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Setting: Name Integer Real String Date Aircraft: Callsign Type ...

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Presentation on theme: "Setting: Name Integer Real String Date Aircraft: Callsign Type ..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting: Name Integer Real String Date Aircraft: Callsign Type ...
Logical Data Structure Pilot Landmark Settings Setting: Name Integer Real String Date Aircraft: Callsign Type ... Aircraft Type Route Flight Pilot: Name Password RouteCurrent Runway: Pilot Longitude Latitude Length Width Rotation HeightAgl HeightCircuit Showname Name Snippet Surface Number1 Number2 CircuitLength1 CircuitLength2 XwindAngle1 XwindAngle2 Image: Bitmap Diameter Flight: Route Aircraft TimeStart TimeEnd FuelStart FuelEnd Notes Aircraft Waypoint Polygon: Ceiling Name Description Breadcrumb Route: Pilot Name Vertex: Polygon Longitude Latitude Breadcrumb: Flight DateTime Longitude Latitude Heading Speed Altitude Waypoint: Route Latitude Longitude Radio: Frequency Description

2 Landmark Manager Yes Create async? No Label Route Aircraft Runway
Object Model Landmark Manager Map Marker Yes Create async? No Marker + Tag Map Marker Map Marker Marker + Aircraft Tag Marker+ Aircraft Tag Label Route Aircraft Runway number Circle Image Route Start Route Handle Route End Polyline Polygon Bread crumb Handle Waypoint Handle User Handle Temp

3 App Widgets Data Flow Diagram 2. App initialise 1. App startup Sign in
Build Route Server database Local database Populate local db Create Landmarks 3. User interface Map Zoom etc. Adjust settings 4. In flight App Widgets Drop Breadcrumb 1. On startup, if the server is available then Login using and password. Sync with local database else run with what we have in the local db. 2. Build landmarks and load last used route using local database. 3. User can change things at any time. These are stored on the local db and fed back to the server when possible. 3. User can select a different route at any time and make adjustments. Adjustments are fed back to the server. 4. The app receives the GPS location and drops breadcrumbs periodically. If the server is available, these breadcrumbs are fed back to the server else the breadcrumbs are stored until they can be fed back. 4. The app queries the server every second (or so) for the locations of other flying aircraft. A widget is created and managed by the app for each. 4. At appropriate times, the app gets weather data from the Yahoo and/or Openweather feeds. This is displayed graphically and in text. Server Breadcrumbs Enter flight data Select route Show other aircraft Add Landmark Adjust route Get Weather Internet weather

4 Get Google SignIn status Get Pilot who last used app
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 – 1.1 Sign In Sign In dialog Get Google SignIn status Local Setting Get Pilot who last used app Signed in? Yes No Show Google SignIn button Pilot Get aircraft used by pilot Aircraft Click Google (or Settings) button Click Google signin button and sign in Initialise Firebase + Add aircraft call sign

5 2. Firebase Authorise GetReference GetReference “pilots” “flying”
Data Flow Diagram Level 3 – Initialise Firebase 1. Firebase start 2. Firebase Authorise GetReference “pilots” GetReference “flying” Firebase “flying” 3. Add event listener

6 1. Get Pilot who last used app
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 – 2.1 Build Route Local Setting 1. Get Pilot who last used app Pilot 2. Get route last used by pilot Route Waypoint 3. Display Route

7 Click/hold map Show grab handles Adjust then click OK Show dialog
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 – 3 Add Landmark Click/hold map Show grab handles Adjust then click OK Show dialog Complete then click OK Save to database Draw landmark +

8 Create new MarkerOptions
Data Flow Diagram Level 3 – 3.1 Add Landmark Async task Create new MarkerOptions Fill MarkerOptions onPostExecute Create marker from MarkerOptions

9 Show “start route” snippet
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 – 3 Select route Click start runway Show “start route” snippet Click snippet Click end runway Show “end route” snippet Click snippet Get route from database Display (or create new) route

10 Hold route vertex handle
Data Flow Diagram Level 2 – 3 Adjust route Hold route vertex handle Move route handle Dropped on existing vertex? Yes – Delete vertex No – Create new vertexes Save to database

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