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Fresh Expressions Of Church.

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1 Fresh Expressions Of Church


3 Unanimous approval at Synod Discussed and implemented in dioceses
20,000 copies sold Unanimous approval at Synod Discussed and implemented in dioceses Influence in UK Worldwide influence This bubbling of new life and creativity is matched by agreement of policy and support. Mission Shaped Church was commended unanimously by the General Synod. Most Diocesan Synods have debated the report and passed motions of support. Many have committed to action. If you are an Anglican, find out what happened in your diocese. The Church of England is in the process of changing its legal structures to enable the recognition of fresh expression of church. The Methodist Church passed a resolution at Conference in 2004 affiming fresh expressions as one of five priority areas. The Methodist Connexion and many dioceses are making new money available for mission projects. Again, find out what is happening locally. Together these elements combine to what may be the beginning of a new movement of mission.

4 The Declaration of Assent
“…which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation”

5 is a form of church for our changing culture
A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. It will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples. It will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context.

6 This is not new but fresh

7 The bigger picture ‘ provided the vehicle to say that the development
of fresh expressions of church should no longer be marginal but central & normative in our common life….. the development of a mixed economy…… is an essential part of our life and witness. Steve Croft, Mission Shaped Questions p4

8 both-and continue to grow and develop the church as it is
establish fresh expressions of church

9 bloodstream of the traditional, mainstream churches life.
“Discovering new expressions of the church’s life has now become part of the bloodstream of the traditional, mainstream churches life. So you’re going to hear something now about being the Church, and being the Church of England, not about something marginal, something eccentric, but about the very life blood of who we are and what we are”.

10 Parishes in 2006 engaged with fresh expressions of church since 2000
Research & Statistics Parishes in 2006 engaged with fresh expressions of church since 2000 30% planning to begin a fresh expression in next 2 yrs

11 102 parishes are doing a fresh expression = 32 %
2006 Churchwardens Returns 102 parishes are doing a fresh expression = 32 % 44 parishes are planning to do something in the next two years.

12 There are 12 Fxc on the fresh expressions website
There are c17 fxc in the Diocese (11 started in 2008) A possible 8 starting this year


14 What difference is it making?
At least the topic area is known. We now have fresh expressions of everything. Lots of confusion/ questions Is fresh necessarily new? Is this just for the young? What does Mission-shaped mean? Will it work or last? Does this threaten our history? A beginning has been made

15 CRITICAL FACTORS New imagination about the church
New climate of permission New resources New pathways for ministry Old law revised to support mission

16 Its 1896: Fresh Expressions of Carriages?
Oh look It’s that odd Mr Daimler without his horse Consider all we have learnt about making comfortable carriages and the care of horses. You couldn’t throw all that away Besides Daimler’s thing is dangerous … Its always breaking down People walk ahead of it with a flag How vulgar – they’ll probably shorten it to “car” Its 1996 – Mr Daimler & Mr Benz present


18 Our situation

19 Different Mission Fields
Regular attenders – at least monthly (10%) Fringe - less than monthly (10%) Non Churched (40%) Open de-churched (20%) Closed dis-churched (20%) MSC p 37-40

20 Church attendance segmentation in 2006
Leaving aside the minority who are of other faiths, the UK adult population segments fairly evenly between the Non-churched, De-churched & churchgoers. Regular (at least monthly) churchgoers 15% Other religions 6% Unassigned 2% Closed non-churched 32% Fringe churchgoers (at least 6x yr. ) 3% Occasional churchgoers (at least annually) 7% Open de-churched 5% Open non-churched 1% Closed de-churched 28% Base: UK All adults (unw w. 7000) at TAM Wave 2

21 %

22 C of E statistics – by tables
% change % change % change 80– 2000 NB In which decade is decline faster? Feature of Church life PCC Vol Income -17 -39 -14 -11 -10 -5 +42 -13 -28 -43 -24 -16 -13 -14 -15 +30 -46 -40 -65 -35 -25 -22 -18 -15 +85 -52 -34 Stipend Clergy The variety of fringe contacts are declining faster than the core membership indicators Contacts with those under 35 are in steepest decline Adult attend Electoral Rolls Easter HC Baptisms Xmas HC Child Attendance * Marriages Confirmations * Child = <16 Bob Jackson: Hope for the Church p. 2 – put in a different order

