cells–glucagon

28 Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System
Chapter 13: The Digestive System and Nutrition Lesson 13.3 Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System

29 Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System
gingivitis and periodontal disease plaque forms tarter cardiovascular disease gastroesophageal reflux disease heartburn ulcers Helicobacter pylori

30 Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System
gastroenteritis inflammation of stomach or intestine inflammatory bowel syndrome chronic inflammation ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease constipation and diarrhea infrequent or too frequent defecation

31 Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System
hepatitis inflammation of liver pancreatitis inflammation of pancreas gallstones bile forms crystals Cholecystectomy (bye, gb!) cancer digestive system cancers are common Roblan/

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