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County Vocational School District Partnership Grant, Cohort 3 Technical Assistance Workshop January 6, 2017.

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1 County Vocational School District Partnership Grant, Cohort 3 Technical Assistance Workshop
January 6, 2017

2 Overview Only general questions can be answered related to the NGO, not project-specific questions. Questions asked during the Technical Assistance Session may be used to create a FAQ document.

3 Important Dates February 9, 2017 by 4:00pm in EWEG May 1, 2017
Application Due Date: February 9, 2017 by 4:00pm in EWEG Grant Start Date: May 1, 2017 First year of CTE Program must be in operation: Start of School Year

4 Grant Program Description
The County Vocational School District Partnership Grant is a state-funded partnership program between county vocational school districts and other school districts, county colleges, and other entities to expand access and student opportunities in career and technical education (CTE) for secondary (high school) students. County Vocational Schools will use their expertise to create new programs or replicate existing, successful CTE programs in partnership with at least one employer, business and industry association, or labor/trade organization. This grant is designed for County Vocational Schools to create new programs or replicate existing, successful CTE programs in partnership with at least one employer, business and industry association, or labor/trade organization.

5 Goals of the program The New Jersey Department of Education has developed the following overarching goals for the grant program: Student Goal: Increase the number of students who complete a high quality career and technical education program and earn certification, industry credentials, and/or dual credit by the end of high school as part of a career pathway. Staff Goal: Increase the number of teachers participating in current, relevant and industry-specific professional development, including externships and other arrangements with one employer, business and industry association, or labor/trade organization.  Sustainability/Replicability Goal: Create high quality CTE programs and career pathways that are sustainable beyond the grant period and provide models for replication by other districts.

6 Competitive Grant Applications will be scored and funded in rank order. Applicants may request up to $330,000 for the 38-month project period The NJDOE expects to make approximately 4-5 awards.

7 Partnerships Required Partners: Strongly Recommended
Employer, Business and Industry Association, or Labor/Trade Organization Strongly Recommended Comprehensive High School Post Secondary Partner Other Partner Other partners such as talent networks, WIB, additional partners in any category may be included Must complete partnership form (Appendices A & B)

8 Partner Responsibilities
As the lead agency, the county vocational school district will be responsible for project design and implementation, all grant-related administrative tasks and obtaining CTE program approval for any new program created under this grant. The county vocational school district may provide services such as curriculum design, professional development for teachers, and equipment.

9 Partner Responsibilities
It is expected that a CVSD partnering with a comprehensive high school is providing a significant amount of professional development, consultation and technical expertise to the comprehensive, not merely serving as a pass- through for funding. It is the responsibility of the CVSD/lead agency to ensure compliance with all NJDOE pre-award revision requests in a timely manner.

10 Approved CTE Program/Program of Study
Organization must implement the program as approved through the NJDOE CTE program approval process. The program created through this grant (a newly approved program or existing approved program) must comply at all times with all of the requirements for approved CTE programs in New Jersey. For more information, please refer to Career and Technical Programs of Study: A Design Framework (Appendix E) dTechnicalProgramsofStudyADesignFramework.pdf

11 Facilities Could be supplied by a partner
If renovations are required, the facility must be ready for student use by the beginning of the school year

12 Assessing Need Describe target population
Description of program, standards, supports in multiple pathways (industry credential, dual credit, etc.) and address student learning needs Provide documentation to substantiate the stated conditions and/or needs (demographics, test data, descriptions of target population(s), student data, personnel data and research) Data regarding local, regional, state and/or national labor market needs that supports the choice of program area Assess student and parent interest in the proposed program. Do not attempt to address problems that are beyond the scope of the grant program

13 Showing Commitment and Capacity
Describe the lead agency and its capacity to: Take on the project Address the conditions and/or needs Provide organizational support that exists for implementing the proposed project Describe experience the organization has had in implementing similar types of projects: Outcomes What worked why and why not. Why this proposal will be successful Describe all the organizations resources (staff, facilities, equipment, funds, etc.) that will support successful project implementation.

14 Budget The budget submitted as part of the application is for the entire grant period (5/1/2017 – 6/30/2020). If renovations are needed, they must be minor and short-term. Equipment (if needed in 1st year), must be in place and available for students at the start of the program. If not needed for start of program, it can be purchased as needed. Subgrants: upload budget forms and include total in on main budget.

15 Sustainability Sustainability: Upload agreements with partners, board resolutions, etc. Address probable increases in costs over time and describe plans to address costs after the grant period ends.

16 Sustainability-College Costs
Student tuition and transportation for college courses and/or fees for students will be considered on a case by case basis. How will these costs impact the sustainability and replicability of the program? How will college costs be continued beyond the grant period? Could these funds be better utilized to support the program (i.e. equipment, supplies, professional development)?

17 Limits/Ineligible Costs
No reimbursement for in-state overnight travel (meals and/or lodging) No reimbursement for meals on in-state travel Mileage reimbursement is capped at $.31/mile Sustainability: Upload agreements with partners, board resolutions, etc. Address probable increases in costs over time and describe plans to address costs after the grant period ends. Last item should be on slide #15?

18 Assessment of program results
Enrollment The project must be designed to serve a minimum of 20 students per school year for a total of at least 60 students over the three year implementation. Serve a diverse range of students. Student Outcomes Number of participants, concentrators, and completers for each school year ( , , ). Standardized tests and technical skills assessment data. Additional outcomes such as college credit, industry credential, and employment.

19 Assessment of program results (continued)
Staff Outcomes Number of teachers receiving professional development that is current, relevant and industry based. Number of teachers earning additional certifications and/or credentials as a result of participating in this program. Other Program Outcomes Increased access and student opportunities in career and technical education. A plan for sustainability beyond the grant period that addresses funding staff, transportation and other costs.

20 Mechanics of the Application
Entire application must be completed in EWEG EWEG Access or Help: Forms that must be completed and uploaded in EWEG: Appendix A – Documentation of Eligibility Appendix B – Affirmation of Partnership Appendix C – Partner/Subgrant Budget Forms Package

21 Appendices Appendix A – Documentation of Eligibility
Appendix B – Affirmation of Partnership Appendix C – Partner/Subgrant Budget Forms Package Appendix D – Pathways to Prosperity Report (link provided on the top of the NGO page) Appendix E – Career and Technical Programs of Study: A Design Framework (link provided on the top of the NGO page)

22 Application Component Checklist
Page 19 of the NGO Indicates all required forms/items to be included as part of the application Failure to include a required form may result in the application being removed from consideration for funding Forms are part of the NGO and can be downloaded from the NJDOE website

23 Evaluation of Applications
Grant proposals will be evaluated and rated by a panel of three readers The panel consists of one reader from the originating office, one from another NJDOE office and one reader external to the NJDOE who is knowledgeable in the content area Readers of grant applications for the NJDOE certify that no conflict of interest exists that would create an undue advantage or disadvantage for any applicant in the application evaluation and scoring process

24 Important Dates February 9, 2017 by 4:00pm in EWEG May 1, 2017
Application Due Date: February 9, 2017 by 4:00pm in EWEG Grant Start Date: May 1, 2017 First year of CTE Program must be in operation: Start of School Year

25 Questions / Comments Thank you for participating in today’s session.
Technical questions can be directed to

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