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Cook & Heat Stoves Use in Mongolia

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1 Cook & Heat Stoves Use in Mongolia
Prof. Adiyasuren Tsokhio CCAC Focal Point, Counselor to the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia

2 In Mongolia, simple stoves are used in 2 main applications:
Cooking purposes Heating purposes

3 The stoves are very simple and easy to use (firing) Wood and coal are the main fuels of the stoves for firing Cook & heat stoves are commonly used in all provinces, soums and local areas in Mongolia

4 Ulaanbaatar is the capital city of Mongolia
Its population is estimated 1.3 million (sometimes reaches 1.5 million) Of which, about 60% lives in traditional ger-houses In UB, about 200,000 households use these simple cook & heat stoves for cooking and heating purposes, and their main fuel for firing is raw coal

5 In UB, annually 900 000 tons of coal is used in the ger- stoves for firing
Every ger -stove used is 3-5 tons of coal at per year

6 Traditional Three Stones Stove
Mongolians used to use three stones cooking fire starting from primitive culture until 1920s, and they used to fire woods and dry manure. Until this time they had not used coal for firing, and from that period they had just started using coal in very low amount in the city centers.

7 Traditional Open Fire Stove
Mongolians live in traditional gers, which are portable, round tents covered with felts. Heat loss of gers is high. Mongolians used to use open fire stoves, which are made of round shaped iron hoops, placing them in the center of gers for firing woods and manures until 1950s. The open fire stoves had been used for both heating and cooking purposes.

8 Main reasons of using cook & heat stoves:
Heating purposes: In Mongolia, weather is cold almost in 6 months in a year. In winter, temperature is around - 20ºC to - 30ºC. Thus, the stoves are used for heating.

9 2. Cooking purposes: Traditionally, Mongolians use pots for cooking by placing them on the stoves The stoves are used for cooking food and boiling tea for more than 3 times in a day

10 Raw coal as the main fuel for firing
Pollutants emitted from coal combustion: PM2.5 PM10 SOx NOx CO

11 Indoor air pollution: Indoor air pollution is significantly higher.

12 Outdoor air pollution:
Black carbon is emitted from using stoves at 3-4 m height by the stovepipes Due to these usage, air pollution in UB is very high

13 Air pollution in winter:
60-70% of air pollution in winter season is due to use of coals for firing in ger-districts

14 РМ2.5 level in Ulaanbaatar, by months
As shown in Figures during the winter period, the levels of РМ2.5 and other major air pollutants exceed the standard.

15 Air pollution and health:
Air pollution caused diseases are higher: Respiratory diseases ……. Cardiovascular diseases …….

16 Cases of respiratory diseases per 10000 population in Ulaanbaatar, 2005-2014

17 Cases of cardiovascular diseases per 10000 population in Ulaanbaatar, 2005-2014

18 Stove renovation: From 2011 until today total of renovated stoves, of which offered with price incentives by international cooperation projects and subsidies by Clean Air Fund, and 7500 by the State Budget has been distributed to households living in ger districts. It includes 97.6% of total households living in ger districts.

19 Some types of the stoves experimentally used for applying in households living in ger-districts
G-2 stoves (invented by master Gotovdorj D.) Stoves imported from Inner Mongolia Imported from Turkey & China etc.

20 Results: According to studies and measurements, air pollution had been reduced by 20-30% in 2015 But air pollutions still exists

21 Lessons learned: Public does not emphasize the importance of stove renovation, and does not support it However, air pollution caused diseases are higher, the public could not pay much attention to it in order to overcome the cold winter season

22 Legislation: New Law on Air Pollution was adopted in 2012. But the law provisions are inapplicable due to political reasons

23 For setting the air pollution payment:
According to the law, coal mining pays the payment According to the “Polluter Pays” Principle, the coal users must pay the payment for polluting the air. But due to political reasons, the polluters are being freed of payments

24 Reasons why air pollution is not decreasing:
Life of people living in the countryside largely depends on pastoral livestock farming. Due to natural disasters including harsh winter and dry summer conditions, the people lose large number of their livestock, and they migrate to the city for living. It is one of the reasons that the population of Ulaanbaatar city has been growing. Annually about households move to the city from the countryside. Therefore, it has been planned to provide the people with livestock and encourage them to move back to the rural areas. But it is a challenging solution.

25 Reasons why air pollution is not decreasing:
Public does not emphasize the importance of air pollution reduction No support from air polluters for reduction of air pollution Laws and legislations are being inappropriate

26 Needs of measures to be undertaken:
To implement the resolution of the Government of Mongolia to free the households living in ger-districts from electricity bills during night hours To encourage citizens’ investment and participation in the stove renovation action

27 Next steps: Gaps, Needs and Questions
Public information dissemination To provide public and youth with sufficient information about impacts and consequences of air pollution, and to get support from them. More Public awareness activities To make a decision on limiting use of raw coal in Ulaanbaatar To use electricity instead of burning coal for heating in households living in ger districts in Ulaanbaatar, to improve capacity of power plants, and to renovate technology for existing power plants

28 Next steps: Gaps, Needs and Questions
Economic incentives According to the “Polluter Pays” Principle, users of raw coal should pay the air pollution payment. But the members of parliament make decisions not to burden the citizens with other payments and fees. To legally ban use of raw coals in Ulaanbaatar To implement the resolution of the Government of Mongolia to free the households living in ger districts from electricity bills during night hours

29 Next steps: Gaps, Needs and Questions
To offer tax incentives for entities which introduce alternative heating equipment for ger-houses, and encourage the public for their safe use The Government of Mongolia has been planning to continue the construction development for ger districts as of future goals. The loan offered from China has been projected to be spent for ger area development.

30 Thank you for your attention

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