23 But not secular

24 How have we defined a ‘searcher’?
Someone who has had cause to reconsider their core values, or think about the big issues like ‘the meaning of life’, in the last year 2000 interviews with a nationally representative sample of UK adults, conducted 24-27th April 09

25 Are People Searching and why?
73% of people are searching All ages, male and female, all but the lowest of social grades 70% of people are searching because of either the credit crunch, concern about personal finances or job insecurity

26 What is being considered?
2 in 3 searchers agree that in the last 12 months they have considered spending more time with family and friends or contacting past friends Looking out, to other people, not introspective Base: searchers

27 Are people considering prayer, the church or the Bible?
YES … a third of those who say they are Christian at all And, the research shows that it is the most helpful thing to do (after turning to family and friends) NO … if they do not belong to any religion These do not even feature on the ‘spiritual search map’ It is not that they are being considered but people haven’t got round to it yet, or that they have been tried and reject

28 For those without a religion, where do they look
For those without a religion, where do they look? (after family and friends) Reflective time alone Under 35s, Social grade C1, female Voluntary or community work Under 45s (part ), Social grade ABC1 Artistic or musical hobby Under 45, Social Grade ABC1 (very C1)

29 What kind of church?

30 Apostolic Catholic One
Holy “UP” Jesus focus Jesus followers Church is any expression of the life of Jesus in communal form Enduring Marks Apostolic “OUT” Catholic “OF” “IN” One Four linked Journeys OHCA

31 “ But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1;8

32 Half the picture Ends of the Earth Samaria Judea Jerusalem

33 “Concentric” Jerusalem Occasional Offices Pastoral Contacts Evangelism
Processes Pastoral Contacts

34 The eccentric effects…
The ends of the earth Samaria Judea The centre and the Acts story shift Samaria is not a return ticket story moves from a focus on Peter to Paul the Church goes west church is done differently among Gentiles

35 The 2nd view Is the Holy Spirit is “eccentric”? Judea … Fringe ?
Samaria … De-Churched ? The ends of the earth …. Non-Churched ? Churched Jerusalem Is the Holy Spirit is “eccentric”?

36 ‘The church is what happens when Jesus is
there, there received and recognised. Church is the event of Jesus’ presence with it’s characteristic effect of gathering people round Him and making them see one another differently as they see Him.’

37 ‘How does the church become the evangelising centre it was meant
to be? Before we think of programmes or techniques, we need to be renewed in our vision of who Christ is and what God’s purposes are for the world.’ Rebecca Manley Pippert.

38 Cole and Young

39 A Critique a cultural obsession with newness, novelty & alternatives
create the church we want individualistic retreat from the world a brand bourgeois a new highway or a series of cul de sacs. Martin Percy , Old tricks for new dogs.

40 Our resources


42 Bishop’s Mission Order
“… to promote or further the mission of the church through fostering or developing a distinctive Christian community which will itself be part of the wider Church of England.”

43 Finance for initiatives
Self-financing Locally funded (e.g. by a parish) Diocesan resources National seed-corn money

44 Public worship probably isn’t the best starting point

45 Loving Service Forming Community Evolving Worship Evangelism and
Prayer and Support Loving Service Forming Community Evangelism and Disciple- Making Evolving Worship Listening and Following God’s call Connection

46 Modification of the existing
is not enough


48 Mission shapes the church

49 Christ and the Church: Incarnation
Church doesn’t just belong to Christ, but is shaped by his dynamics, reproducing his patterns. Incarnation A typically bipartite process Like humans from breath and dust, or in the covenant Spirit and Mary Christ=God the Son and Son of Mary So Incarnation was not a transplant Christ the eternal son is shaped by the mission context/ he even has Mary’s DNA neither was Incarnation a case of Cloning

