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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLIFIED UNDERWRITING"— Presentation transcript:

Social inclusion through optimising the insurance sales process

2 Taking up life insurance is difficult for the average consumer
Personal details Occupational details Up to 40 underwriting questions Medicals and blood tests Very long, unpleasant underwriting process for customers 30 – 40 minutes on a “quick” tele-sale Long sales process Primarily sold through Advisors Recently sold through tele-agents Limited availability

3 Streamlining the process:
Leverage existing bank data to speed up underwriting 1 Reduce the number of questions to keep the sales process slick and fast-moving 2 Simplify the set of questions to ensure the conversation is understandable and customer friendly 3

4 Typical Underwriting tree
Standard Process 30-40 minutes Supplied by customer Work info Personal info Medical info Premium 20 – 40 questions Typical Underwriting tree

5 Simplified Underwriting tree
New Process 5 minutes Supplied by customer Medical info Premium Supplied by FNB Personal info Simplified Underwriting tree Work info 5 easy yes/no questions

6 Taking up life insurance is easy for everyone
Quick and easy underwriting process for customers 5 underwriting questions NO blood tests NO medicals Slick and speedy sales process 5 minutes (80%+ improvement) Branch Outbound call centres Private bankers Widespread availability

7 Customer benefit: Introduces simplicity for customers in to a very complicated market 1 Easy to understand and take up – reduces customer angst around purchasing life insurance 2 Provides greater value – allows customers to take up much larger cover amounts (up to R1 Million!) at cheaper rates by undergoing minimal underwriting 3



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