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Brackishwater Tilapia Aquabusiness in Aceh

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1 Brackishwater Tilapia Aquabusiness in Aceh
Y. Heru Nugroho*, Faisal dan Abidin Nur

2 Introduction

3 Aquaculture area of 141,383.23 hectares, and around 40% was exploited (DKP Aceh, 2013)
Aceh has 13 main commodity include Tilapia The need for Tilapia either for consumption and as bioremediation It is therefore, seed requirement increased significantly

4 why should tilapia….. Can be used to improve pond soil quality after shrimp crop production. Tilapia has an important economic value for human consumption Cultivation is relatively short ca. 3-4 months. Prices are relatively high (Rp / kg) Production costs are relatively cheaper High tolerant to disease Demand for these species quite high in Aceh around kg / day.

5 The market potential in Aceh
Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh Consumption kg / day Seed 50, ,000pcs / week

6 Pidie dan Pidie Jaya Seed 50,000-100,000 pcs / week
Consumption of kg / day

7 Seed 50, ,000 pcs / week Consumption kg / day Bireun

8 Aceh Utara Seed 50,000-100,000pcs / week
Consumption kg / day Aceh Utara

9 Aceh Tengah Seed 20,000-50,000 pcs / day
Consumption kg / day Aceh Tengah

10 Aceh Timur Seed 50,000-100,000 pcs / week
Consumption of kg / day Aceh Timur

11 Melabouh and Nagan Seed 20,000-50,000 pcs / week
Consumption kg / day Melabouh and Nagan

12 Aceh Selatan Seed 10,000-50,000 pcs/ day
Consumption of kg / day Aceh Selatan

13 Aceh Barat Daya Seed 10000-50000 pcs / week
Consumption of kg / day Aceh Barat Daya

14 Business cycle tilapia
Hatchery Nursery Grow out

15 production system tilapia jar
Hatchery production system tilapia jar Seed production system by using Tilapia jar and its takes days. Production / cycle Weekly Seed demand in Aceh around 500,000-1,000,000 pcs Seed aged 7-10 days (<1 cm) has selling price of IDR /fish Seed aged 7-10 days

16 Nursery Culture period of 2-4 weeks.
The location for Pidie Jaya and Nagan Raya Fish size of 1-2 cm, 2-3 cm, 3-5 cm, and 5 cm up with an average SR > 70% Selling price cm IDR cm IDR cm IDR cm IDR >8 cm IDR 500

17 Grow-Out Culture period around 3-4 months
Size of fish harvest of 6-8 fish/kg, and average SR > 50%, FCR was 0.6 to 2 The location for Aceh Besar, Bireuen, North Aceh, Nagan Raya and Aceh Selatan. Selling price Aceh Besar IDR 20,000-25,000 / kg Nagan Raya IDR 25,000-40,000 / kg Aceh Utara IDR 20,000-25,000 / kg Aceh Tengah IDR 25,000-40,000 / kg Aceh Selatan IDR 20,000-25,000 / kg

18 Technology Dissemination

19 2014 Four location Growth-out at five location - Nursery at two location 2016 Implementing tilapia jar system at four locations

20 Nursery Nagan 500 ind/m2 3-4 3-5 cm 1,0 80% Pidie Jaya 0,9 90%
City Density Time (week) Harvest Size FCR Survival rate Nagan 500 ind/m2 3-4 3-5 cm 1,0 80% Pidie Jaya 0,9 90% Aceh Besar 1,1 70%

21 Obstacles Seed quality and quantity
Seed supplier mainly from BADC Ujung Batee Lack of Nursery system Failed in handling (eg. Grading) Predators (lizards, birds, etc.)

22 Growout Location Stage Density Production (kg/ha) Size FCR
Survival rate Aceh Besar Growout 3 ind/m2 2.143 7-9 ind/kg 2 57% 2.100 1,4 56% Bireun 150 5-7 ind/kg - Flood Aceh Utara 1.320 1 26% Aceh Selatan 1.000 0,9 20% Nagan Raya 3.214 0,67 64% Growout

23 Obstacles FCR more than 1
Mortality during the first month of culture period Flood (nature)

24 Introducing tilapia jar system in order to produced high quality and quantity seed
There are four location being selected and located in east cost of Aceh. DISTEK 2016

25 Thank you

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