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Methods Christian Gratzke LMU Munich Department of Urology

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1 Methods Christian Gratzke LMU Munich Department of Urology
London, March 2017

2 Material and methods section is the core of each paper
Material & Methods Material and methods section is the core of each paper It describes how the study was designed, and performed as well as the way the data were analyzed It has to provide all the elements to allow other authors to reproduce the study

3 It is the easiest part of the manuscript to write
Material & Methods It is the easiest part of the manuscript to write Writing this section of the paper in the most complete way before starting the study can help to discover methodological biases in a moment when they are easily fixed!

4 Period of enrolment/evaluation
Material & Methods Period of enrolment/evaluation Type of study (retrospective; prospective; controlled; randomized) Inclusion criteria / patient selection Exclusion criteria / reasons to exclude patients

5 Details on used materials or technique
Material & Methods Details on used materials or technique - report in detail original methods/techniques - cite (and reference) known methods Ethical issue

6 IRB approval Clinical setting Quality control Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Detail on centers involved (added on reviewer’s request)

7 Description of surgery of the primary
tumor and lymph node Description of pathology procedure TNM staging system and grading system Describe in detail what is of central relevance or not standardized or not well known

8 Material & Methods Description of follow-up protocols
Definition of the events (disease recurrence and death of disease)


10 Equator Network International initiative seeking to enhance reliability and value of medical research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of research studies Raising awareness of the crucial importance of good reporting of research Becoming the recognised global centre providing resources, education and training relating to the reporting of health research and use of reporting guidelines




14 Material & Methods section in RCT –
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (Consort)

15 Material & Methods – basic research
Describe what you did – lab note book recordings! Antibody specifications, concentrations, dosages: the reader needs to be able to reproduce the method If the technique is well-established, it may be referenced Short passages for each technique employed

16 Material & Methods – basic research
Try to keep it simple, even if it is a sophisticated topic Descriptions should be crisp and accurate (word count!) Statistics need to be clearly defined Don´t forget to mention the ethical permission If the methods section is unclear, the ms will fail!

17 What Methods should NOT include
Study results (by definition, they go in the “Results” section) Comments on patients characteristics, indications, inclusion and exclusion criteria (they go in the “Discussion” section)

18 Thank you

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