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Q1 Notes #4 Law In American Society

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1 Q1 Notes #4 Law In American Society
DUE PROCESS Q1 Notes #4 Law In American Society

2 1. Due process is derived from the 5th and 14th Amendments.
-Society’s basic notions of legal fairness

3 “No person shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law” - 5th Amendment “All citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law” -14th Amendment

4 DUE PROCESS Def: Legal procedures that protect rights of individual

5 2. Two types of due process
a. Substantive Due Process i. Def: Court protection of individual’s basic freedoms ii. Deals with laws and gov’t action iii. Used mostly in cases involving rights not in Constitution

6 1. examples: a. right to privacy i. abortion rights ii. right to marry

7 b. Procedural Due Process (Fair Procedures)
i. Def: Right to fair access to and fair treatment in courts (protection against gov’t) ii. Minimum (set by Supreme Court)— gov’t must give notice of its plans; citizens must have chance to comment 1. does not guarantee gov’t will listen or citizen will like the action

8 iii. Usually—gov’t must follow certain procedures before acting
1. Examples: a. being fired from gov’t job b. cut off social security payments c. send someone to jail

9 iv. May also include: 1. a hearing before an impartial person
2. attorney 3. calling witnesses on one’s behalf (5th)

10 cross-examination of witnesses (5th)
transcript of proceedings 6. right to appeal (This all describes the trial process)

11 v. Procedures depend on three factors:
1. seriousness of potential harm 2. cost to gov’t (time and money) to enact 3. risk of error without it

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