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National States.

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1 National States

2 Nationalism Modern phenomena often requiring generations of propaganda
Associated with liberalism because they both opposed Europe’s dynastic states and cosmopolitan aristocracies

3 Revolutions of 1848 About fifty revolts in the first four months of 1848 Nationalism in Italian and German states and the Austrian empire Economic problems caused by industrialization Poor agriculture “Hungry Forties” Irish potato famine 1846 Revolution in Italian states failed to establish constitutionalism and end Austrian rule in Italy

4 France 1848- Louis Philippe flees to England
Liberals and Radicals (Socialists) quarrel Liberals= political change like expanded suffrage Radicals= political and social change…Gov’t granted workshops New gov’t dominated by liberals June Days…2nd French republic

5 France 2nd French Republic elected a president by universal male suffrage Louis Napoleon First (and only) president of 2FR Assumed dictatorial powers by plebiscite Became Emperor Napoleon III by plebiscite Supported by most of French society Supported public works such as the rebuilding of Paris Encouraged workers’ organizations and the right to strike

6 Crimean War-1854 R. Cath and Greek Orthodox churches disputing over who should protect the holy land sites Russia supports orthodoxy France and Britain, scared of Russian expansion, join Ottoman empire against Rus. Piedmont joins the allies later Piedmont is given an international platform to discuss Italian discontent.

7 Italian Unification Mazzini fails to unite Italy but leaves a legacy for later nationalists Cavour and Piedmont Cavour wanted Italian unification with Piedmont at the head Pushed for involvement in Crimea Allied with Napoleon III against Austria…disappointing outcome for Cavour. Map p. 865 Northern Italy unites under Piedmont

8 Italian Unification Garibaldi with his thousand men takes Sicily, moves to the mainland, and heads for Rome. Cavour intercepts on outskirts of Rome Garibaldi gives authority over to Piedmont and Kingdom of Italy is Created 1861

9 Unification of Germany
Prussian dominance was economic in nature-Zollverein Otto Von Bismarck Prussian prime minister “The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions-that was the mistake of 1848 and 49- but by blood and iron.” Ignored parliament by collecting unauthorized taxes (Nationalism IS stronger than liberalism).

10 Unification of Germany
Bismarck’s wars Prussia and Austria vs. Denmark Prussia gets Schleswig, Austria gets Holstein Establishes equality of Prus ans Aust Austro-Prussian war (over Holstein) 1866 7 weeks…Prussia wins Grants leniency to Austria Gains North German Confederation South German states have military alliance with Prussia Austrian Habsburgs give Hungarians equal status

11 Unification of Germany
Franco-Prussian War 1870 Instigated by Bismarck, declared by Napoleon III Prussia surrounds Paris, Nap is captured Prussia gains Alsace-Lorraine, German empire is created and William I becomes Kaiser 2nd FR falls

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