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The President of the US Chapter 6 Page 90.

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1 The President of the US Chapter 6 Page 90

2 Qualifications Natural Born US citizen Minimum 35 years old
A resident of the US for 14 years or more But what personal qualities should a President have???

3 Vice President 1st in line of succession President of the Senate
Same qualifications as the US President

4 Terms The 22nd Amendment created a 2 term limit for all sitting Presidents Each term is 4 years, for a max of 8 years total However, if a VP is finishing a Presidential term, then becomes President, the max is 10 years

5 Succession who is next in line?
Vice President If a VP vacancy then the President nominates a new VP with approval of majority of Congress If President can not carry out his duties (ex:Surgery), inform Speaker and Pres Pro-Tempore; Take back Presidency when notify in writing Speaker of House, then President ProTempore, then Cabinet starting with Sec of State

6 The Cabinet “The President may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices…” The Constitution Members of the Cabinet are appointed by the President and must be approved by the Senate

7 Cabinet Positions Secretary of State Treasury
Interior (natural resources, national parks) Agriculture Justice Labor Commerce Defense Housing and Urban Development Transportation Energy Education Health and Human Services (includes SS, FDA) Veterans Affairs Homeland Security (added in 2002, includes Secret Service and Coast Guard)

8 Roles of the President #1 Chief Executive
There is no provision in the Constitution for assistant to the President but every one since Washington has had a Cabinet Cabinet, or Secretaries, are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate They act as advisors, and today there are 15

9 #2 Director of Foreign Policy
Make treaties, approved by Senate Article II, Section 2: 2/3 of the Senate needed to ratify a treaty Foreign Trade Makes domestic and foreign policy Fights terrorism,

10 #3 Commander in Chief Head of Defense/security of the US
Decides when to use the military Presidents are Civilians, not military leaders even though many Presidents have military experience….Why?

11 1973 War Power Act Congress declares war
Limits the Presidents ability to send troops to foreign countries without a declaration of war Must notify Congress within 48 hours Limit of 60 day commitment without Congressional approval

12 #4 Ceremonial Chief of State
Symbol of US power and strength Meets with foreign Dignitaries Hosts state dinners Honors individual achievements Congratulates sports teams for victories Attends fund raising events

13 #5 Leader of Political Party
Is a spokesperson for Political parties goals/views Helps to raise money for campaigns

14 #6 Molder of Public Opinion
Has great influence over the American people Uses mass media to shape public opinion Article II, Section 3: State of the Union Address Every January, in US Capitol, calls together a joint session of Congress along with other prominent officials, nationally televised, outlines successes and platform

15 #7 Legislative Leader President does not make or vote on laws but does Propose laws Nominates members to the Supreme Court, with Senate approval

16 How is the President Elected?
He is chosen by electors Each state has a certain # (equal to the total reps + total senators) NJ = 14 Constitution allows states to decide how to choose them This group makes up the Electoral College Meet in state capital in Dec to cast vote, then results sent to DC in Jan Today electors vote with majority

17 What if no one gets 270? To win a candidate needs 270/538 votes
The 23rd Amendment gave DC 3 electoral votes in 1961 If no candidate gets 270 (bc of multiple candidates) then the House decides the winner as they did in 1800, 1824

18 What is the Popular Vote?
Vote by the American people If a candidate wins the state, it’s a “winner takes all” electoral college Therefore, candidates tend to campaign in the states with the most electoral votes like CA, TX, NY, FL You can win the election without winning the popular vote (Ex: 2000 Bush v Gore)

19 Electoral College Map Current map

20 2000 Electoral College Results

21 2000 Election Decided by the state of Florida
Ralph Nader (Green) votes, 2,882,955 votes George Bush (R) 271 votes, 50,456,897 votes Al Gore (D) votes, 50,999,987 votes

22 2008 Electoral College Map

23 Inauguration: oath of office
The President is sworn in January 20, at 12 Noon by the Supreme Court Chief Justice, in front of the Capitol Building

24 12th Amendment As a result of this Amendment the President and VP run on a party “ticket” Before the 12th Amendment the person with the most votes became President and 2nd most votes became VP

25 The Election Process 1. Caucuses: private events run by the political party 2. Primary Elections: run by state between January and June, are indirect elections. There are closed, where only registered voters can vote, and open, where any voter can vote in a primary 3. Nominating Convention: Run by political party, held in the summer before the general election, official candidate is nominated by delegates, each state casts votes and candidate gives a speech outlining party Platform

26 Election Process continued…
4. Campaign continues 5. General Election: Held every 4 years between November 2-8, is an indirect election where voters cast ballots for state electors. US Territories are not represented in the electoral college and therefore do not cast votes, but DC does. The next election is set for November 8, 2016 6. Transition of power (Nov-Jan) 7. The Inauguration takes place on January 20, 12 Noon

27 Voter Turnout is usually weak….
In 2004 voter turnout was 60.1% In 2008 voter turnout was 61.7%, or million votes were cast….which was the highest voter turnout since 1968!! 2012:57.5% Why do you think so few American’s cast a vote for President???

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