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The Massachusetts Economy and the Critical Importance of Skills Development NU Career Counselors Consortium Barry Bluestone October 19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "The Massachusetts Economy and the Critical Importance of Skills Development NU Career Counselors Consortium Barry Bluestone October 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Massachusetts Economy and the Critical Importance of Skills Development
NU Career Counselors Consortium Barry Bluestone October 19, 2016

2 A Quick Look at the Massachusetts Economy


4 338,000 jobs created in Massachusetts since 2008


6 Projected Employment by Sector: 2014-2018


8 Major Group Occupational Employment Change: 2012-2022

9 Net Employment Growth 2012-2022
Title Employment 2012 Employment 2022 10-Year Change in Employment 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 280,707 327,050 46,343 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 225,025 265,514 40,489 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 201,823 230,933 29,110 150000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations 143,366 171,400 28,034 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 108,631 136,663 28,032 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 497,406 524,101 26,695 110000 Management Occupations 222,774 248,020 25,246 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 116,411 139,931 23,520 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 341,489 364,632 23,143 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 104,853 127,467 22,614 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 205,501 227,173 21,672 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 74,919 89,046 14,127 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 159,535 173,198 13,663 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 112,240 123,333 11,093 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 102,082 110,938 8,856 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 49,412 56,052 6,640 330000 Protective Service Occupations 74,435 79,585 5,150 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 60,379 65,357 4,978 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 73,179 76,744 3,565 230000 Legal Occupations 31,254 34,425 3,171 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 1,154 1,217 63 510000 Production Occupations 160,645 156,051 -4,594 Total All Occupations 3,347,220 3,728,830 381,610

10 Net Employment Growth 2012-2022
Title Employment 2012 Employment 2022 10-Year Change in Employment 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 280,707 327,050 46,343 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 225,025 265,514 40,489 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 201,823 230,933 29,110 150000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations 143,366 171,400 28,034 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 108,631 136,663 28,032 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 497,406 524,101 26,695 110000 Management Occupations 222,774 248,020 25,246 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 116,411 139,931 23,520 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 341,489 364,632 23,143 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 104,853 127,467 22,614 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 205,501 227,173 21,672 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 74,919 89,046 14,127 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 159,535 173,198 13,663 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 112,240 123,333 11,093 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 102,082 110,938 8,856 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 49,412 56,052 6,640 330000 Protective Service Occupations 74,435 79,585 5,150 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 60,379 65,357 4,978 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 73,179 76,744 3,565 230000 Legal Occupations 31,254 34,425 3,171 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 1,154 1,217 63 510000 Production Occupations 160,645 156,051 -4,594 Total All Occupations 3,347,220 3,728,830 381,610

11 Replacement Workers



14 Education Demand by Occupation: High School or Less - Projected 2022
SOC Title High School or Less Some College or Associates Degree BA or More 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 68.9% 22.9% 8.2% 510000 Production Occupations 65.6% 25.0% 9.3% 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 25.8% 8.6% 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 63.5% 23.3% 13.2% 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 62.5% 27.9% 9.6% 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 58.0% 32.9% 9.0% 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 55.0% 33.7% 11.3% 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 47.1% 36.6% 16.3% 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 40.3% 46.0% 13.7% 330000 Protective Service Occupations 40.2% 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 36.4% 33.8% 29.8% 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 36.0% 40.6% 23.4% 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 28.5% 40.9% 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 12.7% 23.1% 64.2% 110000 Management Occupations 12.0% 20.9% 67.1% 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 11.1% 24.5% 61.5% 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 8.5% 21.7% 69.8% 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 7.6% 35.2% 57.7% 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 5.8% 19.4% 74.9% 150000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 4.1% 86.7% 230000 Legal Occupations 3.6% 10.8% 85.6% Total All Occupations 33.2% 36.9%

15 Education Demand by Occupation: Some College/Associates Degree – Projected 2022
Title High School or Less Some College or Associates Degree BA or More 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 40.3% 46.0% 13.7% 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 28.5% 40.9% 33.8% 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 36.0% 40.6% 23.4% 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 47.1% 36.6% 16.3% 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 7.6% 35.2% 57.7% 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 36.4% 29.8% 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 55.0% 33.7% 11.3% 330000 Protective Service Occupations 40.2% 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 58.0% 32.9% 9.0% Total All Occupations 33.2% 36.9% 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 62.5% 27.9% 9.6% 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 65.6% 25.8% 8.6% 510000 Production Occupations 25.0% 9.3% 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 11.1% 24.5% 61.5% 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 63.5% 23.3% 13.2% 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 12.7% 23.1% 64.2% 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 68.9% 22.9% 8.2% 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 8.5% 21.7% 69.8% 110000 Management Occupations 12.0% 20.9% 67.1% 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 5.8% 19.4% 74.9% 150000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations 230000 Legal Occupations 3.6% 10.8% 85.6% 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 4.1% 86.7%

16 Education Demand by Occupation: B.A. or More – Projected 2022
SOC Title High School or Less Some College or Associates Degree BA or More 190000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 4.1% 9.3% 86.7% 230000 Legal Occupations 3.6% 10.8% 85.6% 130000 Business and Financial Operations Occupations 5.8% 19.4% 74.9% 150000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations 170000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations 8.5% 21.7% 69.8% 110000 Management Occupations 12.0% 20.9% 67.1% 210000 Community and Social Service Occupations 12.7% 23.1% 64.2% 250000 Education, Training, and Library Occupations 11.1% 24.5% 61.5% 270000 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 7.6% 35.2% 57.7% 310000 Healthcare Support Occupations 28.5% 40.9% 33.8% 410000 Sales and Related Occupations 36.4% 29.8% 430000 Office and Administrative Support Occupations 36.0% 40.6% 23.4% 390000 Personal Care and Service Occupations 47.1% 36.6% 16.3% 290000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 40.3% 46.0% 13.7% 450000 Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 63.5% 23.3% 13.2% 330000 Protective Service Occupations 40.2% 33.7% 11.3% 350000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 55.0% 530000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 62.5% 27.9% 9.6% 510000 Production Occupations 65.6% 25.0% 490000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 58.0% 32.9% 9.0% 470000 Construction and Extraction Occupations 25.8% 8.6% 370000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 68.9% 22.9% 8.2%

17 Vocational Technical Education: Survey Results

18 Employer Survey N= 352

19 69% Expect to Increase Employment

20 75% have a strong preference for
Vocational School Graduates for entry-level positions; 61% for higher-level occupations

21 More than 2/3 of employers
have a favorable view of Vocational Schools

22 56% of Employers see need for more VTE grads to meet job needs

23 Vocational School Student Survey N= 3,208

24 Among current VTE students, nearly 65% are white; 30% are Hispanic; and 10% are Black

25 Top Majors are: Visual Arts Plumbing Culinary Arts Carpentry HVAC

26 Top Industries: Professional/Technical Services Construction Health Care

27 Nearly 94% of current VTE students believe their Programs meet expectations

28 Nearly 50% of VTE students
expect to go on to a 4-Year College

29 VTE students believe that their
schools are preparing them well for College

30 Vocational School Graduates N= 371




34 VTE School Administrator Survey N= 80


36 VTE Parent Survey N= 475


38 More than 95% of parents have a favorable or very favorable opinion of their child’s Vocational School

39 Community Survey N= 579

40 More than 90% of the public
now has a favorable view of Vocational Schools

41 More than 2/3 of the public
would consider a Vocational School for their own children

42 Thank You

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