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Water and wastewater in 21

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1 Water and wastewater in 21
Water and wastewater in 21. century Challenges Project- and master thesis Research group for water and wastewater

2 Courses 9. semester TVM 4141 Storm water/Asset management (Tone/Rita)
Training in paper writing and presentation TVM 4510 Project work Training to plan, carry out and deliver results of a job within a given time deadline Preparation for master thesis, same or complete different topic (concentrate or widen out the ecperience).

3 General advice Link to ongoing project with post-doc or Ph D connected

4 Drinking water treatment
Water quality analysis in the distribution network; measurement of Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) in Trondheim. Contact persons; Cynthia Halle, Stein Østerhus

5 Treatment of wastewater Projects: RECOVER, SIGERENS, PRODUCED WATER
Resource recovery from concentrated flows in wastewater treatment plants Process solutions for recovery of energy and nutrients from wastewater LCA analysis of systems for resource recovery from wastewater Treatment processes for leachate from landfills Biological removal of micro-pollutants from wastewater Contact persons; Noemi Ambauen, Sina Shaddel, Thomas Meyn, Blanca Silva, Stein Østerhus

6 Landfill leachate treatment by advanced oxidation process (AOP)
Background: More stringent regulations in Norway for landfill leachate discharge to a water body requires an advanced effluent treatment AOP proved as a viable element concerning the characteristics of landfill leachate and the given Nordic environmental conditions: (AOP definition: generation of hydroxyl radicals for organic compound degradation) Tasks: Comparison of electrolysis and ozonation (two different AOPs) with regard to their performance on organic pollutant degradation Degradation kinetics and pathways will be studied under cold climate conditions, in dependence on different treatment conditions Monitoring of hydroxyl- and other possibly formed radicals during the oxidation process Tools: Electrolytical cell & ozonoation reactor Advanced analytical methods

7 Processes for resource recovery from wastewater Sustainable balanced solutions for treatment, energy and fertilizers Struvitt avløpsrenseanlegg

8 Enhanced Biological Phosphorous Removal (EBPR) in flow through Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Projects: RECOVER The enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process is increasingly popular as a sustainable method for removal and subsequently recovery of phosphorus (P) from wastewater. The overall aim of this project is to carry out the EBPR in a flow through biofilm process utilizing a pilot-scale Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). Task: Investigating the effect of wastewater quality and operational parameters on the process performance Contact persons; Thomas Meyn, Blanca Silva, Stein Østerhus

9 Treatment of produced water
Chemical cleaning protocols for ceramic membranes used in produced water treatment. As we all know, irreversible fouling is the major obstacle in the widespread application of membrane technology. For the project, the student could write a literature review about chemical cleaning of membranes in the filtration of oily wastewater. For the later master thesis, he/she could carry out experiments of different chemical cleaning protocols (based on the literature review) on three types of ceramic membranes of different materials, i.e., alumina, titania and zirconia. The optimum protocols will be selected based on the membrane permeability recovery, permeability decline trend and possible damage caused by cleaning. Contact persons: Yinghong Gao, Stein Østerhus

10 Storm water management Projects: BINGO, KLIMA 2050
Modeling of climate impact on stormwater runoff Local stormwater management, including modeling of impact of technical solutions Uncertainties in IDF curves and implications for design Stormwater (road and /or aviation ) treatment Contact person: Tone Muthanna Klima 2050 Impact of climate change on built environment

11 Sustainable renewal of water and wastewater networks Projects: Norsk Vann program/ongoing Ph Ds
Improved modelling of future rehabilitation needs The possible effect of climate on the reliability of the water and wastewater networks Performance indicators for water and wastewater systems Contact persons: Manuel Franco Torres, Stian Bruaset, Rita Ugarelli, Sveinung Sægrov

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