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Presentation on theme: "BASIC CONCEPT LIGHTING (LIGHTING)"— Presentation transcript:



3 Light Direct (Direct Light)
Lighting Types Light Direct (Direct Light) Direct light from the sun the most easily recognizable. This light directly on the object without any unobstructed. The light Strong shadow

4 Indirect Light (Diffused Light)
Lighting Types Indirect Light (Diffused Light) Diffuse light, not directly on the object but is blocked by clouds or fog for bertebrangan dust.

5 Reflected Light Lighting Types
The reflected light, occurs when direct light reflected from the surface tertentu.Reflektor: Water, mirrors, white walls, sand, rocks and asphalt road.

6 Window Light Lighting Types
The light coming through the gap in the roof, windows, or holes

7 Lighting Types Sunset I Sunrise

8 Lighting Types Availabel Light : Window Light, (2) Fire Light,
(3) Candle Light, (4) Stage Light, (5) Night Scene

9 Lighting Types Fire Light

10 How to light the need for Microteaching?

11 Indoor Availabel Light Soft Light / Cadle Light Diffused Light k a r a n t e r i s t i k

12 What is needed is Flat Light / Light Evenly

13 How To Light Evenly?

14 To obtain the light evenly, in the room must be given the Light Source Component 3:
Key Light Fill Light Back Light


16 Light Settings Lighting is set lighting techniques, so that the resulting picture quality with a good level of focus. a. Natural Light Is the light that comes from nature like the sun, moon, and fire. b. Artificial Light Artificial light is coming from the light. Judging from the composition of the lighting looks in the camera frame, there are some basic lighting, namely:

17 1) Key Light. The main light that serves as a principal or main. light
1) Key Light The main light that serves as a principal or main light. 2) Fill Light Additional light is useful for filling in the dark. 3) Back Light Function as additional light as well, but it handy to create an atmosphere of space behind the scenes. 4) Available Light Supportive atmosphere is light that one point to emphasize the atmosphere. For example create a mystical atmosphere of the night or with bluish lights.

18 Reflector Reflector is a supporter of lighting devices, serve as pembias device or vice versa is more focused. Lighting is not always facing the characters, with reklektor aid composition became more evenly distributed light and natural. Reflectors are usually made of aluminum foil attached to a board or Styrofoam. But if cost is not sufficient, able to use the styrofoam with the direction and the right place to support the lighting.

19 Example Determining the right position for Shooting



22 Lighting Objects must have or enclosed light in order to take pictures. There are various types of light that hit the object. Type of light: Front Lightning: the light coming from the front of the object, parallel to the camera. Side Lightning: the light coming from the side of the object. Back Lightning: a light source back to the object, the light is facing the camera. Lightning Hair: Light source just above the object image.

23 Lighting Back Lightning

24 Lighting Side Lightning Hair Lightning

25 Composition Composition is the arrangement of the various objects in the picture so that its presence can be built or distort an image. Before taking a picture: look at the object from different angles: low / high, near / far, Wander around the object.

26 Composition The parts of the composition:
1.Position: Set the laying of an object, either by setting the camera facilities and points of view and setting of the object. 2.Proportion: When you take a picture, try to look around the object and also specify the purpose or the message you want when you take a picture. 3.Lines: directing his eyes at a particular point of view. Wavy lines and curved to give the impression tranquility, thick and straight lines and diagonal to give the impression dynamic and strengthen the image.

27 Composition 1.Forms: one side features of the illumination face, while for the appearance of the rear lighting patterns better. The placement position of the object: the object is placed in the middle no more interesting than the object is placed in the middle. 2.Diagonal dynamic: create an impression of movement and show depth. 3.Kesedarhanaan: eliminating unnecessary objects, a clean background, will make the picture look interesting

28 Composition

29 Composition Shape

30 Composition Diagonal

31 Composition Simplicity

32 Perspective Difference in perspective suggests different, among others: 1.Bird's Eye View: perspective for the top position. Displaying the pattern and detail of the object if the object is active. 2.Frog Eye View: The point of view from below showing the position of the object image becomes higher and higher. 3.Straight Eye View: the point of view straight to the object to be photographed. Objects recorded by natural and what is, without distrosi.

33 Perspective Bird Eye View

34 Perspective Frog Eye View

35 Perspective

36 Sharp contrasts The contrast will make separate objects from the background. Photos will be stronger with the main object is more prominent than the background.

37 Tips Tips to produce good photographs: 1.Hold the camera steady. 2.Take your position behind the light closer to the object Trying - simplicity. 3.Select the image format. Vertical Format: image height (storey buildings, sky), Horizontal format: the impression of widespread (mountain scenery). 4.Enter the man in the picture: landscape photos became better because of human objects reinforce these views. 5.Make variations: take pictures from different angles, using close-up technique, wide angle, the weather is different. 6.Add depth and use a proportion

The End web:


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