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Managing the Organizational Interface

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1 Managing the Organizational Interface
Transportation Safety Board of Canada Managing the Organizational Interface Three case studies. IRSC 9-13 October 2005 Catalysts for this Briefing A few weeks warning and no staff to delegate to. Seriously, see next slide Ian Naish Director, Rail / Pipeline Investigations Branch

2 Railway Industry in Canada
47,000 km of track 60 railway companies 1400 reported occurrences per year

3 Managing Inter-organizational
Interfaces Issues: risk management in a changing environment areas where safety defences have failed. involvement of all staff in management of safety.

4 Managing the Inter-organizational Interface

5 Nobel, Ontario, 2003 Broken rail derailment in First Nations land
No command centre set up - communications problems Responder training, but not experience

6 Limehouse, ON, 2000 No site safety briefing
Contractors setting up at crossing Truck blocking signals No flagperson Three persons killed

7 McBride, B.C. Bridge collapse and fire
Changes in roles and responsibilities No records of maintenance work done No regulatory requirement to audit procedures

8 Conclusions Work sites are complex They have to be managed effectively
Assign roles Communicate clearly, early and often Good records must be kept

9 Some suggestions Plan in advance Meet early and often
Train and re-train Due diligence when record keeping

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