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Chapter 5: Skeletal System The Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Chapter 5: Skeletal System The Appendicular Skeleton
Shoulder Arm Leg Pelvis

2 Pectoral Girdle (shoulder)
Clavicle: Articulates with the sternum and the scapula Helps make the shoulder joint and an attachment point for ligaments

3 Pectoral Girdle (shoulder)
Scapula: aka shoulder blade Acromion: the end of the spine that forms the shoulder joint Glenoid Cavity: a “pocket” for the head of the humerus The shape of the scapula allows for muscles to attach

4 Arm Bones Humerus Head: articulates with the glenoid cavity
Capitulum: rounded knob that articulates with the radius Trochlea: articulates with the ulna

5 Ulna and Radius Ulna: medial side of the forearm
Trochlear Notch: curved area that receives the trochlea of the humerus Radius: lateral side of the forearm Head: articulates with the capitulum of the humerus

6 The Wrist, Hand, Fingers Bones in each hand: Carpals: 8 bones
Metacarpals: 5 bones Phalanges: 14

7 Pelvis Coxal Bones: The hipbones that are made of three fused bones
Ilium: superior; Ischium: inferior and posterior Pubis: inferior and anterior Acetabulum: that pocket found where the bone fuse

8 Dude or Dudette? Female inlet (superior opening) is larger and more circular Female bones are lighter and more thin Female Ilia flare more laterally Female ischial spines are shorter; outlet (inferior opening) is larger Female pubic arch is more round as the bones are at a great angle

9 Nice Legs! Femur: longest, heaviest, strongest bone in the body
Head: articulates with the acetabulum Greater and lesser trochanters: muscle attachment points Medial and Lateral Condyles: articulate with the tibia

10 Tibia and Fibula Tibia: shin bone
Bears the weight of the leg Articulates with the femur,, fibula, and tarsal bones Has the medial malleolus Fibula: parallel and lateral to the tibia -Has the lateral malleolus

11 Knee Patella: kneecap Maintains positions of the quadriceps tendon and increase its leverage on the tibia. Allow the knee to lock for bipedal locomotion.

12 Foot Tarsals: ankle bones Metatarsals: 5 bones Phalanges: 14 per foot
Talus: Articulates with the tibia and fibula; has no muscle attachments Calcaneus: heel bone Metatarsals: 5 bones Phalanges: 14 per foot

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