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Files – Presentation and Demo

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0 Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON)
Derek Masaki USGS SCGIS April

1 Files – Presentation and Demo everglades_bison_leaflet_mammals.html sesc_bisc_herpetofauna_2002_2003.csv sescbisc.csv BISON - SCGIS Presentation - Apr pptx sesc_biscayne_map.r rbison_demo.r create_everglades_leaflet_map.r sesc_biscayne_plot.png

2 BISON Overview

3 BISON Overview National Clearinghouse for biodiversity occurrences
261+ million records & growing. Nearly all U.S. species represented 55 environmental layers Who, what, when, where for every record. 1568 data sets from 380 global providers across Federal, State, and local Gov’ts, NGOs and Academia. Built on open source platforms (Apache, SOLR, OpenLayers, PostGIS) System APIs built first; Web application relies on open data APIs 819,426 unique collectors

4 BISON Description 4

5 BISON Description

6 Data Aggregation – Many Sources
Datasets from Federal agencies: BLM - Landscape Monitoring Framework - Plants (44,626) BLM - National Invasive Species Information Management System - Plants (62,317) EPA - National Lakes Assessment - Zooplankton (17,539) NPS - Inventory and Monitoring Program - NPSpecies Park Species Lists (256,073) USDA - PLANTS Database (2,390,439) USFS - Forest Inventory and Analysis - Tree Species (18,170,706) USFS - New York City Tree Census (516989) USFWS - Big Rivers Network Native Bee Survey Project (FWS No. F11AC00869) (6,071) USFWS - Mourning Dove Call-Count Survey (9,270) USFWS - Ruby Lake NWR - Vegetation Mapping Survey (577) Numerous sets from USGS Science Centers: Alaska, FORT, Leetown, NWHC, PIERC, PWRC, SESC & WERC. Highlighting PWRC... USGS PWRC - Bird Banding Lab - (61,605,303) USGS PWRC - Bird Phenology Program (585,541) USGS PWRC - Colonial Waterbirds - US (109,596) USGS PWRC - Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab - US-CA-MX - Bees (260,950) USGS PWRC - North American Breeding Bird Atlas Explorer (2,726,852) USGS PWRC - North American Breeding Bird Survey (2,288,254)

7 Data Standardization- Processing
Develop Metadata – FGDC and EML Align Data w/ Darwin Core Process Data in Compliance w/ BISON Standards e.g. ISO Date; ITIS Valid Name; US FIPS; Validate Taxonomy Validate Geography Populate PostGreSQL/PostGIS Populate SOLR Index

8 Data Aggregation – Metadata | Statistics

9 BISON Open Data Principles
Discoverability Provide adequate metadata for every dataset Sharing through open data catalogs Accessibility Developing multiple points of access through open data services Usability Connecting data to tools, maps, models, etc. Creating advanced APIs that return data functionality

10 BISON Open Data Principles
SOLR API – JSON CSV Response RESTful API URL Query bison” SOLR Spatial WMS

11 Data Discoverability

12 Data Discoverability

13 Data Interoperability

14 Data Interoperability
Using External Data : USDA Soil Service Web Map Service

15 Data Interoperability
Severe weather NEXRAD radar from NOAA with known occurrences of rare amphibians from USGS BISON

16 Web API – HTML Mashups The web services of BISON allow users to easily implement a variety of applications on their desktops or their own web sites. Examples and templates are given on the BISON web site. Output Formats (Direct Solr & API) JSON, JSONP, XML, SHP, CSV + WMS services Dynamic HTML driven using JavaScript in combination with JSON delivered through BISON APIs.

17 Mobile Geolocation– Augmented Reality
Augmented reality viewer [Android app] prototype. Mobile geolocation driven data applications.

18 Modeled Ranges – 48,000 Species
All species with appropriate data under current and future climate conditions.

19 Modeled Ranges Taenionema atlanticum (Winter Stonefly) as its habitat suitability shifts using the A2 scenario for three future timesteps. The A2 storyline and scenario family: a very heterogeneous world with continuously increasing global population and regionally oriented economic growth that is more fragmented and slower than in other storylines. Layers are CURRENT & A2 scenario, 2039, 2069, and 2099.

20 Spatio-Temporal Exploratory Models
Distribution of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Probability by ordinal day of the year for the 1920’s

21 Bird Banding Lab - Viewer
D3 Visualization – 62 Million Records – SQLite – Python API Harvester

22 Demos BISON Metadata
JSON WMS APIs Geoplatform Interoperability RBison R Geospatial R Leaflet

23 Thank You! Derek Masaki USGS Core Science Systems BISON Product Owner/Data Manager 23

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