50 Incarnation cont… 2. The Process exhibits continuity and change
cf Philippians 2: Celebrating sacrificial changes Christ Jesus = FX of God the Son? Jesus’ call : the planned/ proactive Jesus’ openness to change / reactive Continuity : his ID, relationship to Trinity etc Change: Enfleshed, ministry, Death and Resurrection So church should not be photocopied – but created, holding continuity and change together. Jesus: Sent by God, shaped by Mission

51 assume that we can automatically
‘The reality is that mainstream culture no longer brings people to the church door. We can no longer assume that we can automatically reproduce ourselves, because the pool of people who regard church as relevant or important is decreasing with every generation’ Mission shaped church report p11

52 “ we understood mission one way and organised life to
accomplish it. We have awakened to find out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing on mission, we have to turn the furniture around and face a different direction. We may even have to move into another room.” Loren Mead. The Once and Future Church

53 “church planting is a process by which a seed
of the life and message of Jesus, embodied by a community of Christians is immersed for mission reasons in a particular cultural or geographic context. The intended consequence is that it roots there, coming to life as a new indigenous body of Christian disciples well suited to continue in mission.” MSC report

54 Please note: OXC M-S C FXC Church DNA Mission Context
The prime issue is not being Fresh Church DNA Mission Context M-S C OXC FXC The key is the process – not what it looks like

55 Ask the right questions
Who is it for? Who is it by? Who is it with?

56 of reaching unchurched
Keep the value of reaching unchurched top of the list

57 Paul Roberts – What is missional?
If by 'missional' is meant a proven and primary capacity to bring unbelievers to faith and discipleship, then the answer has to be 'no' - although a new group within it has just started, aimed at the 'Alpha market' which may usher in changes here. However, if we broaden the definition to include a group which attracts people who might otherwise be on an exit trajectory from other forms of 'missional church‘ and which helps them to continue and to grow in the practice and articulation of their Christian faith, then the answer has to be a 'yes'. It has actively sought, often with considerable pain, not to become a therapeutic group for ex-evangelicals (or ex-charismatics). It is real church: a community of disciples committed to Jesus Christ and meeting together for worship, prayer, pastoral care and growing together in faith. But full-on intentional evangelistic work is still on the back foot. Paul Roberts – What is missional?

58 ‘Transformed leaders have a clear conviction that God can and will
work through their congregation to change lives and that their congregation of people can be used by God to help change the world. Such vision begins with the clear vision of the evangelising community and what that community might look like in its particular setting and circumstances

59 evangelistic strategy
The importance of an evangelistic strategy What are you asking people to do? What training are you providing? What is the church’s role? Model it ! Minimise meetings, maximise relationships

60 I have become all things to all people, so that I might by any means save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel.. ( 1 Cor 9;22)

61 This might change US

62 Dying to live “ I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat
falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 13; 23-6

‘…do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, beautiful as that place may seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have been before.’ Vincent Donovan

64 KEY PRINCIPLES Inculturation (Embodying the Gospel)
Planting not cloning. 'Dying to live’ Something new grows

65 KEY PRINCIPLE FROM - Detailed advance planning
TO - Discernment in context. ‘Seeing what God is doing and joining in.’


67 Welcome the three eccentrics

68 The 3 eccentrics Who are the Philips? A Dangerous Deacon?
Allow space for the unknowns Discover Cornelius who evangelizes who Pray for Pauls Eccentrics will do it differently

69 The challenge of discipleship

70 Simple in its nature Relational in its emphasis Transformational in its outcomes

71 How do we incarnate the gospel in consumer cultures?
‘The changing nature of our missionary context requires a new inculturation of the gospel within our society.’ ‘The gospel has to be heard within the culture of the day, but it always has to be heard as a call to appropriate repentance. It is the incarnation of the gospel, within a dominantly consumer society, that provides the Church of England with its major missionary challenge.’ Mission Shaped Church

72 The model of Jesus life INCARNATION - The world to enter
CROSS - The world to counter RESURRECTION - The world to anticipate

73 Don’t end with church but
continue with mission

More first time buyers - non churched, younger Moving to maturity - sacraments Discipleship - built into the process Discernment not cloning Mission accompaniers

75 Alan Roxburgh’s Five Steps
Awareness Understanding Evaluation Experimentation Commitment The Missional Leader



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